View Full Version : Hello!

09-06-2011, 04:32 PM
Hi, I am new to this board. My name is Becky and I recently started raising a lil baby eastern grey squirrel. His name is Hammy! I am guessing he is around 4 weeks old.He was severely dehydrated when I first got him so I put him on the sugar water mixture that I found on squirreltales until I was able to get pedialyte(the very next morning when I also bought he ingredients for the temp formula). Now I have him on the temporary formula until my order of fox valley comes in the mail which hopefully will be tomorrow. I am loving every minute(even the night feedings) LOL I stay at home so I am able to devoute all day and night to taking care of him. I also have 3 dogs who have been very interested in him but have kept their distance per our instructions! I look forward to learning everything I can! :) He was getting ready to crawl up my hand when I took this photo! He loves crawling(and pooping) all over me LOL

09-06-2011, 04:43 PM
:Welcome what a precious little peanut!:Love_Icon
Tons of information here for raising a healthy happy squirrel!
Keep pictures coming, please!:grouphug :)

09-06-2011, 07:56 PM
:Welcome Your Hammy is darling. TSB is a wealth of info to help you raise a healthy squirrel. You are doing a great job. :thumbsup
