View Full Version : Baby squirrel with broken leg

08-31-2011, 04:00 PM
My dog tried getting a hold of a squirrel that i took in last week. He is now dragging around one of his back legs when he tries to walk. Before I realized his leg was messed up he was still climbing all over me. What should I do every vet I have talked to does not treat squirrels the one I found who would treat him said they can not see him untill friday and if his leg is broken they will put him down. I do not want this to happen. I have grown very attached to this little guy and want to get him better. Please Help!!!!

Nancy in New York
08-31-2011, 04:02 PM
My dog tried getting a hold of a squirrel that i took in last week. He is now dragging around one of his back legs when he tries to walk. Before I realized his leg was messed up he was still climbing all over me. What should I do every vet I have talked to does not treat squirrels the one I found who would treat him said they can not see him untill friday and if his leg is broken they will put him down. I do not want this to happen. I have grown very attached to this little guy and want to get him better. Please Help!!!!
Where abouts in Florida are you? How old is your little squirrel. How exactly did your dog try getting him?

08-31-2011, 04:09 PM
In lake butler it is about 35 minutes from gainesville. I am not completly sure this is what happened I had went to get my kids from school came home and found out the dog had gotten in. Noticed that the book that I had placed on top of the box was off so I started searching for him. I found him in a blanket that was on the floor in the room and didnt even realize at first that his leg was hurt untill I seen how he was crawling on me funny. I do not know how else this could have happened to him thats why I think he may have been trying to get away from the dog. I do not see any bite marks though

08-31-2011, 04:10 PM
I think he is between 6-8 weeks he is eating food and from all of the pictures and descriptions I have read this is why. My fiance thinks it looks like his hip may be dislocated but I do not know

Nancy in New York
08-31-2011, 04:13 PM
In lake butler it is about 35 minutes from gainesville. I am not completly sure this is what happened I had went to get my kids from school came home and found out the dog had gotten in. Noticed that the book that I had placed on top of the box was off so I started searching for him. I found him in a blanket that was on the floor in the room and didnt even realize at first that his leg was hurt untill I seen how he was crawling on me funny. I do not know how else this could have happened to him thats why I think he may have been trying to get away from the dog. I do not see any bite marks though

I would imagine that your squirrel would not have gotten away if your dog actually got him. I'm thinking perhaps a fall to the floor? How far is the box to the floor? He may have just sprained his leg. Does he have movement, can you feel any breaks?

08-31-2011, 04:16 PM
I have a couple of contacts in Gainesville. I'm trying to get you some numbers.

08-31-2011, 04:18 PM
The box was on my bed whick is just the box spring and mattress on the floor so it is not very high. I had put him on here because he has managed to become very good at escaping. I am getting him a cage tommorrow if I can still care for him. I have not felt to see if I could feel anything broken I am scared it will hurt him should I try? My fiance says to him it looks like his hip is out of place but he has not felt either.

Nancy in New York
08-31-2011, 04:28 PM
The box was on my bed whick is just the box spring and mattress on the floor so it is not very high. I had put him on here because he has managed to become very good at escaping. I am getting him a cage tommorrow if I can still care for him. I have not felt to see if I could feel anything broken I am scared it will hurt him should I try? My fiance says to him it looks like his hip is out of place but he has not felt either.

Sometimes a break is really hard to feel, so don't even try. Can you post a picture of him? Does his hip appear higher on one side?
Pictures may help if you can.
Just saw the post from Grinn75 who is looking for help for you in the Gainesville area...fingers crossed.

08-31-2011, 04:32 PM
Dr. Cottrell would be first choice.

Dr. Cottrell @ West End Animal Hospital
http://www.westendanimal.com/ (http://www.westendanimal.com/)

All Creatures Family Pet Center (they list sugar gliders in their list of animals that they see)
http://www.allcreaturesfamilypetcenter.com/ (http://www.allcreaturesfamilypetcenter.com/)

08-31-2011, 04:34 PM
I have a friend who does rehab in the Gainesville area and she uses Dr. Cottrell. I also have a coworker who uses All Creatures for his mouse.

08-31-2011, 04:37 PM
Sry these were the best I could get in the last two you can kind of see him dragging his foot underneath him. His hip does look lower than the other side also

08-31-2011, 04:40 PM
Heres some pictures of how he is laying when he is sleeping. He normally curls up in a ball

08-31-2011, 04:46 PM
Definitely looks messed up. If it is just a dislocation a vet should be able to put it back and this guy would be a good candidate for eventual release. If it's broken it would have to depend on where the break is and how badly it's broken.

Either way, this little guy needs veterinary intervention. Give Dr. Cottrell a call she's great!:) If you are concerned about taking care of him she is a licensed rehabber and is in contact with rehabbers so he could get the care he needs.

08-31-2011, 04:50 PM
We also have a member on here that is in the Gainesville area, Philomycus, if you want to PM her about getting the baby help.

08-31-2011, 04:54 PM
how do i contact Dr. Cottrell

08-31-2011, 04:56 PM
Hopefully you can use one of the recommended vets. Any time that you contact a vet about a squirrel, it is important to quiz them first to make sure you don't go to one like the one you called, that said they would put him down if his leg was broken. I know we are lucky in Florida to be able to take a squirrel to a vet but I guess there are still some vets or some areas where you have to be really careful. I know it seems here in the Tampa Bay area, we have our choice of vets to go to that treat squirrels.

Good luck with this baby.

08-31-2011, 04:57 PM
how do i contact Dr. Cottrell

According to the website link that grinn posted, here is their contact info:

West End Animal Hospital

15318 W. Newberry Rd

Newberry, FL 32669

Office - 352.472.7626

08-31-2011, 04:58 PM
Sorry I just included the link to her website on my post earlier and not the phone number.:shakehead
West End Animal Hospital 352-472-7626. I have not been to her myself but she comes highly recommended by a friend of mine that has raccoons and squirrels.

08-31-2011, 05:01 PM
They are open 7am to 7pm M-TH and 7am to 6pm on Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Hope you can try to call now.

08-31-2011, 05:03 PM
I called and they sad they I could bring him in and they would give him to the wildlife rehabilitation center. But I am scared they will put him down should I just do this?

08-31-2011, 05:10 PM
It's hard to tell by the picture but I had a baby with a broken leg. He broke the upper part (thigh bone) of his leg. There was nothing they could do for that other than charge me for the xray and tell me to keep him as calm and still as possible until it heals. They heal amazingly fast.

I gave my squirrel Boiron, Symphytum Officinale- 30 C. It was recommended by another member here on TSB to help quicken the healing process for the bone.

08-31-2011, 05:12 PM
There are no guarantees that they won't euthanize him but I do think he needs some help with this.

Does anybody know, do we have any other members in the Gainesville area?

08-31-2011, 05:16 PM
There are no guarantees that they won't euthanize him but I do think he needs some help with this.

Does anybody know, do we have any other members in the Gainesville area?

Isn't Scoobysnack in the Gainsville area?

Nancy in New York
08-31-2011, 05:44 PM
I'll take him and we'll figure it out. Somebody who knows me and has my number, call me. Thx.

West End Animal Hospital wiil Tx him - they are safe :)

What a wonderful offer!!!! Thank you so very much. This is one lucky little squirrel....:thumbsup

08-31-2011, 06:23 PM
Fallensmommy suggested using it and no one questioned it so, I used it. I read up on it first to be sure of what it does. However, I only used it after being sent home from the wildlife vet's office with nothing they could do because of where the break was. The squirrel needed to heal and fast ... and from everything I had read it supported bone mending. If there is new information out there on it please educate those of us who are not in the know. I know I would personally appreciate any help when it comes to the squirrels. I never want to give them anything that would hurt them. :peace

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 06:43 PM
I am here..I will speak for Philomycus...I know her...
she can deal with this if anyone can...
alana, do you still need someone to call you?
Please let her take the sq...
if not her, please get the sq to the vet.TY!

08-31-2011, 06:57 PM
I would go to West End or to the University Of Florida. West End has treated my rats. Wonderful people there. They won't euthanize unless necessary.

Sorry for the slow response. My power was out and I just got it back.

08-31-2011, 10:35 PM
Thanks every 1 I am going to take him to a lady tommorrow who lives right down the road from me who has had a lot of experience with taking in and caring for all different types of wildlife. Hopefully she will be able to help or suggest a vet. If not I will take him right to West side animal hospital. Is there anything I can do to keep him more comfy or any type of medicine he could take for pain? He is still managing to move pretty fast but I do not want him to overstrain himself.

09-01-2011, 06:04 AM
West END Animal Hospital. Not West Side. There is a Westside but that's NOT where you want to go. I've dealt with West End.. I had a wild rat and they are NOT big on euthanizing for no reason. They DO treat wild rodents as well as domestic. They have at least two vets in that practice that specialize. They even use Fox Valley formula.

They are on Newberry Road west of I-75.

Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2011, 06:24 AM
i will take him if we can get him to me...
choo choo
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOEPGNuDq0RkEb5snwV2Kp5fu02lzzq zmz0m2uhpoDOkTbJJ1M
if after dark, i can drive north...ocala maybe:Love_Icon

09-01-2011, 09:28 AM
Update on MO MO the baby squirrel* He is doing a lot better this morning he is putting weight on his leg and able to hold it right. It sort of looks like he is hopping around when he walks. I talked to a lady this morning who seems to think that he may have just strained his leg or hurt muscles or ligaments in it since he is now able to do all of this. I am still taking him to the lady down the road this afternoon to look at him and see what she thinks and to get her to refer me to a vet that will see him. I think this is a good sign though that he is starting to do this? Hopefully :squirrel1

09-01-2011, 01:55 PM
You've gotten some great advice here. Hopefully, this little one will be okay. Please know that West End is available if you need them. They are caring and compassionate folks there.

09-01-2011, 02:00 PM
We urge you to take him to Philomycus at the West END animal hospital as noted above. Philomycus is a long time TSBer. She is one of us and will not hurt your squirrel.

Tickle's Mom
09-01-2011, 03:29 PM
We urge you to take him to Philomycus at the West END animal hospital as noted above. Philomycus is a long time TSBer. She is one of us and will not hurt your squirrel.

:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost