View Full Version : Percy is injured badly!
09-14-2011, 10:41 PM
I don't know the extent of his injuries. He's the squirrel that attacks anyone that comes near him. We've been letting him out for the day time and he came back 3 days later and has slept for over 48 hours waking to his right front leg very swollen, about 3 times it's normal size. His head has been bitten and I can't see anywhere else as I can't get near him. He's shaking and falling over and when trying to give him a small piece of avocado he tried to bite but we got out of the way fast enough. We can't touch him, and I have antibiotic but can't give it to him. I fear he is dying in front of my eyes. Is theree anything I can do? PS, this is a rescued squirrel from just a small 2 week old and he's now a year and a half. He turned on me about a month ago and hasn't been right since.
Thanks, Joanne in Jax
09-14-2011, 10:44 PM
You need to burrito him in a towel and force the meds in him.
09-14-2011, 11:06 PM
Poor Percy...he needs your help but you need GLOVES-and not garden gloves... You Need Welder's Gloves... so that you can hold him securely to apply your ABs. You know his tendency to bite--and your love for him shouldn't put you in a dangerous position.
Be Careful...
>>>> P.S. No SHORT SLEEVES,,,,
09-14-2011, 11:10 PM
Thank you, I don't have any welders gloves and I can't get close enough to him to burrito him, so I'll have to wait til morning to see if he's still alive and if he is get some welders gloves.
Thank you again,
Jo in Jax
09-14-2011, 11:26 PM
Even with the heavy Gloves--it will DEFINITELY be at least a 2-person operation. You should plan to grab Percy with BOTH Hands...and just HOLD ON.
He will squirm and squeal --DON'T let go If he gets free--he likely will be EXTRA Angry--and may come at you or your assistant....With both hands holding him , he should calm down a little once he realizes that he is "conquered"
Have a cage to put him in when you are done treating him. Close the doors CAREFULLY.but quickly... If you slam the doors while he is trying to get out--you might hurt him even more.
I almost pinched my Rama -putting him in his cage--following a biting incident.
09-14-2011, 11:56 PM
Thank you Stosh :-)
island rehabber
09-15-2011, 06:41 AM
Home Depot sells the gloves like stosh is wearing for about $14.99...:thumbsup Good luck Joanne!
09-15-2011, 06:52 AM
Something else...
Because they are VERY THICK, they will be wear them and practice holding things--- picking up different objects to get the "feel" of them
You want to break them in..and in time they will soften and become more flexible. Maybe grab onto a towel and have someone try and pull the towel from your grasp.( eg. a squirming squirrel) It will be practice for holding on tight---but NOT too tight...
good luck..I hope Percy is doing OK this morning.
PS --keep the towels close during the "Grabbing session". Wear them like a scarf, over your shoulders.If Percy get loose, you can wrap them around your head/face for protection. ( The voice of experience)
09-15-2011, 07:37 PM
How is Percy?
09-15-2011, 08:53 PM
He's not good. He sleeps all day and night but does come out for water and food once a day. I've tried to make the food and water easily accessible to him though. He's still very injured but goes into attack mode and falls over if I put my hand in the cage. He can still bite I'm sure, and he can walk but not very well. I'm hoping with time and me leaving him alone he'll recover. He seems a tiny bit better today but then I may just be hoping?
Jo in Jax
09-15-2011, 09:22 PM
Do you have Rescue Remedy? It is available in a spray bottle, and can help "CALM" Percy if sprayed on his feet. If his head bites fester you will need to apply some treatments.
09-15-2011, 09:27 PM
Are there illnesses like distemper that can be transmitted through bites etc and affect behavior and balance in squirrels the way they can raccoons?
09-15-2011, 09:47 PM
If you can throw a big towel over him, you can scoop him up in it and eventually get it into a burrito. The darkness of the the towel seems to make them go quiet for a bit.
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