View Full Version : He ran straight up my leg.

09-09-2011, 09:16 PM
Hi folks, so happy to have found you. It seems I have been found by a little squirrel and I am trying very hard not to fall in love.

Other than my small flock of hens, I was rescue free until yesterday. I had a big white yard bunny for years and a permanently disabled crow. They where best of friends. The rabbit found me at a cemetary, filthy and matted, hopped right up to me and got in my lap. The baby crow was attacked by a hawk in front of my house, several surgeries and a couple grand later, I wound of with another amazing little blessing in my life! We had many good years together!

I came home from work yesterday and noticed the little squirrel moving slowly, trying to climb up the tree base. He was making a funny sound, so I assumed he was sick. I reached and picked him up, effortlessly. I took him inside, tried to give him water and peanuts, he didn't take it. He seemed OK, so I took him back outside and set him on the tree base where I found him. I turned around to walk away and he jumped on my boot and ran straight up my leg, into my hands. You should have seen the look on my 7 yr olds face!!! What was I supposed to do at this point??? I took him back inside, wrapped him in a blanket and went foraging through the drawers for a syringe. Found a turkey injector...LOL. I removed the needle, filled it with water and he just grabbed it with his hands and went to work! My avatar picture was taken just after he was finished drinking..."I'm done, now what".

Yes. He slept curled up under my boyfriends neck. We took shifts all night. We are tired. Hired a squirrel sitter today, because we had to work and he seems to be happy with the Esbilac and munching raisins. He is amazing and full of energy at the moment!

I am going to attempt to post a pic and maybe someone could tell me how old he is and at what point he should be taken off formula?

I will go do some poking around the board for info now, but didn't want to walk in the door without saying hi, and thank you!:)

09-09-2011, 09:19 PM

09-09-2011, 09:20 PM
Oh dear. So sorry...how can a pic from my phone be so HUGE??? UGH.

island rehabber
09-09-2011, 09:21 PM
:Welcome chickenmom, you have been Chosen. It's all over now, you're one of us. :D

Looking forward to pix so we can be more helpful with your little guy's specific needs. :)

EDIT: THERE he is, big as life, LOL! He's a fox squirrel, about 8-9 weeks old I think. Give him formula as long as he wants it, but he should also get some nourishing veggies from our Nutrition Forum....things like kale, chickory, sweet potato, and quality rodent block too. WATCH THOSE RAISINS....major squirrel choking hazard.

09-09-2011, 09:29 PM
Thank you! I'm happy to be chosen....he's pretty cool. We named him Spock.

09-09-2011, 09:33 PM
WOW chickenmom that sounds like me. I have had a coon, a mourning dove, a chachalaca bird, and now on my 4th squirrel as of Wed. That's just the wild critter. I guess I must have a ''free help here'' sign over my head cause critters tend to find me from every which way.... But I am glad you were found and adopted by this lil one. It was obviously meant to be. Oh and just to let you know there is no rehab for squirrel addiction! :crazy

09-09-2011, 09:34 PM
Poor little tyke. He must have lost him mom. Apparently he finally decided you would do okay as a substitute. :)

He's a few weeks too young to be on his own. Without you he would have been a hawk's dinner for sure.

09-09-2011, 09:44 PM
WOW chickenmom that sounds like me. I have had a coon, a mourning dove, a chachalaca bird, and now on my 4th squirrel as of Wed. That's just the wild critter. I guess I must have a ''free help here'' sign over my head cause critters tend to find me from every which way.... But I am glad you were found and adopted by this lil one. It was obviously meant to be. Oh and just to let you know there is no rehab for squirrel addiction! :crazy

I think they call it "Snow White Syndrome". An incurable heart disease? :D

09-09-2011, 10:05 PM
It's so good to read a story where a little one with nowhere left to run finds someone like you. Your story reminds me of another little fuzzy who discovered a kindhearted human.

A great photo, it looks like he trusts you completely.

09-10-2011, 11:26 AM
Beautiful--new edition to your adopted family....Check out our nutrition threads--soooooo much great & healthful advice...
You have the KING of Costa Rica's approval... Ha! ( see Rama's thread-below)
Stop by...and leave the KING a note...

09-10-2011, 04:49 PM
Thank you Stosh, I was reading through your thread last night...such an amazing story!!!

09-11-2011, 11:24 AM
Foxers are such laid back little squirrels.
I'm kinda not surprised he took to you right away.:)