View Full Version : Neep some advice

09-09-2011, 10:12 PM
Hi all I am new to forum and to squirrel rehabbing.I found a 4 -5 week old baby squirrel last week and he seem to be thriving really well.I contacted a local rehabber and met with her to actually give the baby to her because I knew little about them.Well when I got there she had her hands full with so many squirrels including 3 4 day old flying squirrels.she showed me how to rehab the one I found and I actually took one of the other who is around the same age I mine off her hands.Well they both opened their eyes early this week and were doing ok yesterday.The one I got from her had developed a scab over his rectum and when I try and help him go I have to soak him in warm water and gently peel back the scab.His poo is dark grey in color and soft(not watery).Well tonight when I fed him he wouldn't eat hardly anything and when I stimulated him to go number 2 it was scabbed over again but I managed to get him to go again and it stinks really bad.When I put him back in his cage I found a little maggot on the towel I hold him in.I immediately came here and researched and my husband is on his way right now to the emergency vet to get capstar.So my question is how much can I give this little guy of the capstar and do I need to feed him at his next feeding(due in an hour and a half) or wait a few hours?My other little guy (twister)that I found is doing really well but does he run the risk of getting the maggots from Shady?Do I need to give twister some capstar also just in case? Thanks so much for any advice


island rehabber
09-09-2011, 10:36 PM
You may have two different problems there: maggots and coccidia. The one with the maggots sould definitely get capstar -- and you can treat him every couple of days until you're sure the things are gone. However the greyish stinky poop is often a sign of coccidia, which is highly contagious. Try to get your hands on some SMZ-TMP, Sulfatrim or Bactrim...we can help you dose it!

09-09-2011, 11:05 PM
You may have two different problems there: maggots and coccidia. The one with the maggots sould definitely get capstar -- and you can treat him every couple of days until you're sure the things are gone. However the greyish stinky poop is often a sign of coccidia, which is highly contagious. Try to get your hands on some SMZ-TMP, Sulfatrim or Bactrim...we can help you dose it!

Thanks for the quick reply.First off about the capstar,how much should I give him at a time? As far as the coccidia,is it high contagious as in humans also or just to other squirrels?Also where would I find some of the stuff you listed?I actually took him to the only vet in my area that deals with wildlife and the vet was away and won't be back until Monday.Can I getthe stuff you listed at any vet without having to bring the squirrel in to be seen?

09-09-2011, 11:37 PM
I am afraid, those meds mentioned by IR are available only by prescription... but some ppl, sometimes, know of some ways of getting them w/o prescriptions... but I, personally, don't know...

I don't know how to dose capstar, but here are two threads , dealing with maggots and eggs and such. You can read them and, perhaps, find something useful:


http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28704 - in this thread in post #11 (numbers are in upper right corner) Jackie in Tampa suggests 1/4 of a tablet, but I didn't get to re-read the thread and don't remember whether it was based on the weight of that particular baby or not. If you read the thread, it will be clear to you (sorry, don't have time to re-read it right now).

It's kind of late right now, so you might have to wait till morning for the experts to reply to you here. Although, IR might still be up ;-)

If the meds are needed urgently and your vet isn't available till Monday, there might be ppl in your area who might have some meds and might be able to share, but you will need to say what area you are in (don't have to name a specific town, if you are wary - understandable, but at least, the area)

Cocchidia is very contagious to both squirrels and humans.Of course, there are different "stands" of it, some of them zoonotic and others aren't, but when I had a squirrel and it tested positive for cocchidia, a good vet told me that it is contagious. However, for you regular hygiene should suffice. But for the other squirrel baby - everything needs to be separated and extra clean.

09-10-2011, 12:11 AM
Thanks! I actually just gave shady some capstar and found some smx-tmp that was my husbands from 2008.He only has 2 pills left in the bottle though.I just tried feeding shady and he didn't want anything to do with the formula.I am trying to feed them both every four hours or so.I did manage to get the capstar in him.I am seprating them both right now.I did get him to poop and it was more of a yellowish white tint now.I am really worried about this little guy and I can't get him to see a vet until either Sunday or Monday.Also about the hygeine part I am diligant about washing up with really hot water and antibacterial soap twice each time I feed.I just want him to get better.Thanks for all the advice given so far.

09-10-2011, 08:19 AM
Just wanted to update a little.I separated the babies last night and as usual twister is eating fine and using the bathroom fine also.Shady ate really well this morning but his little butt was still scabbed over.I got the scab off and he pooed it was still soft but not runny and looked like it was turning a bit more yellowish in some parts of it.I didn't notice the stink like I have for the past couple of days.Usually I would notice it right away but this time I didn't.Does anyone know of anyone in my area that I could take him to to look at him?Like I said in the other post the only vet around here that will even look at squirrels won't be in until Monday.I live near Myrtle Beach,S.C. Thanks for any help.

09-10-2011, 12:14 PM

Since you would like him to be seen before Monday, you might get a faster answer to your vet question, if you post it as a separate thread. Normally, you don't have to do that, but since there is some urgency, it might be more helpful.
I am going to post your question for you as a separate thread, so keep an eye on it. Here is the link to it:

09-11-2011, 02:34 PM
Thanks you Astra.I have some smz-tmp can anyone tell me how much to give him?He doesn't seem to be doing better and the earliest I can get him seen at a vet is tomorrow evening.He seems to be getting weaker and I don't know what to do.

09-11-2011, 02:36 PM
Thanks you Astra.I have some smz-tmp can anyone tell me how much to give him?He doesn't seem to be doing better and the earliest I can get him seen at a vet is tomorrow evening.He seems to be getting weaker and I don't know what to do.
post a new thread in Emergency Life Threatning with a title" Urgent Need Dosing" or something like that

and give his weight

09-11-2011, 03:53 PM
Hi, what is the strength of the trim sulfa that you have?