View Full Version : Hello! My first experience!

09-01-2011, 05:27 PM
This is my first experience caring for a baby squirrel. I am so happy I found this place! I've already received so much wonderful advice!

Here's a little background information!
I'm a 22 year old college student who is engaged to a wonderful man serving in the US Army. I rescued a baby squirrel this past Saturday (5 days ago). I heard all kinds of commotion in the trees in my yard and a squealing noise. Then my mother's dog had something it his mouth which I made him drop. What did I see? A baby squirrel! It was bleeding from it's leg and bottom area. I've never had any experience with squirrels so I immediately started "googling" what to do!

I am prepared for the commitment. I get up in the middle of the night, I got my professors and boss to okay me bring the little thing with me since my work and school is an hour away from my home! It's hard work but it's very rewarding! I plan on keeping her and understand all that keeping her entails!

This is what I am doing and what I have in my "squirrel rehab kit." Can you please let me know if there is anything else I should get.
-Heating pad
-Fox valley formula (on the way, following the goats milk formula until it comes in)
-Fleece blankets for snuggling.
-1 cc syringe
-Digital 5KG scale (on the way also)
-Vita-mins and Calcium Carbonate powder (on the way also from Henry's Healthy Pets)

I have her in a storage container without the lid with her heating pad (to one side) and fleece ferret blankets to snuggle with.

I'm currently trying to fix her tummy issues (got help with that on another board).

I also have a quick question...
-When toileting her does she have to poop and pee every time? Any suggestions with that?

Now here's some pictures! (Sorry this is so long!) From when I first rescued her. I thought she was a he and named her Hammy (the squirrel from Over the Hedge). But now I wonder if I should keep it? Also a picture of her close up!

09-01-2011, 05:34 PM
Looks to be around three weeks old.:)
You're doing quite well.
No, they don't always poop or pee.
Most of the time they will, but, not always.

09-01-2011, 08:01 PM
Very nice. SOOOO cute.

I'm sure that someone will chime in on the tiny nipples (not the squirrel's, the ones you should get for the syringe). I don't know enough about them or I would, myself.

LUCKY. Just wait a couple weeks until it's bouncing around and acting like a happy little puppy.

Welcome to TSB.

09-01-2011, 08:04 PM
Very nice. SOOOO cute.

I'm sure that someone will chime in on the tiny nipples (not the squirrel's, the ones you should get for the syringe). I don't know enough about them or I would, myself.

LUCKY. Just wait a couple weeks until it's bouncing around and acting like a happy little puppy.

Welcome to TSB.

Thank you! She is already surprisingly active! I'm going to attach another picture... Taken 4 days after the last one. Would you still say around 3 weeks?

09-01-2011, 08:11 PM
It's hard work but it's very rewarding!

You have no idea. It's CRAZY great.

(personal YouTube spam) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEcHmjZwuZc

I don't know how old your's is, I'll defer that to someone more experienced than me. When I got mine, its eyes were already open and its tail was still not filled out.

09-01-2011, 08:30 PM
Welcome! Here is a chart on aging squirrels (take a look at her teeth)

She is a cutie :) ... loving a squirrel is the most incredible thing - thank you for looking after this one. I am looking forward to following her progress

09-01-2011, 08:41 PM
Welcome! Here is a chart on aging squirrels (take a look at her teeth)

She is a cutie :) ... loving a squirrel is the most incredible thing - thank you for looking after this one. I am looking forward to following her progress

Thank you for that link! :)