View Full Version : Diet Evolution
09-02-2011, 02:41 PM
I'm feeding my 2 little babies: Rocky and Alice, 6cc of Fox Valley formula (the 32% protein / 40% fat formula: 32/40) 5 times a day. They're app. 6 weeks of age and about 110-120g in weight. It seems that they're not far from a point where feeding them entirely with FV formula becomes impractical. :thinking
I just ordered Henry's blocks for them - the high-protein variety for growing babies. I'll put some HH blocks into their living space and see what happens. I'll encourage them to eat more and more solid foods.
What is a reasonable age to stop the FV formula? Is it more about how big they are than how old they are? I cannot see myself feeding a 400g squirrel 20cc of FV thru a syringe. Can someone give me some ballpark about what age and size a squirrel gets up to before you cut off the formula? :dono
Any tips on getting them onto solid foods and off of the nipple are appreciated! :)
Thanks in advance! :thankyou
09-03-2011, 12:23 PM
No need to wean your babies, they will wean themselves. It's best to let them have the Fox Valley for as long as they will take it. Most babies wean themselves sometime between 11 and 14 weeks. My girl took her last formula at just about 14 weeks.
Putting the HHBs in with them at this age is a good thing. It will get them used to it and when they are ready to eat them, they will. They will crumble them at first, then as they get older, they will actually eat them. You can start introducing fruits and veggies very gradually at about 8 weeks old. That's about the time babies start venturing out of the nest for very short periods of time. Good foods to start with are pieces of peeled apple, peas out of snap peas and avocado.
Good luck with your babies :grouphug
09-03-2011, 12:24 PM
What is a reasonable age to stop the FV formula? Is it more about how big they are than how old they are?
I cannot see myself feeding a 400g squirrel 20cc of FV thru a syringe.
Can someone give me some ballpark about what age and size a squirrel gets up to before you cut off the formula? I have a NR Squirrel that is 5 months old and He is still willing to eat his FV (a few x a week) from a bowl and I am still willing to GIVE IT to HIM!! -- :thumbsup :thumbsup
09-03-2011, 02:41 PM
Around 7 weeks, I will start putting small bowls of the fv in the cage (still doing the measured syringe feeding, of course.) Many will drink it for quite some time from a dish, and it is very good for them! The longer they will take it, the better (I will even mix it with full fat yogurt when they get older, as well.)
09-03-2011, 06:40 PM
This is great information - thanks everyone!:thankyou
island rehabber
09-03-2011, 07:30 PM
dlovell, your babies are definitely old enough to start them on a basic rodent block as well. The HHB's are perfect -- one or two a day as supplements to their formula and other foods, but you want to get them on a quality rodent chow immediately as well. Here are the top four:
Harlan Teklad 2018
KayTee FortiDiet for Rats & Mice (the BLUE bag)
MAzuri rodent chow
Zupreem Monkey Biscuits
These rodent blocks can be left in their bowls for them to munch on as much as they want, and will help them to gradually transition off the formula on their own clock. Do this now, BEFORE they get a taste of nuts and fruits -- or you will have a bunch of spoiled brats who want to live on pecans. :D
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