View Full Version : A few questions

09-12-2011, 07:45 PM
Hi Guys! This isnt my first time raising a squirrel, but this is my first time raising 6 (all diff. ages.) So I have no choice but to ask these questions.

1. I have an 11-12 week old male grey who is getting moderatly aggressive. I usually start the soft release at 14 weeks, should I just tough it out for a couple more weeks or can I try? I can handle him but not without a fight. He is very strong and vocal. I have never had one so sassy!

2. I also have 2 older squirrels about 8 weeks old (one black and one fox), they are in with the big man (albert), he loves them, and I know they cannot be released with him- will they be ok without him?

3. Chadwick, my 6 week old male fox is also doing something weird. He is starting to refuse formula. I have had some success adding a bit of maple or dark karo syrup to the formula to get him to suckle (sometimes I have to add babyfood too), and he is tasting cheerios, soft fruit, baby food and rodent blocks, but not really eating them yet. He is very active (maybe a bit small for his age (he was in BAD shape when I got him 3 weeks ago), normal poop ect. Currently he is in the small cage with the younger ones.

ANYWAY- When can I put the crazy sweet boy in the big house?

4. How do I get Chad to eat better?

5. The last 2 squirrelies, a 5 week old grey (harlow) and Roarke a 3.5 week old fox are in with chad. They sleep together, chad sleeps apart most of the time. As he gets older will he hurt them? Will solid food I put in for chad hurt them?

Thanks in advance! So so many Q!:dono

island rehabber
09-12-2011, 08:51 PM
I'll try to answer your questions right within your text, ok?

Hi Guys! This isnt my first time raising a squirrel, but this is my first time raising 6 (all diff. ages.) So I have no choice but to ask these questions.

1. I have an 11-12 week old male grey who is getting moderatly aggressive. I usually start the soft release at 14 weeks, should I just tough it out for a couple more weeks or can I try? I can handle him but not without a fight. He is very strong and vocal. I have never had one so sassy! Go ahead and start the process. I have had as many ready-to-go 11-weekers as I have had 20-wk olds afraid of their own shadows :D

2. I also have 2 older squirrels about 8 weeks old (one black and one fox), they are in with the big man (albert), he loves them, and I know they cannot be released with him- will they be ok without him? They'll be ok...he might be lonely.

3. Chadwick, my 6 week old male fox is also doing something weird. He is starting to refuse formula. I have had some success adding a bit of maple or dark karo syrup to the formula to get him to suckle (sometimes I have to add babyfood too), and he is tasting cheerios, soft fruit, baby food and rodent blocks, but not really eating them yet. He is very active (maybe a bit small for his age (he was in BAD shape when I got him 3 weeks ago), normal poop ect. Currently he is in the small cage with the younger ones. try making the formula much warmer, see if he likes that. Or, chop up some rodent blocks and nuts and make balls using the formula -- any way you can get it into him! Six weeks is too young for weaning.

ANYWAY- When can I put the crazy sweet boy in the big house?

4. How do I get Chad to eat better? Hold off on nuts and fruits, you're creating a sugar junkie. Offer him sweet potato, kale, chickory, snow pea pods, and the occasional apple chunk as a treat.

5. The last 2 squirrelies, a 5 week old grey (harlow) and Roarke a 3.5 week old fox are in with chad. They sleep together, chad sleeps apart most of the time. As he gets older will he hurt them? Will solid food I put in for chad hurt them? I don't keep eyes closed babies in with eyes opened babies, because I feel they get trampled. :dono

09-13-2011, 07:08 AM
Thank you!

Some things have changed.

I removed Donovan, the fox squirrel, from the big cage and into the baby cage. He wasnt eating well, and prompty slurped down a bunch of formula. He seems to love the extra attention.

Albert is down right anti social now. I am planning on starting the soft release process this weekend.

I cant help however, to worry if celeste will be ok alone in the big cage?

island rehabber
09-13-2011, 07:11 AM
Was Celeste one of the two in with Albert? I may have lost ya somewhere :rotfl

09-13-2011, 07:20 AM
for all we know Celest will like the attention and room in a big cage!!!