View Full Version : Hiya, need advice and help.

09-04-2011, 05:40 PM

I live in the Detroit area and need some advice about a Southern Flying Squirrel I am supposed to purchase tomorrow. This is starting out bad due to my doubt in some things and I could really use some input.

I have read every article, which some have been helpful, some not so much..I have experience with exotic pets, parrots, and rehabbed for rescues previously, years ago. I was searching online for bonding pouches as I knew a lady in the area that makes them, but could not find her info. I looked in Detroits craigslist and came across an ad for a flying squirrel. I thought it may be the breeder I was purchasing one through, so I opened the ad. The ad was a college kid that is moving out of his apartment into a NO PET apartment/dorm. He is moving this coming wednesday and needs it in a home or he is "letting it go" (his words). ....He is selling her/him for $150.

She/he is 3-4 years old, he doesnt remember and has never been out of her cage. She lives in a small parakeet sized cage, but he has been feeding her a semi-ok diet , but no calcium at all. She is SEMI-TAME! Here are where all of my questions lie, I can find no information about handling and tame-ability of an older squirrel. Maybe you all can help answer.

I have experience with taming down parrots and some non handled exotics, and previously I have always used reward and positive reinforcement. As squirrels are wild, exotic pets...what is the tame-ability of a semi tame, unhandled, never out of cage squirrel?

I was buying a baby to have the bond with her/him and not have to work for it as hard as this is going to be. I know I will be bitten and scratched, possibly could be attacked since I read they can be cage territorial...

What would be the best way to bond with a 3-4 year old flying squirrel? OR...should I mark it as a loss and just make her happy and comfortable in a large cage and have no expectations that she will ever be anything more? What are some steps I can take in handling? Does a bonding pouch work for adults? I read mixed reviews...

Sorry lots of questions......

Should I just not even get her/him and hope he doesnt let her/him go? I think he really will though even though I am paying him $100 for her and the cage. ahhhhhhhh help.

09-04-2011, 07:19 PM
I have had a SFS a few years ago and I would suggest getting a bonding pouch with a zipper on it. Put her/him in it and zip it and wear it as much as possible! Eventually I think it will get use to you and prob would love the attention!! My was very sweet but even he would get snippy sometimes and I would wound up being bit! lol It hurts but they are so cute you get over it! I would try to do like you said too and try to intice it with treats! I think if you have the time and really want to make it work it will! Good luck and keep us posted!!! Oh an :Welcome

09-05-2011, 09:13 PM
:wave123 M2M.
Please stop by again.
SFS's are our specialty.
We'll try to help as much as possible.

09-05-2011, 10:13 PM
I would suggest getting a bonding pouch with a zipper on it. Put her/him in it and zip it and wear it as much as possible! I second this Advice..... and I suggest that you place a worn T-shirt with your scent on it in the cage so the squirrel can get use to your scent on its turf....... :)