View Full Version : info on young grey

09-06-2011, 06:23 AM
Hi, I am new to this forum and have some questions about a young grey my neighbor brought me. Judging by his teeth, tail and size he is about 9 to 10 weeks old but he is very uncoordinated. He was found running around in their yard trying to chase or play with the kids. I have him on puppy formula and he eats all kinds of other foods...peaches, apples, nuts and so on but his jerky movement and total lack of hand coordination make me think he is "special" or sustained a good knock on the head. I am also giving him calcium just in case of MBD. He is very friendly and trusting, he was like that from the day he came (last sunday).
I will try to post a pic of him in my hand so you can get an idea of his size, that will be later when I return home. If he is NR I have no problem with raising him and will keep him away from Wally, my flyer. They can have seperate rooms. My husband already dotes over him, we call him Little Dave, after my neighbor who found him. Any help with identifying his issue will be great, will post more later this evening, THANKS

09-06-2011, 06:29 AM
:Welcome Thank you for taking the time to care for the little guy! Pics and/or video are the best way to tell age etc so if you can, post some today. Experts will be along soon, but until then take a look at the info on nutrition in the nutrition forum. You will see that puppy formula isn't too highly recommended. Fox Valley can be ordered online and is specifically for wildlife so is a much more complete formula for squirrels. :Welcome

09-06-2011, 10:44 AM

09-06-2011, 10:50 AM
He is adorable! :Welcome & Hello!

09-06-2011, 10:57 AM
Awww he is so cute!!! If he is special all the more reason to love him! Lol live the pics keep them coming! U might want to post in the help needed thresh so someone will see it sooner! Just a thought

09-06-2011, 10:58 AM
This is Lil' Dave. The ruler should give an idea how big he is. He is still uncoordinated when he tries to hold food or eat. He is pretty good on the branches in his cage. We are also giving him rodent blocks. The formula is the best we have for now. He will eat just about everything that is listed in the nutrition section but loves the formula. When we got him last Sunday I thought his head looked awfully big compared to other squirrels I have seen at this age and he tends to fall over while eating. We are also giving him some dried papaya that has a little sugar to it, just in case it's hypoglycemia. I was wondering if the honeyed bird treats would be ok for that as my flyer eats them. He also chews on applewood sticks.

This is our first grey. We have always wanted one, my whole family has favorite wild squirrels they feed. My sister has Fatboy and my brother has Jackass, Schitzo and Stubby. We had PB, who would sit on the steps and share PB sandwiches with my husband but he was hit by a car a few years ago and my husband was really upset so we bought Wally, the flyer as a sort of replacement.
Any help is greatly appreciated, especially in trying to find out if Lil' Dave is special. Thanks

09-06-2011, 11:05 AM

This is a better shot of him in his new nest box. Is the head too big or is it me??

09-06-2011, 11:10 AM