View Full Version : Hurt Chipmunk!

09-12-2011, 03:55 PM
Hey there everyone. Need your you help ASAP!!!
look what the cat brought us...
My dad found my cat standing over this poor little guy. We have noticed it has not yet moved its front legs. They seemed paralyzed. His/her back legs were moving though. If I don't do anything soon, I doubt he will make it. I need to know if there is anything I can do for this little guy.

09-12-2011, 04:17 PM
Poor little guy. He might be in shock. One of the experienced rehabbers should be on to help soon. It would be ideal to take the chipmunk to a vet because he will likely need antibiotics if the cat even grazed him. Cat nails and teeth carry potent bacteria.

Until then, you want to make sure he is warm. You can wrap him in a cloth and put him down your shirt or use a heating pad. Put the chippie in a plastic or cardboard box with a thin cloth inside the box that he can burrow in. Put the box half on top of the heating pad and turn it to low. Ideally it will be one without "auto shut-off."

Just try to keep the chipmunk in a quiet calm place and warm for now.

island rehabber
09-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Another front-end injury....the cat may have crushed its collar ones or upper spine. If you have a wildlife vet somewhere out there I would definitely bring him. A chipmunk (or any squirrel) can't feed itself if its front legs are paralyzed. If you don't have vet access, all you can do is keep him warm and quiet and offer some pieces of fruit, nuts and water until you can fully assess his injuries. :(

09-12-2011, 10:27 PM
I'm still searching around for a vet. In the meantime, she has been eating a little apple. She is doing better than earlier. She is using the restroom often and is still moving her back legs
A lot. Thanks for your replies

09-14-2011, 07:48 PM
She started moving a bit more. I am now pretty sure its a broken leg or shoulder because she has been using one of her front legs a little bit. I know some of you have had experiences like this with squirrels, so I am just trying to find out if I can do anything for her. I don't have any vets around me that deal with wildlife.

Can anyone help me?

She eats a little each day. Mostly apple slices and a some seeds/nuts.

Swelling has gone down from when the pictures were taken.


09-15-2011, 12:44 AM
Hi Wubby. Can you say what city in SC you're in? Could be someone will know of a wildlife-friendly vet nearby. Hope your little one is doing well. Glad to hear she's eating. Thanks for looking out for her. :grouphug

09-15-2011, 10:03 PM
I haven't had alot of experience of something like this with Chipmunks but once i had a Chipmunk who broke her back leg after a fall and all i did was confine her to a small cage so she couldn't injure the leg further. At first she was getting around on three legs but gradually started using the bad leg and as she used it better i slowly upgraded her to a bigger cage, first it was a Hamster cage with only two levels, then a three level Hamster cage and then a small Rat cage and a few months later she was using all four legs and soon she was recovered running around on all four so hopefully its something similar with your Chippie.

Thankfully it doesn't sound like paralysis since you said she has been using one front leg so i think a broken leg seems most likely.

Is she eating ok?

I hope for a good recovery