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Wizzer's Mom
08-29-2011, 07:12 AM
Have 10 yr old pet squirrel, has become very lethargic and stopped eating, has been on vit and mineral supplement for several years. have no idea what could be wrong, can you help

Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2011, 07:21 AM
are you familiar with mbd, metabolic bone disease?
this is a link for emergency care if you think wizzer may be compromised...
not all vitamin suppliments are as good as they seem...
what's the name please of the sup you have been using?

Wizzer's Mom
08-29-2011, 07:25 AM
Its a GNC product, liquid mineral, it helped hem when he had the symptoms of bone issues several years ago, please tell me what i can get that is better, vet refused to see him this morning

Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2011, 07:31 AM
do you have plain calcium tablets?
smash and dilute with a liquid he likes or water and syringe him now...
read the link i posted...

the problem with store bought human sups is they are not targeted at rodents/sqs and the ratios are all wrong..
if you can give the actual product name, that may help...i am calling someone now to help you...watch for a pm...

08-29-2011, 07:32 AM
Prayers for Wizzer....:grouphug
I too use supplements....but if you are supplementing....its is just as important to give him Magnesium and Phosphorus as it is Calcium. He needs the first to in order for the calcium to be effective.
I use Twin labs Cal-quick and Twin Labs Magnesium and Phosphorus. It has added vitamin D as captive squirrels don't receive the proper amount of sunshine. ( Vit D)
I do NOT rely on suppliments though....most of the calcium and other minerals I believe needs to come from natural things such as food.
What is his diet like?

08-29-2011, 07:36 AM
At ten years old, this could be age related, sadly, too. If he is not on heat, get a heating pad under half his enclosure. You have been given good advice on thisgs to try. Maybe someone else in your area might know of a squirrel knowledgeable (and friendly) vet who would be willing to help.

Wizzer's Mom
08-29-2011, 07:39 AM
getting tums now, he wont eat rodent chow, has fresh vegs, soy beans, salmon, yams, grains and nuts, avacado

08-29-2011, 07:42 AM
Prayers for Wizzer....:grouphug
I too use supplements....but if you are supplementing....its is just as important to give him Magnesium and Phosphorus as it is Calcium. He needs the first to in order for the calcium to be effective.
I use Twin labs Cal-quick and Twin Labs Magnesium and Phosphorus. It has added vitamin D as captive squirrels don't receive the proper amount of sunshine. ( Vit D)
I do NOT rely on suppliments though....most of the calcium and other minerals I believe needs to come from natural things such as food.
What is his diet like?

Jo is trying to say Magnesium and POTASSIUM, not phosphorus, which most squirrels get to much of. We get out P's mixed up...

Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2011, 07:47 AM
others may be right...
yes this may be age age related.....but please administer calcium NOW...just in case...this is life threatening...
have you seen any seizures?
yes adding heat will help...heating pad or rice buddy...
if MBD, bones will be ache'y
do not worry about all the sups others are advising right now...
get the calcium in your sweetie...
time to reevaluate his diet later...

Wizzer's Mom
08-29-2011, 07:52 AM
have given tums, how much shold i give now? how often? how long till he reacts?

Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2011, 08:14 AM
usually tums are 750 mg of calcium...slowly admin about 400-500- mg over 24 hours as in the link..{I think that's what it says}

08-29-2011, 11:18 AM
Prayers for you and Wizzer. 10 years is a long time for a squirrel...the extra warmth will surely feel good on his body.