View Full Version : I'm crazy...shelter called, two babies

09-15-2011, 01:21 AM
These are kittens the mama is refusing to feed. Although they're apparently a month old. Really cold. I'm assuming it's all the same: warm, feed Pedialyte? I have no idea if anyone knows about kittens. I'm only keeping them overnight until I can show someone else how to bottlefeed, however. As if I'm now an expert! :shakehead

I'm getting them warmed up and am trying to get the more responsive one to drink some Pedialyte...she's not really doing it. Force feed a little? They gave me some kitten formula, but I'm assuming not yet. The shelter only had an auto-shutoff heating pad--anyone know how long that lasts? I am keeping them in a totally separate room from the squirrel, just in case they have something.

Sorry to post non-squirrel stuff.

09-15-2011, 01:37 AM
Hi Adventurista. Boy, they're cute! While I am a cat person, I've never had the pleasure of hand-rearing kittens. I did find this link: http://www.feralcat.com/raising.html Looks like there's some starter info there, at least. I hope they do fine. The less responsive one is the white one, I'm guessing?

09-15-2011, 01:38 AM
Another link that looks useful...


09-15-2011, 01:41 AM
Hi Adventurista. Boy, they're cute! While I am a cat person, I've never had the pleasure of hand-rearing kittens. I did find this link: http://www.feralcat.com/raising.html Looks like there's some starter info there, at least. I hope they do fine. The less responsive one is the white one, I'm guessing?

Thanks for the link! I was just about to go looking. Yes the white one isn't as responsive. Man, I hate going to the shelter. Although this is the first time when I didn't cry! :wahoo

Fortunately, a girl who has lots of experience raising orphaned kitties just stepped up and I think they'll let her take them tomorrow. :)

09-15-2011, 01:46 AM
Thanks for the link! I was just about to go looking. Yes the white one isn't as responsive. Man, I hate going to the shelter. Although this is the first time when I didn't cry! :wahoo

Fortunately, a girl who has lots of experience raising orphaned kitties just stepped up and I think they'll let her take them tomorrow. :)

That's great news. In case it comes up, one of those links mentions the risk, similar to squirrels, of aspiration when feeding. Probably didn't have to tell you that. Glad you managed to not cry at the shelter. I know that feeling! :grouphug

09-15-2011, 01:53 AM
That's great news. In case it comes up, one of those links mentions the risk, similar to squirrels, of aspiration when feeding. Probably didn't have to tell you that. Glad you managed to not cry at the shelter. I know that feeling! :grouphug

I did figure the risk or aspiration was about the same. The shelter gave me a bottle, but I'm nervous about it. I think I'll use one of my syringes, and then throw it away. I do NOT want to get my squirrel baby sick. Too much investment there! hahaha! I'm not sure they were thrilled to hear I'm raising a baby squirrel....oh well. I'm doing them a favor. The girl said that squirrels are vermin. Blah, blah! I came at midnight and took her kitties, she can deal with it, right? :rotfl

09-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Kittens are fine with bottles and tend to do best on them. It is pretty much the same with kittens but they are not as fragile as squirrels and wildlife. I always use KMR as I do not trust the store brand of stuff like that. They appear to b e younger than a month... maybe around 2-3 weeks. At a month they will be walking a little wobbly but playful and begin to try mush in a shallow plate. Feed every 3 hours during the day and every 4 to 5 at night. They have to be stimulated to go as well but are easier than squirrels and can empty everything after about 2 rounds of rubbing. They also will know when they are full and getting enough because the nurse off the bottle until they are satisfied and forcing them to eat extra formula can cause some digestive upset. If she is lethargic try some karo syrup on gums and if that doesn't work you may have to slowly dropper or syringe feed. In that case they usually eat about .5 to 1 oz a meal once they have gotten used to the change in nipple and formula. Karo syrup will also help the lethargy as it gives a boost of energy that may be enough to get it to eat on its own. Aspiration in kittens is also a big problem and can cause issues as well but if you are careful then they are normally fine once they learn to nurse from the bottle they set their own pace and very rarely will they aspirate. I use a heating pad until they are about 4 weeks but know people that give them plenty of blankets and dont use one at all after they open their eyes so I don't think it is 100% necessary. I hope this helps. They are adorable!!! Girls or boys?

09-15-2011, 11:57 PM
The girl said that squirrels are vermin. Blah, blah! I came at midnight and took her kitties, she can deal with it, right? :rotfl

Well, Friedrich Nietzsche said there's a disease on the skin of the earth and it's called 'man,' but I don't know if I believe that either! :D

How are they tonight? :)

09-16-2011, 11:18 AM
All this info is awesome! I've hand raised kittens before, from one week. Watch out for their little claws. You think squirrel nails are bad when eating? Get an angry baby kitty hungry for its bottle. I had bloody hands for weeks, but that cat was the best cat I ever had.

He had a few quirks cause he was a lonely orphan though. Its so much better if they have their littler mates.