View Full Version : Hello

09-05-2011, 03:58 PM
Hey, my names Alison, and between my children and I we usually always have a "rescue" pet in home. It started with Ninja, a kitten riddled with cancer, that we took in for a week and treated like a king before the cancer was so bad he had to be put down.
Next came our Spirit. He is a chigeal. We severally abused in a shelter that was shut down (thank goodness). He is a part of the family and except for some shying from strangers you couldn't tell he was so badly treated. He has doubled his weight and grown most of his fur back in the last year.
Then we had Gabby, a frog someone refused to take care of any longer because her 8 year old stopped taking care of it. We did everything we could with her, but after a few months the abuse caught up with her and she passed.
After that we got Lola, she was 3 months old when we adopted her, the runt of her litter and returned to the shelter 3 times after being adopted. She is a lab/boxer mix.
Meatball, a sad sad story, in which I learned to stand up more for myself and the animals, was a pup who just needed a place to stay for a few days. We took him in (also to help try to socialize Lola who was 4 months old), He had no shots, had a big bloated belly (which they said he had since day one, so I didnt connect it to anything. I didn't know about the shots until after the owner had left for days, she lied about them). I got him Friday morning, Sat night he started throwing up, Sunday late night he was picked up. I told her word for word "If you don't plan on taking him to the vet RIGHT NOW, leave him with me, I will take him, and save his life". She assured me she would, and then emailed me in the morning that Meatball died over night because she was sure she could nurse him till morning.

Now to Jack and Jill, we have had our family of squirrels for the last 3 years while we have lived here. They have snuck into my car (to steal snacks my kids left behind), thrown things at me for walking out my front door, cussed at my dogs, and been treated like they belong there. Yesterday we found the first baby, normally we see mom around all afternoon, she's there to tease my dogs on the fence, and cuss at me whenever I walk near her tree. No one has seen her since 2 days ago. We saw Jill in the tree most of the afternoon, but she was too afraid to come to us, and we have no ladder, she finally fell from the tree about 8 last night. I have decided to try to rehab them myself as the local place has around 300 babies right now, and have been informed they will be put to sleep or fed to something else. Not okay with me, or my kids.

Anyhow, I'm a "single" mom of 2 kiddos, who have hearts as big as mine (we pick up every stray and find it's home, we feed random animals, and MANY times have had a random pet in our backyard waiting for its parents). Their father is Military, so he just laughs at us, and says "good luck" with every stray/baby we discover.

I am looking into getting my rehab license so I can do this with these guys legally and then look into taking in hurt foster babes of all breed. (As long as it doesn't put my kids/dogs at risk)
Oh, and you guys are amazing, I'm SOOOO HAPPY this site popped up when I was trying to figure out what to do with Jack, because then I found poor Jill who has in pretty poor shape last night.
:jump She's doing amazing now, thanks to you and all your help.

island rehabber
09-05-2011, 04:25 PM
Alison, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you, and glad you've found us. :Welcome:Welcome:Welcome :)

09-05-2011, 06:03 PM
WELCOME---you're in the right place for Critter Lovers....
I have a very UNIQUE squirrel--Rama Rota--long long thread--lots of photos-
The link is at the bottom.
Glad you're here...
Need baby squirrel photos---soon...
__________________________________________________ ______________
Here are your PUPS in viewable size....

09-05-2011, 06:22 PM


Hoping to have more pics up about dinner time for these fellows.

09-05-2011, 06:28 PM
:Welcome Alison!:wave123 :)

09-05-2011, 06:29 PM
Jack and Jill are just cute as can be!!! :Welcome

09-05-2011, 08:11 PM
Somebody found out how to resize pictures.:rotfl :poke
:wave123 Alison