View Full Version : One and Only

08-26-2011, 04:36 PM
Hi, I have a baby squirrel around 5 weeks old, he opened his eyes three days ago. I live in MN and I know that it is illegal for me to have a squirrel, that being said, the closest rehabber is 700 miles away so I am his only choice. My biggest concern is to know the different stages of development to look for. I have had him since the beginning of August and he seems to be doing well. I found your website while searching for information so any advice on what to watch for would be greatly appreciated. Incidentally, I do not plan on continuing as we do not have alot of orphaned babies. We have had a couple of bad wind storms which resulted in a rash of babies blown down, but on the whole they are rare around here.

Jackie in Tampa
08-26-2011, 06:09 PM
:Welcome :wave123
hello and welcome...we have stickys in each forum loaded with great info...please read them...they will give you lots of great advise...

ask all the questions you need to, someone will know!:thumbsup
:poke we love pics!:D

08-26-2011, 07:11 PM
:wave123 lil'b
Happy you can join us.
As Jacki mentioned, please check some of the care threads.
Being in an "illegal" state, your concern will be mostly keeping the little one healthy until release.
The information available may seem overwhelming.
Most is repetative.
You'll pick up on the basics pretty fast.
If you're unsure about something, anything, ask.
We'll try to help.:)

BTW, my family hails from central/far west MN.

08-26-2011, 09:12 PM
:Welcome as Jackie and Skul said: tons of useful info here:)