View Full Version : Rehabbers needed for Tampa squirrels!!!

09-03-2011, 11:06 AM
Help! We are getting more babies and are running out of rehabbers! The rehabbers I am working with are overwhelmed. I have nine babies and am probably at my max as well. I am trying to line up rehabbers to help as we don't want to see any babies euthanized just because there was no where for them to go. Even if you think you could take a few, let me know. You can post replies here or PM me.

If you cannot take any babies but might be able to help with transportation, please let me know. We may have someone who can take babies but not pick them up.

If you can't take any right now but might be able to at a later date, please let me know. I would like to keep in touch.

If someone can take babies but cannot keep them past a certain stage (weaning, eating solid foods etc. or releasing them) let me know as I can probably take them at that stage and get them ready for release.

If anyone has any cages that they would like to donate, that would be greatly appreciated. I am anticipating that we may get some offers of help but they may need cages.

If anyone has any suggestions, please post here. We have rehabbers who absolutely cannot take anymore and their hearts are breaking at the thought of not being able to be there for all the babies. Heaven help us if we get a hurricane!

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

09-03-2011, 11:13 AM
What ages are we looking at? --as I am having issues with RA & Fibro atm, therefore, I am not able to take on any little ones requiring around the clock feedings, but I can see what I can do with a few that can last with out two middle of the night feedings..... so I can get 6 straight hours of sleep when I go to bed at 3 or 4 am

:thinking :shakehead :thinking --(I know its late to begin with but its me - my hours).

09-03-2011, 11:28 AM
What ages are we looking at? --as I am having issues with RA & Fibro atm, therefore, I am not able to take on any little ones requiring around the clock feedings, but I can see what I can do with a few that can last with out two middle of the night feedings..... so I can get 6 straight hours of sleep when I go to bed at 3 or 4 am

:thinking :shakehead :thinking --(I know its late to begin with but its me - my hours).

Thanks Rhapsody. Oh we should talk. I have the same problem (RA and Fibro). Fortunately while I am having back pain and joint pain everywhere, my hands and fingers are being spared right now!

We are looking at all ages. Whatever is brought in. This is from the same place that you picked up the possies from. Are you on their list? I got a couple that were about 23g each and have several that were already eyes opened.

Can you PM me your telephone number? I thought I had it but I don't see it in my PM box but then I lost a lot of my messages a while back.

09-03-2011, 11:38 AM
We are looking at all ages. Whatever is brought in. This is from the same place that you picked up the possies from. Are you on their list?
I was on their list at one time - :dono
PM - My # NOW!!

09-03-2011, 12:12 PM
I so wish I could help! Lila needs a playmate but im in sc so not close at all! Hope y'all get the help u need asap!!!

09-03-2011, 12:17 PM
I so wish I could help! Lila needs a playmate but im in sc so not close at all! Hope y'all get the help u need asap!!!

Thank you Katie!

09-03-2011, 12:20 PM
I have cages, but we are out of room. We have 23 sq & 7 possies, If anyone needs cages - I can pass them around if you can take them in.

09-03-2011, 12:22 PM
I so wish I could help! Lila needs a playmate but im in sc so not close at all! Hope y'all get the help u need asap!!!Yeah, speaking of that...... I have Susan Nesmith babies for the weekend and her little Girl "Sassy" (about 5-6 wks old) needs a cage mate.
I can pick one up for her when I go over to get a few to rehab....... :thumbsup :thumbsup

09-03-2011, 12:26 PM
Hoping you get the help you need! All the way up in MA/NH...wish I could help!

09-03-2011, 01:06 PM
I wish I could help too, but I am up in MASS

09-03-2011, 02:08 PM
I have cages, but we are out of room. We have 23 sq & 7 possies, If anyone needs cages - I can pass them around if you can take them in.

Thanks for the Generous offer. Will keep that in mind especially if we get any volunteers out your way!

I just got a call for two more. Haven't called back yet as I was in the middle of feedings. I am hoping they found someone else; if not, I guess I will make room and make time, but running short of both! :D

09-03-2011, 02:09 PM
Hoping you get the help you need! All the way up in MA/NH...wish I could help!

Thank you. If you were just a tad bit closer, I would take you up on your offer of help! :jump :jump

09-03-2011, 02:10 PM
I wish I could help too, but I am up in MASS

Thank you Wonkawillie. We might just have to arrange a squirrel train up north since all our volunteers are up there! (just kidding of course!) :D

09-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Wish we weren't so far away...this seems to have been an insane year for babies.....I've had more pinkies thru than ever it seems.

09-03-2011, 02:29 PM
Wish we weren't so far away...this seems to have been an insane year for babies.....I've had more pinkies thru than ever it seems.

We can get a squirrel train to Arkansas too! :D

I just called and now the two squirrels have multiplied into four! I told them I would come get them but after this, I won't be able to take any in for a while.


09-03-2011, 02:58 PM
Love babies! Seriously if we can help lemme know.

09-03-2011, 03:19 PM
Uuuugggghhhhh this is so frustrating!!! I really want to help!!!! I feel so helpless! :shakehead Wish I knew how to get them to me safely!!! Sending prayers and hugs ur way!!:grouphug

09-03-2011, 06:27 PM
I brought home three babies. The fourth stayed with the vet as they do not believe she will make it. You don't know how badly I wanted to take her with me and at least surround her with love but, I now have 12 babies and they have an incubator. :grouphug :grouphug baby squirrel :grouphug :grouphug

But I did tell them that at this point, I can't take any more for a while.

09-03-2011, 07:33 PM
Hi Michele.....if you guys find yourselves in TOO much of a bind down there, you guys can "train" some babies to me in North Florida, however, I would need to "train" them to someone else for release. I, too, have RA so I know what you guys are going through. My biggest obstacle to taking in babies right now, is the fact that I am not equipped and not able to release babies where I live. The last remaining "good" oak in my neighborhood, unexpectedly fell 2 weeks ago and took out one of our trucks in the process. So needless to say, we are down one vehicle at the moment. But I have plenty of supplies and FV on hand.

09-04-2011, 01:55 AM
My biggest obstacle to taking in babies right now, is the fact that I am not equipped and not able to release babies where I live. Not for sure how far you are from Lakeland..... but I am set UP - AWESOME!! for Releasing the SQUIRRELS!!
---just let me know IF and When YOU need a CAGE and IF 1 of my 4 "outside cages" are FREE...
You are more then Welcome to bring your guys over for their FINAL STAY!!

09-04-2011, 03:18 AM
I'm in North-Central FL and might be able to do some transporting. I'll need to ask my bf if we can afford the gas this week. Time-wise/rest-wise, I think Tuesday would be the best day for me, but I'd like to be flexible. Ooh, just saw Rhapsody's offer too, though. Whatcha think? :)

09-04-2011, 06:16 AM

I live in Tampa. I could help transport if needed. I am leaving on vacation this morning and won't be home till next Sunday. But after that, I could possibly help with transport.

I would take some for my home but I already have a little devil and a rabbit, dog and bird in a condo. But I am always willing to help if i can.


09-04-2011, 08:41 AM
I can help in the train somewhere if needed, I just got a call, we may have 4 more coming.......:shakehead .......it seems if they show up, we just can't turn them away.....gonna have to cram cages to make room!

Kelly Brady
09-04-2011, 10:47 AM
Unfortunately, regarding help with babies, I am waiting on a call any minute from my daughter to say she is in labor with my first grandchild. Sophia Noel.:multi

I will be making a trip to Georgia to see the baby in the hospital and then going back two weeks later to spend a week so I cannot have any babies in the middle of this process. I will let you know as soon as I am free for babies. It pains me to not be able to help. Sorry to let the Tampa team down but I am bursting at the seams to snuggle my grandaughter:D

09-04-2011, 11:00 AM
Congrats on the impending arrival Kelly! What, you don't want a car full of babies to join you on your trip to Georgia? Maybe someone would meet you there as part of a train : )

Kelly Brady
09-04-2011, 11:21 AM
Thanks SM,

Funny you say that, we have taken babies to their house for Thanksgiving for the past three years. Now that they are expecting a baby they are not happy about me bringing babies:dono Ha go figure:rotfl

09-04-2011, 11:23 AM
Wish I were closer to help!!!

09-04-2011, 11:39 AM
Hi Michele.....if you guys find yourselves in TOO much of a bind down there, you guys can "train" some babies to me in North Florida, however, I would need to "train" them to someone else for release. I, too, have RA so I know what you guys are going through. My biggest obstacle to taking in babies right now, is the fact that I am not equipped and not able to release babies where I live. The last remaining "good" oak in my neighborhood, unexpectedly fell 2 weeks ago and took out one of our trucks in the process. So needless to say, we are down one vehicle at the moment. But I have plenty of supplies and FV on hand.
lizharrell1 maybe you can help handle a couple of right aged ones for the moment to ease their congestion. Then when time for release, we'll have more time to rearrange.... Your supplies, the FV and yourself comes in handy at this time of need. :grouphug

to summarize what is needed again:
1) Transport
2) :Squirrel/pinky caretakers (temporary is also ok)
3) Cages, Equiptments

Please voice out what you may be able to contribute
Yes any help is greatly appreciated :grouphug

(I guess this is only help I can lend!)

09-05-2011, 12:40 AM
I'm in North-Central FL and might be able to do some transporting. I'll need to ask my bf if we can afford the gas this week. Time-wise/rest-wise, I think Tuesday would be the best day for me, but I'd like to be flexible. Ooh, just saw Rhapsody's offer too, though. Whatcha think? :)

Hey all, sorry if I wasn't catching everything on this thread at first. Don't know if it's technical weirdness or just my own special weirdness. :) Talked to my bf about gas money and he says we're too tight till after Friday, 9/16. If driver's are needed and gas money is provided, or if we can help with a short-ish jump in a train, before that (50 miles or so?), those are do-able. Give a yell. :)