View Full Version : is esbilac still bad
09-02-2011, 02:10 PM
Its been a while since they changed the formula, has there been ways to fix it so its okay to use again? Im in NC and we got a direct hit from hurricane Irene, as a result I got 20 baby squirrels on Sunday. I lost track of time/date.didnt realize it was friday already and that Monday is a holiday. I am out of fox valley (stupid,stupid me!!!) I do a new can of esbilac and heavy whipping cream.Once I finish the formula I have mixed up thats the end of fox valley.
We have a new store here thats wonderful for rehabbers! It has soooooo much stuff I can use. So i was going to look at all the different formula's they have and see if any match Fox Valley. The store is called The Tractor store ( you can go online & see all they have) anyway,if I cant find some that matches or comes very close i will use it until I can get my Fox valley.They sale goat's milk, but I think I saw that i should use goat milk for humans? I've never knew that until now.
In case I cant find formula at the tractor supply store, what should I do? I also have 5 baby opossums
09-02-2011, 03:13 PM
Here's the link to the goat milk recipe that people use on here. They just use it as an emergency formula until good stuff arives.
Not sure what is comparable to Fox Valley but I've heard some folks using Zoologic, I think. Anyway the Esbilac still causes diarrhea. Although I think some folks have a little better success with the liquid canned esbilac, the babies are still skinny.:(
09-02-2011, 04:59 PM
The below link has done a ton of research on this issue and has really helped me to understand nutrition better.
09-02-2011, 05:13 PM
Esbilac is still bad, but of course something is better then nothing. I would add heavy cream to it for sure. But I would use the goat milk formula for squirrels JUST until you get your FV. Yes, it is human grade, drinkable goats milk or powder form of goat milk that you would reconstitute to drink.
You can NOT use goat milk replacer for orphaned goats. NOT good.
Can you find goat milk? With that many babies, you may use up a quart in no time at all. Supermarket or organic market like whole foods. Check for the powder near the canned milk and dry milk powder as well.
Gosh that is a lot of babies. I wish I could help you but I am way up north.
09-02-2011, 06:28 PM
I have tried Zoologic and I liked it.I really liked it because the one i had I could use w/ my squirrels and was nice not have 2 different kinds
09-02-2011, 08:01 PM
I was told from Chris (squirrelsandmore) what to add and to let it sit before I use it.
Its feeding time and its been sitting for 2 hours made up. Can I use it now? Do I warm it up the same way as before?
09-02-2011, 08:18 PM
If you MUST use esbilac:
Mix it with really hot water - 160 to 185 F. Let it sit in the fridge as long as you can - at least 3 or 4 hours. then mix again and at that point add you full fat yogurt and heavy cream.
And get the FV ASAP.
The goats milk formula is a good sub until the FV arrives and is made with human quality ingredients, NOT with goat formula from Tractor Supply (which has additives in it that has already killed a baby here this year.
09-02-2011, 08:27 PM
Until I get my FV, Im using esbilac. But now Im so confused..........I was told NOT to get it as hot as possible,but to use warm water when mixing.
09-02-2011, 08:31 PM
No, and I am pretty sure Pet Ag would agree with me. Esbilac's problem is that they went to a single stage drying process that has make the formula powder very non-absorbent. To get it to properly absorb the water, which has to happen for it to be digested, it needs to be mixed very hot and it needs to sit for hours before feeding.
09-02-2011, 08:33 PM
According to use hot water, but not boiling. I would let your hot water tap run for a bit (so that it's as hot as possible) and then use that. Boiling water will destroy the vitamins and stuff, but if the water is just warm the esbilac won't mix well and the squirrels won't be able to absorb it and lead to diarrhea.
09-03-2011, 01:55 AM
if the water is just warm the esbilac won't mix well and the squirrels won't be able to absorb it and lead to diarrhea.AND --its the undissolved Esbilac that settles in the digestive tract creating unhealthy bacteria growth and infection in the intestines that later leads to death within days of occurrence.
....... sadly I speak from EXP. :(
island rehabber
09-03-2011, 07:22 AM
If you can follow the Caseys' ( instructions to the letter, you might be able to use it in a pinch, temporarily. I personally would use the goat's milk until the FV came.
Let's also not forget the 800-lb gorilla in the room: Many large wildlife rehab facilities, and even single rehabbers who do BIG volume, continue to recommend Esbilac because Pet Ag gives them really big discounts. Always follow the money. Just sayin'. :shakehead
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