View Full Version : She's back & not wanting to use a paw...

09-14-2011, 03:58 PM
Cecil, my overwintered girl has been going out during the day being a wild child and coming home to the release cage to sleep at night. Yesterday she came home early not wanting to use her right front paw. I brought her inside into a smaller cage to restrict movement, and she is now just laying around. She is eating for me and using the paw a bit to grasp things, but I can tell she is not a happy camper. She only comes out to see what I have for her. I have been enticing her with her favorites - avocado, sugar snap peas, etc. I have children and infant motrin on hand. What would be the dosage for a 1 1/2 pound squirrel? What else should I do for her? I have looked at the paw and can't see anything wrong with it. Last night it felt very hot on my hand though and her left front paw did not.

09-14-2011, 04:31 PM
Hot sounds like maybe infection? Any cuts or visible punctures? I hope its just a sprain, the way they fly thru the trees, it's bound to happen.
Can you cover the release cage totally ? Dark and quiet will aid in keeping Cecil calm and maybe she won't need to use that paw for a while.

09-14-2011, 04:45 PM
Infant ibuprophen 0.17cc every four hours as needed.

09-14-2011, 09:00 PM
:thankyou Thanks CritterMom, I knew you would have the dosage!!!

Stosh, I can't find any obvious injury. Maybe it was warm from the paw tuck she has been doing.:thinking

Hopefully, she will be on the mend soon.

09-14-2011, 09:29 PM
do you really think giving it ibuprofen is a good idea? It may feel that it's better and go out and climb around, and damage it's ligaments worse than it is.

Pain tells the squirrel not to use it's paw, it is a good thing.

09-15-2011, 06:39 AM
Karen, I have her in a small cage where she cannot really hurt herself. I was thinking of the ibuprofen for it's anti inflammatory agencies more than a pain reliever.

Since she is using the paw to grasp again I am thinking it is just a sprain. I will keep her confined until she is using it completely.