View Full Version : baby squirrels trapped

09-09-2011, 10:14 AM
I have had some work done on my house and a particular hole in the attic has been blocked resulting in two baby squirrels about two thirds the size of adult one been trapped....I have been in attic to try and capture them but they are too quick...they have been active around loft for around 4 days and mother has been absent for around a day...have put out large humane trap with peanut butter on but seem to think they are still taking milk as mother has large teats.....she is trying all sorts of things to regaine entry to attic.....what can I do please ...thanks

island rehabber
09-09-2011, 10:23 AM
There are only two ways you can go:

1. Get someone who is capable of going up into the attic to grab the babies. Bring them out where mamma can see them and she will take them to a new nest. Quickly, before they become dehydrated and die.

2. OPEN the blocked area again and let mamma in. Give her a few more weeks until she lets the babies come out of the nest during the day, and BLOCK IT AGAIN when everyone is out, so she can't return that night. She will either have a new nest already (they usually have two) or wll quickly make one for herself and the kids. But the kids need mamma: otherwise you will have to syringe feed them yourself. :)

09-10-2011, 04:03 PM
I have no idea if this would work or not....but maybe you could try trapping the mama first, then put her up in the attic, while still in the trap? I'm thinking the babies would then go into the trap really quickly, and you could release them all outside?

09-10-2011, 06:39 PM
Please open the blocked hole! The babies will die. You can fix the hole later.