View Full Version : new baby (about 4 wks) and old "baby" (she is 1yr)

09-09-2011, 08:27 AM
So I have a 1 yr old NR who is a spoiled lil brat! :sanp3 But I love every minute of it!!!! I was cleaning up in the kitchen Wed. and heard the ever so familiar cry and went straight out the back door only to find my black lab hovered over what I hoped was a cat poopy, :nono (yea gross I know) anyways she was looking quite guilty and wouldn't come into the house so I went to investigate. I wish I had been right bout the poopy, but I wasn't. There she was just laying there, curled up in a ball. I grabbed her up, put her down my shirt between the "girls" lol and went into the house to make some pedialite. She had a lil scratch on the inside of one leg and a tiny lil scratch on her nose. All is well now!! :wahoo She is finally getting the hang of eating, FV of course. I did hydrate for the first 4-5 feedings just to be sure. And she's peeing and pooping, though it does take a few mins. So anyways my question is... since I do have Tiddlywinks my one yr old,will she be aggressive towards me because I smell like the baby? Another question, for the future will I be able to introduce them? Tids has never been outside or around any other squirrels. She doesn't even like looking out the window. She was found at 1-2 days old and is doing quite well for a squirrel who doesn't know she is a squirrel. :rotfl

So I am just guessing her age at about 4 weeks, she has bottom teeth. Eyes are still closed but her ears are trying to open up a lil bit. Isn't she a doll?!
This is her first photo op

09-09-2011, 09:02 AM
what a sweet sleeping baby!:Love_Icon
definitely, don't introduce them right now - older squirrels can hurt strange babies, as for when they get older.... some ppl did it and it has not always been successful... guess, depends on the squirrels.
But then, if this new baby grows to be a perfectly healthy squirrel that can be released, they don't need to become friends anyway.

09-09-2011, 09:29 AM
I agree with Astra. Do NOT introduce them.
I have 2 one year old squirrels....and they smell babies on me all the time. My male doesn't mind at all....but my female does. She wont come near me when I have just held a baby. I have to wash my hands and change my clothes and then Im fine again.
Keep in mind that squirrels are more of a solitary animal. They only time they are with others is for a short time during breeding season ( very short...like just enough to get the job done) and when they are babies. The rest of their lives are spent alone.
Just watch the older squirrel and make sure you note any signs of withdrawl or pouty behavior. She may need a bit of extra attention from you while she gets used to the new family member. In time Im sure she will get used to it.

09-09-2011, 09:31 AM
I just keep staring at the pic....is that a foxer????
:jump :jump :jump
Any chance on getting more pics??

09-09-2011, 09:50 PM
Just adding pics... I need a name. She loves to root her nose into the covers and in any corner she can fit it into. And she is a loud mouth





09-09-2011, 09:53 PM
OMG!!!! I could just die right now!!!
She is sooooooo cute!!
Looks like a foxer to me!

09-09-2011, 09:54 PM
She is adorable. Looks like my little guys last week.. they're all chunkers now cept my Leah.
*Hide her, they will squirrel nap her* :sanp3

09-09-2011, 09:57 PM
Yep...and I will too!!
Both of you two better watch out!
Dont worry....I'll leave replacements....sheeshhh....:peace