View Full Version : Squirrel Pox?

09-03-2011, 04:02 PM
I am going to attach some pictures below of my little Sandy's foot. She had a sore/wound in the spot when I rescued her. Someone said to watch for more because it could be squirrel pox. I googled it, and now I'm completely freaking out! I'm hoping it's just a little infection and can be easily fixed, but what can I do if it is squirrel pox and how can I tell? She also has a bump towards the tip of her tail. I don't know what that could be from.

I'm sorry if this post needs to be moved, but I'm very, very worried!

Mrs Skul
09-03-2011, 05:09 PM
HammyHobby Where exactly was her injuries? You really need to put her on Antibiotic for now. Baytrill is the best. I will send you some other information. But now lets wait and see if more show up. There is no need to treat if she does not need it. Catching Pox early is really good. You can Boost her Immune System with Echinacea Extract. It is GNC Bran Name. The Walmart bran has a taste and the Squirrels will not drink it. You mix 1 Capsule to 1 gal of water. But Again LETS WAIT AND SEE! :D It is possible just a infection. Antibiotic will start healing with in 2 days. That will help with the infection. What area did she come from? How Long have you had Sandy:thinking?I don't wont to scar you Just keep an eye out and let us know if more show up. I did not send the protocol for POX. Because I did not wont to scar you.:nono I am sorry I did. Was not my intention. Christal
Is that only bump on her?
Feel of her tail where the hair is poofing out, in the picture you posted

09-03-2011, 05:21 PM
HammyHobby Where exactly was her injuries? You really need to put her on Antibiotic for now. Baytrill is the best. I will send you some other information. But now lets wait and see if more show up. There is no need to treat if she does not need it. Catching Pox early is really good. You can Boost her Immune System with Echinacea Extract. It is GNC Bran Name. The Walmart bran has a taste and the Squirrels will not drink it. You mix 1 Capsule to 1 gal of water. But Again LETS WAIT AND SEE! :D It is possible just a infection. Antibiotic will start healing with in 2 days. That will help with the infection. What area did she come from? How Long have you had Sandy:thinking?I don't wont to scar you Just keep an eye out and let us know if more show up. I did not send the protocol for POX. Because I did not wont to scar you.:nono I am sorry I did. Was not my intention. Christal
Is that only bump on her?
Feel of her tail where the hair is poofing out, in the picture you posted

I'm from around Tallahassee, FL. Do I need to give her Baytrill and Echinacea Extract? How do I administer it and how much? Also, where can I find Baytrill? I've never heard of it before. Her injuries were scattered around her behind area. In between her privates and her tail, on her leg, her foot, and a bruise next to her privates. I've had her for a week. She didn't have any fleas when I found her. Besides her tail, that is the only bump on her and like I said she did have a scratch on her foot in the general area of the bump. She could have possibly had an injury on her tail that I couldn't see under her fur. When I feel her tail it feels the same thickness until that area and then it is just not as thick on the tip. But it is not a gradual change in thickness, it is a sudden change.

island rehabber
09-03-2011, 05:43 PM
This does sound like typical early stage pox, I'm sorry to say. :( Mrs Skul is right on the money by advising that you boost her immune system. You also need to see if you can get a drug called acyclovir -- human brand name is Valtrex. Some people may have it if they ever had shingles, or their parents did. All you need is ONE 500mg tablet to make enough to treat little Sandy. You are in a legal state (FL) so I would see if a friendly vet would prescribe both baytril and acyclovir for you. I had a pox baby last year with only 4-5 lesions when I found him; the acyclovir cleared them up in 48 hrs and no more appeared.

09-03-2011, 05:46 PM
This does sound like typical early stage pox, I'm sorry to say. :( Mrs Skul is right on the money by advising that you boost her immune system. You also need to see if you can get a drug called acyclovir -- human brand name is Valtrex. Some people may have it if they ever had shingles, or their parents did. All you need is ONE 500mg tablet to make enough to treat little Sandy. You are in a legal state (FL) so I would see if a friendly vet would prescribe both baytril and acyclovir for you. I had a pox baby last year with only 4-5 lesions when I found him; the acyclovir cleared them up in 48 hrs and no more appeared.

With it be a holiday weekend, what can I do until a vet's offices opens up? So is the pox fatal? I don't know anything about it.

Mrs Skul
09-04-2011, 06:19 PM
Hi HammyHobby:wave123
This is starting to look like Abscess!
IR The one on the foot has started draining. Lots of Puss. Any one who is close 5 hr or so Please help with Antibiotic please.
ANY ONE in the Tallahassee area!
TONIGHT!!! :thumbsup3
Please post or send her the email I will be out for 4 hr. She is willing to drive to get them. She really needs them tonight. :eek:
Thanks TSB for all the help!:bowdown

09-04-2011, 10:38 PM
Hi HammyHobby:wave123
This is starting to look like Abscess!
IR The one on the foot has started draining. Lots of Puss. Any one who is close 5 hr or so Please help with Antibiotic please.
ANY ONE in the Tallahassee area!
TONIGHT!!! :thumbsup3
Please post or send her the email I will be out for 4 hr. She is willing to drive to get them. She really needs them tonight. :eek:
Thanks TSB for all the help!:bowdown

Sorry, but I was out of town and not near a computer. Just gave hammyhobby some Clavamox tonight with instructions and dosing.


Mrs Skul
09-04-2011, 11:23 PM
:thankyou Thank You EllyMae :thankyou
You are a life saver. :grouphug
I thought she had to drive to Jackie house! :dono
I hope your trip out of town was fun. :thumbsup3