View Full Version : FLORIDA MEMBERS!!!!

09-09-2011, 09:15 PM
Hey guys... I have a family friend who is on vacation right now in Tampa. The people he is staying with found a baby squirrel. I do not have pics but from her description it sounds like it is only about 2 weeks old. The daughter is the one caring for it and after talking to her about feeding routine when they called me for help, she wants to give it up immediately. She lives in Brandon. Is there anyone willing to get the little one from her tonight?? I know the FART squad is great!!! :thumbsup Please help guys!

09-09-2011, 09:19 PM
I should also mention that she is currently in Lakeland right now. (I believe that is what she said... there were a TON of people wherever she is so I could barely hear her.. poor baby in that environment).

island rehabber
09-09-2011, 09:26 PM
:wave123 hi Bee! Good to see you. Hoping the F.lorida A.nimal R.escue T.eam responds as quickly as they usually do!

09-09-2011, 09:31 PM
Thanks IR!! I know our TSB-ers can get this little guy/gal the help needed! Do you know anyone off the top of your head that you could pass word along to in that area? I know it's late in FL and I don't know if the baby will make it until tomorrow..

09-09-2011, 09:32 PM
I am not far from Brandon but if she is currently in Lakeland then maybe Rhapsody could take the baby. I'll send Rhapsody a PM. If you find the squirrel is in Brandon I will take her. They will need to bring her to me though as I don't drive at night and husband is already sleeping. Tell them that I am on Hwy 301 North, just 2 miles north of Interstate 4. Really easy to get to. But I will PM Rhapsody in the meantime and if you could find out for sure where the baby is that would be great! I will also PM you my telephone number just in case!

09-09-2011, 09:44 PM
Bee, how long had the finder had the baby? What are the circumstances that the baby was found? Any visible injuries? Has the baby been given any hydration fluids or any type of formula? How is the babies body temperature? Do they have it on a heating pad? Just trying to be prepared. I just sent a PM to Rhapsody. If you find that the squirrel is in Lakeland, let me know and if Rhapsody has not responded, I can try calling her. She is usually a night person.

09-09-2011, 09:59 PM
From what I gathered (or could hear rather...) the finder has had the baby all day. It is currently on a heating pad but has had no hydration whatsoever. When I explained the safe way to give fluids, she freaked and said she wanted someone to take it. I also instructed her on potty stimulation. No injuries visible.

09-09-2011, 10:07 PM
I'm just north of Ocala, willing to help but unable to pick up the baby. What about emergency all night vet clinics in the area?

09-09-2011, 10:24 PM
I'm just north of Ocala, willing to help but unable to pick up the baby. What about emergency all night vet clinics in the area?

I'm in DeFuniak Springs.IDK how far it is from here but I could help if needed.

09-09-2011, 10:27 PM
I have contacted the finder and she is going to bring the baby to me. Just waiting on her now. Got a rice buddy ready and will evaluate baby and go from there. Thanks Tracubs and zoogirl723. Will have to keep you in mind for emergencies in your area! Tracubs, where is Defuniak Springs? I know I have heard of it, but drawing a blank right now.

09-09-2011, 10:36 PM
Thanks to Mpetys! F.A.R.T saves the day yet again!!! Keep us updated on the little one!

09-09-2011, 10:45 PM
Sorry folks but I just logged on at 11:40 PM --I was at home most of the night after 6 pm and would have taken the baby IF some one had of called...... I am more than happy to give my # out to those that want (need it) just send me a pm --quicker that way some times.

BTW --I am a GR-Aunt, but once again to a bouncing Baby GIRL!!
born: @ 4:38 / 8 lbs 7 oz / 22 in

09-09-2011, 10:47 PM
:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif

09-09-2011, 10:52 PM
Sorry folks but I just logged on at 11:40 PM --I was at home most of the night after 6 pm and would have taken the baby IF some one had of called...... I am more than happy to give my # out to those that want (need it) just send me a pm --quicker that way some times.

BTW --I am a GR-Aunt, but once again to a bouncing Baby GIRL!!
born: @ 4:38 / 8 lbs 7 oz / 22 in

Hey Rhapsody. I tried to send a PM but your box is FULL!! I hope it is full with lots of donations and raffle ticket purchases for Marven! As it turned out they were here. Seffner actually, not Brandon. So they were just around the corner from me. I have him now, he is a bit congested. What are your recommedations? He looks good otherwise, he was warm. He went right for the rice buddy and is snuggled up to it. The finder said he had a bloody nose when they found him. Sounds like he must have fallen.

Congrats on becoming a Great Aunt again!

09-09-2011, 10:53 PM
Aww congrats on the new little one!!! I had no idea who all was in the area close to the finder (not all that familiar with FL) so I just posted here. The finder told me that she successfully delivered the baby to mpetys so he/she is in good hands! Hoping to get an update soon. Thanks for the reply Rhapsody! I would love if you would PM me your number for future reference though! I hate having to wait for replies in urgent situations!!

Edit: Mpetys and I must have been typing at the same time! Hope the little guy pulls through! Thanks again!!!

09-09-2011, 11:32 PM
Aww congrats on the new little one!!! I had no idea who all was in the area close to the finder (not all that familiar with FL) so I just posted here. The finder told me that she successfully delivered the baby to mpetys so he/she is in good hands! Hoping to get an update soon. Thanks for the reply Rhapsody! I would love if you would PM me your number for future reference though! I hate having to wait for replies in urgent situations!!

Edit: Mpetys and I must have been typing at the same time! Hope the little guy pulls through! Thanks again!!!

Little guy is resting well. When he is cuddled up to the rice buddy, all nice and warm, I do not hear any congestion. When I have him out, I can hear it. Nose is not runny although I do see clear moisture in nostirls. Nothing to clean, or wipe, no crust or build up. Will do pedialyte tonight and try formula tomorrow.

By the way, I have named this little one Jack. It is a boy! I have no creative energy for coming up wtih cute names like everyone else does so I just name them after the finder; and since the young lady who brought him to me was named Jackie . . . . . we now have Jack! I will try to get pics tomorrow. Do not want to bother him with any flash or posiing for the camera. Just want him to stay nice and warm.

Thanks BeeFernandez22 for helping make this connection. I will do all I can for him.

09-10-2011, 01:02 AM
Jack weighed in at 62g. I am guessing that he is 3.5 to 4.5 weeks old. Just checked him and he did have some drainage, slightly blood tinted. Looks like he may have taken a fall. He let me clean him up and he took 3cc of Pedialyte! He clings to my finger and doesn't want to be put down. It took him just a few laps at the nipple to figure out how it works and then he was latched on and really downing the pedialyte.

09-10-2011, 10:33 AM
Awww what a sweetie! Jack is a cute name!! I guess I was way off with age guesstimates haha. I was going off the finders descriptions and he sounded much younger! Glad to hear he is doing well so far. Hopefully the congestion clears! Eagerly awaiting pics :)

09-10-2011, 11:53 AM
Thanks for the reply Rhapsody!
I would love if you would PM me your number for future reference though!
I hate having to wait for replies in urgent situations!!!Phone # SENT!! :thumbsup :thumbsup

09-10-2011, 10:57 PM
Thanks, Rhapsody! Much appreciated!

How is little Jack doing mpetys? Hoping he took to the formula okay!

09-10-2011, 11:22 PM
watch that discharge. my Lacy was a bloody nose baby very congested on baytril she didnt get any better and had an odd smell to her. her nose drained pink sticky ooze it was hard to keep up keeping it wiped clean.

she stopped breathing and when I tried cpr tons of pus ooze came out her nose ...WAY to much!

so if she doesnt improve or smells please have her lungs checked! xrays!

good luck lil Jack!! pics?? :poke

09-13-2011, 04:25 PM
Jack updates?:poke :D

09-13-2011, 06:04 PM
Jack updates?:poke :D

I'll post later tonight. Jack is doing great. Eyes opened the other day. He is a sweetheart. Just haven't had much time for posting but will get an update on Jack. He has moved in with Doris, Danielle and Quinnie so he may become the ladies man!

09-16-2011, 11:03 AM
I apologize for the delay BeeFernandez! I lost one baby on Monday and have been dealing with two with diarreah and praying that I didn't end up with all 12 of them with it. I think I have won that battle.

Back to Jack! He had a bloody nose when I got him. Jackie had done a good job of keeping him clean as his nose was clean when Jackie brought him to me at 11pm but after a while, a bloody discharge started seeping out. I spent all night wiping his nose to help keep his nostrils clear and open. He weighed in at 62g and I was estimating his age to be 3.5 to 4.5 weeks old. His eyes actually opened on 09/12 so he is probably 5 to 5.5 weeks old right now. He is a sweetheart. Just wants to cling to my fingers. I got a chance to examine his mouth and it looks like his two bottom teeth are broken. I am letting them grow out a bit and then will get them trimmed evenly and we will see how they do.

His ears had some stuff in them. I don't know if it was dirt or from mites. I treated him with Revolution and kept him in his own cage for the first several days while I monitored him. On Monday, the 12th, I put him in with the other littles, Danielle and Quinnie. Oh they loved him and he loves them. Big girl Doris is with them and she grooms him and loves on him every time I take him out and put him back in. So sweet.

Everytime I look at him, he just looks so sweet and innocent. He has a doe-eyed look about him. Below are a couple of pics I took of him. I'll try to get better pics this weekend.

I don't want to bother Jackie but if your family friend would like to let her know that he is okay that would be great. She was so concerned about him and also about making the right choice for him.

09-20-2011, 09:11 PM
Ohmygosh!!! What a CUTIE!!!! That first picture just makes me melt!!! So glad to hear he is doing well and getting along with the others. How sweet that the girls are grooming him :) I just love when mine do that to each other :) I will definitely pass the good news along to our friend Tony so that he can tell Jackie. I am sure she will be thrilled to hear how well Jack is doing!

09-20-2011, 09:14 PM
So sorry to hear about your little lost one as well... :( RIP sweet baby :Love_Icon