View Full Version : New to forums: 5 Babies

09-09-2011, 12:53 PM
Hello! I have been reading this site for about two weeks now as a guest. Thank you all for the help it has given me! I am the momma of 5 babies that have had there homes cut down. They have been doing good. I have had no issues with these guys (four girls and one boy). I had preciously had a two pinky babies that were badly injured with ant bites. This site also helped me with that but unfortunately they didn't make it. I was completely saddened for weeks but when you spend every two hours feeding, loving, sleeping, and praying for and with something I suppose you get attached, Right? Well, two months later I get a call ask'n if I want two babies and I have to admit I was hesitant but I said yes. Well two days later another call I have three more coming. Again hesitant (this time cause I already had no sleep and it takes a good bit of time to feed two and I am more than doubling that) but come to find out it does get a little easier as they get older. I am talking weeks old compared to 2-5 days old and well I do have five human babies from age 14 to age 1. So, no sleep I have done for years. Well, I guess I just wanted to put my self out there and let you all know who I am. Thank you all again.

Milo's Mom
09-09-2011, 01:02 PM
Sounds like you're gonna fit right in with the rest of us nuts!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

09-09-2011, 07:39 PM
This is a good place to start.
Try not to get information overload, as you read.:D

09-09-2011, 07:41 PM

09-09-2011, 07:43 PM
:Welcome 5 human babies and 5 furry babies!!!! F-U-N!!!!!!!:crazy

09-10-2011, 05:45 AM
There is always something fun around here. I also have 6 dogs, 4 cats and a bird. Well, that are inside. I have about 15 baby ducks that visit every morning and up until recently an injured buzzard. I am always getting myself into something. I have never bought or breed animals, all have been strays or need a home. I guess that started as a child due to my mom who with two of her friends started the humane society in my home town "No kill" of course. So we have had many many rescues. I have to admit though squirrels are a bit more difficult than others I have tended to. It is not like hand raising birds, which I have done a thousand times, or kittens or puppies they never tend to lose the nipple and try to run all over you...lol I have explained to my oldest why we have to release them. She was not happy about it. She had big plans of turning her room into a forest and living with squirrels...lol

island rehabber
09-10-2011, 05:55 AM
:Welcome Mia! And a special :Welcome to your daughter who wants to turn her room into a forest. You got a problem with that? :jump sounds great to me! :jump

Bless you for taking in these five baby squirrels. We're here to help and you're free to ask questions all day if you need to. There is usually someone here who can get you the info you need. BTW, to keep baby squirrels from grabbing the nipple and running all over, either wrap them in a small piece of fleece while feeding, or put them on your lap with the fleece over their backs, gently but firmly holding them in place while you feed them. Squirrels are ADDHD by nature, you gotta keep 'em focussed :rotfl.

09-10-2011, 09:42 AM
:Welcome Glad u found TSB! It is amazing here and they will help u raise those babies! Lol ok so we need pics!! :poke Lol u sound like a busy momma! I have two boys 4&6 and three dogs and a squirrel so I can't imagine how u do it!!!! :bowdown

09-11-2011, 12:15 PM
Trying to post pics says they are to big. I need to work on this. So I can get them up. Sorry it is taken so long.