View Full Version : Found a baby squirrel

08-31-2011, 06:36 AM
I am just looking for more information. I found a baby squirrel 2 days ago he was in the backyard for most of the day. I took him in because he was freezing and mama had not come back all day.

I am guessing he is about 5 weeks old, yesterday he opened his eyes. I need help I have been reading all of these forums and other sites. I am a mama to a macaw and a great dane but never a squirrel.

When I found him I brought him in and warmed him up right away and ran and bought some pedialyte which is what I had read on a few other sites. He seemed to be doing fine. Yesterday we started the puppy formula which is what every site I looked at recommended. He was very active and still is but seems to be making an odd noise...its not clicking but after his last feeding last night he started making it.

I am just trying to help him and don't want to hurt him any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 06:41 AM
what are you using to feed him...
go slow...
thank you for taking him in...
I have to go feed, but someone will be here soon...
if clicking WITH EVERY BREATH, you will need anti biotics TODAY...
ask around NOW/..see what your family and friends have...
keep in mind all ABs should be fresh..
keep the baby warm...
TSB has the best info on the net as far as sqs go...
start with hydration...then switch to formula, never feed a cold sq...
look at the stickys in emergency section...they have lots of great life saving advise...:thumbsup
thank you for helping...hang on, someone will be here any moment:Love_Icon

08-31-2011, 06:42 AM
Does someone know of anyone or anywhere that could help me? I just gave him another feeding and he is still making that noise its kind of a just high pitch noise. When I found him he had dried blood covering his nose also and I am still slowly working on getting it all off I just didn't want to hurt him.

08-31-2011, 06:43 AM
I have amoxicillan at home (spelled wrong) I have 2 different kinds one if 500mg and one is 875mg. They are pill form not capsule though

08-31-2011, 06:44 AM
First off :Welcome !!! Glad u took the baby in! Do the pedialyte for the fist six hours of so to make sure he is not dehydrated! If u haven't opened the puppy milk DON'T! There is a temporary goats milk formula on here that u can use but everyone will tell u to order fox valley formula! It is made for squirrels and the puppy formula will give them diareah which in turn will dehydrate him fast. Hopefully some one that is an expert will b on shortly to give u more info but these r just a few thing I do know! Lol keep up posted o. The little baby and we love pictures!!! ( a great Dane wow! I always wanted one! They r beautiful!!!)

08-31-2011, 06:47 AM
Unfortunately I already fed him the puppy formula :( He seems to be active and alright as of now just the noise is worrying me.


Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 07:01 AM
Amoxicillan is NOT choice...hard on the gut...
it will work in a pinch.
You will def need some probotics, I use yogurt myself.
I can dose the meds for you ...
IS IT CLICKING...crackles?????
the high pitch sounds like his nose is stuffy...
in that case...I get the bathroom real steamy and take sq in wrapped warm and allow him to breath the steam for 15 minutes...I repeat every few hours...
if you have a vaporizer, you can make a tent and do the same thing...PS , sqs don't like the sound of running water...so steam ahead of time...
eyes open on greys at 4.5 weeks old
best ABs for sqs...
2)...SMZ-TMP, bactrim, septra, trimethoprim sulfamethoxizole{sp}
3)...metronidazole, flagyl
these are my favs and work well...
lilas/katie gave good advise
get a weight n grams...I will ck back.
try to find other meds if possible
:thankyou :Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 07:04 AM
we have members up your way if you need some hands on help...
try secondhand rescue ranch...not sure of her exact location...I also know an older gentleman, dwight up there...

08-31-2011, 07:05 AM
I wanted to add this to he is not dehydrated I pinched the back of his neck by shoulder blades and his skin goes right back instantly...he is moving around but sleeps a lot which I am sure is normal because he is a baby

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 07:08 AM
I wanted to add this to he is not dehydrated I pinched the back of his neck by shoulder blades and his skin goes right back instantly...he is moving around but sleeps a lot which I am sure is normal because he is a baby

island rehabber
08-31-2011, 07:13 AM
Welcome christine! you are in the best of hands here with Jackie in Tampa. I just enabled your full membership so you can post pix and send/receive private messages. Keep up the good work with the little one!

08-31-2011, 07:38 AM
I attached a photo of him that was from 2 days ago when we first found him. Jackie thank you for the help. I will look around and see what other antibiotics I have around. I think it is from his nose being stuffy as he was sneezing a bit. He doesn't do it constant. I have to go to work unfortunately for a few hours so I will update when I get home I do believe I may have flagyl around here from my daughter.

08-31-2011, 07:39 AM
whoops didn't realize you have to resize the photos lol!

08-31-2011, 07:51 AM
Oh, he's precious! So glad you brought him in. Sweet baby... :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

He might be making the noise because of the dried blood in his nose. Keep trying to wash it away and listen closely to him and his chest as he breathes.


Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2011, 07:56 AM
I don't advise using water to wash nose...usually any and all injuries weep, so just wiping away blood as it loosens is what pierre probably meant...
don't want to take a chance and have him inhale water now....:D
he is gorgeous!...is it a he?

08-31-2011, 09:08 AM
Yes, by washing I didn't mean rubbing or getting water all over him! Oops :rotfl

Grayson had blood on his nose too when I got him. I used a damp-dry [not wet or dripping!] warm paper towel over the next few days, slowly softening and removing it.

08-31-2011, 09:24 AM
Hello & :Welcome Thanks for taking the little one in!

08-31-2011, 09:26 AM
just resizing....:D ...gorgeous!!!

08-31-2011, 02:48 PM
I just got home he seems to be doing the same but I don't hear any noise now. Before I left some of the dry blood came off and I can actually see his nostrils now. I was just using a damp cloth not soaked because I didn't want him breathing anything else in. I will say when I came home I heard him make the weirdest noise. It was very loud maybe trying to call his mother?? Thanks for all the help and yes he sure is cute!

08-31-2011, 03:03 PM
After re evaluating he does sound stuffy to me. I can only find penicillan and keflex will either of these work? I am going to keep looking and ask some friends what they have. He is still active not acting lethargic at all and is moving around.

08-31-2011, 09:38 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone for their help! I found someone to take the little baby in who has taken care of many orphaned animals. She currently is mothering some raccoons too so it was the perfect place for him. I am just glad I was able to help him :)

08-31-2011, 09:49 PM
hi christine... please ask the person to join us...

also if they're using esbilac tell them to stop.... aprx 2 years ago they changed their formula and we've had many baby squirrels die because of it....

larger rescues still use it but they add cream and also leave in fridge for at least 12 hours before using....

that's the biggest piece of advice i have for you right now.... the esbilac....

cls. ps: we've a temp goats milk formula if she needs....