View Full Version : A quick hello,

09-12-2011, 01:20 PM
hi everyone,
my name is CJP and im from London, England.
About 3 weeks ago i discovered a young male grey squirrel (8-10 weeks) that seemed weak and scared in a park in a busy part of east london which is surrounded by roads. i could not see any other squirrels around and decided to take him home and look after him. to start with i did this in the worst way possible and did not do the appropriate research and made a number of mistakes in caring for him which resulted in him showing signs of what i now know to be MBD, (i will go into more detail in a moment) which i fortunately seem to have dealt with.
while this experience was definately unpleasant for me but more importantly for him its upside has been that i have taken my responsibilities in caring for him much more seriously and have spent a good deal of time researching squirrel care (many of your posts have been very helpful in this).
I do still feel how ever that any advice i can get from everyone would be very valuable.
for most of the time ive had Chip (i called the squirrel chip) i fed him cows milk, fruit and unsalted peanuts. then about a week and a half ago he seemed disinterested in the milk so i stopped feeding him that and gave him more solids. (i can hear you all groan through the internet! i know, many mistakes there!)
by not giving chip the appropriate diet he began showing signs of MBD (seizure like shaking and stiff back legs) on friday though he now appears to be back on top form, which is great as i was very worried the other day. he is incredibly tame and affectionate and ive become very fond of him.
to combat the MBD this i went to a reptile house and got some calcium powder which i now spinkle on his food but at the time gave him a lot of by mixing it with water. i give him a variety of fruits and veg as well as seeds and salad leaves. i give him peanuts as a treat. i also now feed him a syringe full of goats milk with a little of the calcium powder in it which he seems to love about 3 times a day. he also has a bowl of water and a hamster water bottle with a little metal nozzel and he drinks from both. i also got him some puppy formula but he doesnt seem interested in that at all... il try again with it at a later date maybe. i am starting to feed him with gerbil food as well, is this ok?
he lives in a cage which is about 3 foot wide, 2 foot across and 2.5 feet high and it has plenty of braches and things that he climbs on, but im looking to get another cage that i can wire to this one and give him more space to run around. i am hoping to buy him a really big cage but cant afford this yet and im not sure how long it will be until he might want to go back into the wild so a second cage connected to the first will have to do for now. i let him out of his cage for most of the day when im off work but when at work he is out for half an hour before i go to work and when i get back in the eve. ive taken him outside a few times (i live next to woodlands), unfortunately he seems not to enjoy this but i will keep trying.
if i am still doing something wrong with him please let me know!
Thanks everyone, hope to hear back from you soon.

09-12-2011, 02:13 PM
It's great that you are looking for more info on how to raise your little guy, and you have come to the right place: tons of info!
IN Squirrel Nutrition from there are various instructions on how to treat MBD, how and what to feed your squirrel etc etc etc:





if your little guy had MBD< you need to follow Long-term MBD treatment. Even if symptoms are not visible, he, most likely, has not recovered yet. MBD recover is a long process, and external symptoms appear when some damage has already been done. Depending on how far it's gone, some of it can be reversed (or not), but it will take time.

Squirrels have very specific nutritional needs, and to meet those needs a very specific diet is needed, consisting of a good quality squirrel block + good green veggies, some fruit and a couple of nuts per day as treats. Peanuts are not recommended.
A good squirrel block - Henry's Healthy Block - can be purchased at www.henryspets.com, or there is a homemade recipe for it in Nutrition Forum as well. All ingredients are available at henryspets.com, but if international shipping is a problem, you might be able to find suitable substitutes (just consult with 4skwerlz - she is the author of the recipe).

There is also a separate forum on cages, nest boxes etc - please help yourself there, too.;-)

Keep asking questions. You can post them as separate threads.

ANd photos, please! ;-)

09-12-2011, 02:24 PM
:wave123 CJP & :Welcome to TSB! I'm glad you found and joined our site.
Although it's very good to hear you "saved" your little guy I fear he is far from being out of the woods. His diet is still very wrong! The first thing I'm reading is seeds & peanuts which is a big no! What I'm not seeing is rodent block which is a major essential in the nutrition for captive squirrels. What you described certainly sounds like MBD and his diet definitely needs work for continued healing and survival. It would be good if you could post a picture and knowing his weight is very important.

09-12-2011, 02:28 PM
i am putting in pine nuts and sunflower seeds with his fruit and veg, and i give him peanuts as a treat. is this wrong?
what is rodent block? they didnt have any in the pet shop or the pet section of the super market. im feeding him gerbil food as well, is this rodent block?

09-12-2011, 02:31 PM
It's great that you are looking for more info on how to raise your little guy, and you have come to the right place: tons of info!
IN Squirrel Nutrition from there are various instructions on how to treat MBD, how and what to feed your squirrel etc etc etc:





if your little guy had MBD< you need to follow Long-term MBD treatment. Even if symptoms are not visible, he, most likely, has not recovered yet. MBD recover is a long process, and external symptoms appear when some damage has already been done. Depending on how far it's gone, some of it can be reversed (or not), but it will take time.

Squirrels have very specific nutritional needs, and to meet those needs a very specific diet is needed, consisting of a good quality squirrel block + good green veggies, some fruit and a couple of nuts per day as treats. Peanuts are not recommended.
A good squirrel block - Henry's Healthy Block - can be purchased at www.henryspets.com, or there is a homemade recipe for it in Nutrition Forum as well. All ingredients are available at henryspets.com, but if international shipping is a problem, you might be able to find suitable substitutes (just consult with 4skwerlz - she is the author of the recipe).

There is also a separate forum on cages, nest boxes etc - please help yourself there, too.;-)

Keep asking questions. You can post them as separate threads.

ANd photos, please! ;-)

And could you tell us what formula you are feeding him?... I think, Royal Canine is considered ok in UK, but I don't remember exactly, so if you post, our experts will tell you if it's ok.
Usually, here in North America Fox Valley is the best formula, available either at www.henryspets.com or foxvalleynutrition.com.

09-12-2011, 02:34 PM
i am putting in pine nuts and sunflower seeds with his fruit and veg, and i give him peanuts as a treat. is this wrong?
what is rodent block? they didnt have any in the pet shop or the pet section of the super market. im feeding him gerbil food as well, is this rodent block?

sunflower seeds and pine nuts are not good, neither are peanuts.
Rodent block that is recommended for squirrels is a rat block (not gerbil, not hamster, but rat). Some brands are Mazuri, Kaytee forti diet, Harland Teklad (this one gets ordered online) etc.
I am not sure what's available in UK. You might have to check all of your pet stores and then post it here and people here will help you choose what's suitable.

Also, as I posted before, if you can order Henry's Healthy Block from www.henryspets.com, that would be great.
Or, as I said, find suitable ingredients and make your own using homemade recipe from Nutrition forum.:)

09-12-2011, 03:01 PM
[QUOTE=astra]sunflower seeds and pine nuts are not good, neither are peanuts. Rodent block that is recommended for squirrels is a rat block (not gerbil, not hamster, but rat). Some brands are Mazuri, Kaytee forti diet, Harland Teklad

I realize for most "new" one thinks squirrel + food = nuts. Couldn't be more wrong! :nono
Free squirrels eat wide verities of foods in their diets, they know what to eat and how to eat. Captive squirrels have to depend on us! Rodent block is the first thing (besides formula) that they should be introduced to eating so they get used to it. It holds the essential nutrition that they will need.
Rodent block is purchased as a Rat & Mouse vegetable based diet.

09-12-2011, 03:20 PM
Welcome, and its good you started doing the research! Keep up on all the advice given here for food and nutrition.

Its a great thing that you are taking care of him.. I made some mistakes from the start to, but a lot of web reading( this site gave the most info) has helped me with my two bows.