View Full Version : I'm freaking out
09-06-2011, 09:49 PM
I need opinions. The little baby I got last week definatly has pox. He is doing well however and has not developed anymore pox than the two he had in the past week, they have however grown huge.
What I'm freaking out about is one of my N/R females with maloclusion. She has been complaining about her teeth for the past couple of weeks and we were unable to find anything wrong, we assume that one of her upper teeth had broken up inside because this all started when she went to town chewing up a cuttle bone. I just figured it would grow out and all would be fine. Well she stopped complaining about it 5 days ago and is eating well. Tonight when I saw her the whole top of her head is swollen. My first thought was oh god pox but the more I look at this I dont think so. Has anyone ever heard of a swollen head from upper teeth issues? I have photos but I dont know how to resize them to post them. I'm really freaking out because of the pox situation and really really need some others to weigh in on their opinion.
09-06-2011, 09:52 PM
If you email me the pics I will size and post.
09-06-2011, 09:53 PM
thank you so much, pixs are on their way
09-06-2011, 10:05 PM
09-06-2011, 10:12 PM
Thank you Sammys Mom. I'm in a complete state of panic that this is pox but it sure dont look like it to me. The whole right side of her head is swollen all the way back to her ear. Its sort of soft and seems to hurt her when I feel it. The upper tooth on that side is missing. I suppose she could have smashed her head on her cage bars playing with the other squirrel but somehow I doubt that. She is 6 yrs old now and not the easist squirrel to handle, she always assumes I'm coming to cut her teeth and runs like hell.
09-06-2011, 10:16 PM
send a pm to MommatoBoo. I don't remember all the specifics and details, but her little Boo had some teeth problem(s) that caused some serious swelling either on the side of his face, or around jaw area...
Boo's problem and yours might be very different, but, maybe, MommatoBoo could share something useful
09-06-2011, 10:16 PM
Well I will leave it to the experts but I think it sounds like an absess. Healing prayers for your baby!:grouphug
09-06-2011, 10:40 PM
sorry, I misspelled: it's Momma2boo
09-06-2011, 10:41 PM
I just read mommatoboo's thread and it does look very similar except boo's was on the side of his face and Hazels is on the top.
I just thought of something else though. I gave her a kiwi today and she's never had one before. Could this be an allergic reaction? None of the others have any problems but maybe she's allergic.
Not sure if I should be giving baytril for infection or antihistamine for allergy here. And of course I'm still freaked out about the pox thing. Any seasoned pox rehabbers online who can weigh in on this one. It really doesnt look like it but I've never seen pox before this last baby so I'm no expert there.
09-07-2011, 10:13 AM
Well still dont know what the swelling is on Hazels head but I have a question. Do pox explode after 5 days? The little guys "pox" bumps blew up and puss came out, now its just empty sacks. I'm thinking abscess from scratching his face while nursing now. Sure did look just like pox though. Even the doctors thought so.
09-07-2011, 10:24 AM
Is there anyway you can get a good look inside her mouth?
09-07-2011, 11:32 AM
Yes I checked her mouth and the tooth on that side is missing but everything looks fine otherwise. The swelling is too high up her head to be coming from a tooth though. Possibly her cage mate poked a nail in her head and it abscessed. She's acting perfectly normal otherwise. If its still swollen tonight I will bring her in to have it asperated and see whats inside. Poor little thing looks terrible but she doesnt seem to know anythings wrong.
09-08-2011, 01:38 AM
Yes I checked her mouth and the tooth on that side is missing but everything looks fine otherwise. The swelling is too high up her head to be coming from a tooth though. Possibly her cage mate poked a nail in her head and it abscessed. She's acting perfectly normal otherwise. If its still swollen tonight I will bring her in to have it asperated and see whats inside. Poor little thing looks terrible but she doesnt seem to know anythings wrong.
Hi Peaches. Are you completely sure it couldn't have to do with a tooth? I'm no expert, but I know that in people, a missing/pulled/diseased upper tooth can put the sinuses at risk for infection. Just a thought. I hope your little one feels better soon.
09-08-2011, 07:55 AM
Again, don't remember all the details and I might be wrong, but I think little Boo had a tooth removed (?), but the inflammation continued... again, don't remember the details right now, but I'd contact momma2boo personally to see if she thinks this might be a similar issue. If it is, then, time is of essence.
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