View Full Version : mom squirrel carrying around baby ALL day!

08-30-2011, 07:50 PM
Okay, so about a year ago, I raised a baby squirrel named Lilu... She's now released-has been for a while; has had several litters and stick around my house and comes to my back door every day looking for peanuts. Today I noticed she has been carrying around one of her babies all day. back and forth from my back porch back to her nest over and over again. She was carrying the baby by its leg and constantly jumping up and down from the screen door on the the concrete floor and I'm worried the baby got injured. She finally left the baby in a hammock in a cage on my porch so i took the baby. On both of its legs it's skin is really red and irritated and raw and a bit bloody. I have two other squirrels about 8 weeks old (this one is about the same age) I'm thinking I should keep Lilu's baby for its own safety. Does anyone know why momma squirrels might do this to their babies??

08-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Okay, so about a year ago, I raised a baby squirrel named Lilu... She's now released-has been for a while; has had several litters and stick around my house and comes to my back door every day looking for peanuts. Today I noticed she has been carrying around one of her babies all day. back and forth from my back porch back to her nest over and over again. She was carrying the baby by its leg and constantly jumping up and down from the screen door on the the concrete floor and I'm worried the baby got injured. She finally left the baby in a hammock in a cage on my porch so i took the baby. On both of its legs it's skin is really red and irritated and raw and a bit bloody. I have two other squirrels about 8 weeks old (this one is about the same age) I'm thinking I should keep Lilu's baby for its own safety. Does anyone know why momma squirrels might do this to their babies??

I wonder if she is picking up on something being wrong. FYI, I am only guessing ... I have no idea. The other thought is something or someone might have been messing with or around her nest and it made her nervous.

08-30-2011, 08:18 PM
I thought the same thing... She's the only squirrel who has a nest in my backyard... it's been raining today but that hasn't caused her to act weird before.

08-30-2011, 08:26 PM
What is she doing now that she brought the baby to you? Did she hang around like maybe she was moving into the cage herself too?

08-30-2011, 08:31 PM
when i took the baby, she came back and started looking for it for a few minutes then she found a peanut and started acting normal again

08-30-2011, 08:33 PM
Any idea what is actually wrong with the little one?

08-30-2011, 08:53 PM
I'm not sure right now :/ the only thing i can see is from her mom carrying her her skin on her legs is all raw. and she just seems scared right now.

08-30-2011, 08:59 PM
Poor baby! Lucky to have you to help out, I guess. I am very curious what the experts here will suggest.:grouphug

Mrs Skul
08-31-2011, 02:39 AM
Something is wrong at the nest cite!!! Go and see what is attacking the babies!!!
She wonts your help. You raised her she knows you will help her. I would bring her in and let her raise this little one if she does not have others out there. Usually a snack attack, is what they will grab a baby and run from.:eek:
I released Rocki almost 7 years ago In Tx. We are experiencing a Drought. Rocki was expecting Babies any day. I was checking on her and feeding Squirrels some Nuts. When all of a sudden Rocki comes scramming down the tree with a BABBY in her mouth. By this time its had started Storming for the first time in months. She jumped on me and handed me the baby close to my chest. Tucking it in my hands. "I asked her What on earth are you doing." She takes off up the tree into the nest she goes.:thinking I am standing their with a bran New Baby in my hand and is now in my bra and covered with my hand. The umbilical cord is still there. They were born early that morning. " I am thinking she was going to get the rest of them." :nono By this time the Tree limbs are snapping and it's lighting allot, I am freaking out! Rocki comes out and check to see if I am still their. When I start to walk away she comes scramming down the tree and on my shoulder. "She wonted me to stay. I am guessing she was worried about the storm. Her nest was in a 3 to 4 in tree about 20 ft up. During the Wind Storm, Squirrel Nest were falling out of trees. Finally after the Storm passed. The Wind was cool and it started raining. Rocki came down the Tree. Jumped on me, up to the shoulder, and down the shirt she want. She cuddled around for a few with the baby. Next thing I know she was out of my shirt and Up the tree she went with Baby in tow. :Love_Icon It starts raining softly and Rocki is in the nest All cozy feeding her Babies. I waited for a little while. She pokes her head out of the nest and back in she went. Now I went and checked all the tree and limbs, and Nest for other babies. There were none. Thank God.

We raise them and release them. But we are still there Family. If they get sick or need food they come home and try to get in the house or get our attention for help. I sure hope all is well at the nest cite. If this ever happens again Open the door and let her in. See what she wonts you to help her with. I bet she would try to get into the cage she was raised in. :D Hope the little baby is OK.:grouphug

08-31-2011, 03:13 AM
do you hear or see crows in the area ?

08-31-2011, 04:15 AM
This is the kind of story I love hearing (and I am waiting to exp), but for some reason I keep getting Males.....
I am hoping my luck will change next year with the 8 babies I am presently rehabbing - as most of them are FEMALES!! - :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :alright.gif :alright.gif

:Love_Icon ---Wish US LUCK!!

08-31-2011, 12:45 PM
any updates on this?:grouphug

09-08-2011, 01:56 PM
Sorry I haven't been on in a few days! Yes, the very next day, Lilu brought me another one of her babies. She didn't put up such a fuss with this one, just simply brought it into the cage and left it in the hammock. I don't remember if there were any crows crowing or not. I just know it was storming. But the babies are doing great now :) They get along and cuddle with the other two babies I have, but occasionally they will scream. I'm wondering if I should bring them outside for Lilu to see them for her to know they are okay. Lilu does seem fine now, she still comes to my back porch waiting for me to hand her food lol. She's a professional beggar.

09-08-2011, 03:04 PM
Its so sweet that she brought the babies to you, she must have wanted you to help them. She must trust you a lot. Im glad the babies are doing fine. :grouphug

09-08-2011, 03:10 PM
That's great that she trusts you so much to care for the little ones! I am happy you were there for her!

09-08-2011, 03:55 PM
sorry, i must have missed parts of the story...
i thought that Lilu brought not only her babies to you, but herself as well. In other words, that she was taking care of her babies in the cage at your house (or wherever the cage is)...
so, she is back outside and the babies are with you?.... so, you are feeding the babies and all that?... and she has never tried to come in again to check on them?...
... sorry, just don't have a clear understanding of the story....:)