View Full Version : teenage girl interested in squirrels

Laurels Lilacs
08-24-2011, 12:41 PM

my name's Laura :)
I'm a young adult in high school with a killer cat (which is where we get all the wild animals. You can see a picture of her on my profile), a chocolate lab, and a fat little hamster.

Just a few days ago my cat brought home a little pinky (squirrel of course). It was very dark so I took care of him until the morning as well as buying a bunch of stuff so he could get through the night. I came on here and found a nice lady who's username was "UDoWhat" who said she would gladly take in my little Mikie (which we have decided to name him). By that time I had quickly fallen in love with my little squirrel but everyone convinced me he would dye without the care of a unprofessional considering my cat had given him a small wound. Thinking that I would rather have him live and no longer be with me then watching him dye in my hands, I gave him to her.

It's been a few days and apparently he is doing very well, but I have fallen for squirrels and wish to continue putting my community service hours into saving the helpless ones. I was always obsessed with wildlife/mammals and read up on them as much as i can.

I like to hear everyone else's stories, how did you guys get into squirrels? How did you come to this site?

you can find a picture of Mikie as my avatar, he's just so cute :rotfl

Laurels Lilacs
08-24-2011, 01:04 PM
sorry about any typos haha. professional*. he would probably dye from the care of other "unprofessionals" as well

08-24-2011, 03:09 PM
The rehabber was most likely right.
Cats carry some pretty nasty bugs in their saliva, and even a small wound on a young animal would probably be fatal.
You did right in letting UDW, take the squirrel.:thumbsup
I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you check up on the little monster.

08-24-2011, 04:05 PM
VERY proud of you LL!!!
UDoWhat is one of the best rehabbers out there!!
Thank you for your compassion and interest in squirrels.
Just stick around....you will see and learn so much here.

island rehabber
08-24-2011, 04:12 PM
I agree -- your baby couldn't be in better hands.
Check out what the requirements are for wildlife rehabilitator licenses in your state. See if you can volunteer for someone, or at a wildlife facility. The experience will be wonderful AND horrible AND wonderful, but you'll learn so much. :thumbsup

Laurels Lilacs
08-24-2011, 04:47 PM
thanks guys! Yesterday I went and bought a bag of bells at Michaels and attached about 5 to my cat. They are those really annoying ones that ding at even the slightest movement. She comes home with all sorts of animals such as birds, snakes, rats, adult squirrels, and even bats. So we hope this can warn animals that she is near.

08-24-2011, 05:06 PM
LL, where in Maryland do you live? There are a few wildlife rehab facilities and many rehabbers that need home help. You sound most competent and I'm guessing we could find you someone to work with. UDoWhat probably knows even more about this than I do. Great job with the rescue and immediately going online to find a solution to save little Mikey. And excellent with the bells. :bowdown

Laurels Lilacs
08-24-2011, 05:51 PM
LL, where in Maryland do you live? There are a few wildlife rehab facilities and many rehabbers that need home help. You sound most competent and I'm guessing we could find you someone to work with. UDoWhat probably knows even more about this than I do. Great job with the rescue and immediately going online to find a solution to save little Mikey. And excellent with the bells. :bowdown

I live in Rockville, next to Rock creek park. So I have the joy of seeing a variety of animals all the time :3.

08-24-2011, 11:40 PM
I used to live there too, right off Falls Road! I loved seeing wildlife on a regular basis.

If you have a car, Second Chance is a great rehab facility up in Gaithersburg.

You can contact the Wild Aid Brigade because many of the founding rehabbers are based in your part of Maryland and might be able to guide you towards being an apprentice.

I'm sure Montgomery County Humane Society could use help too and it's located in Rockville.

08-25-2011, 08:23 AM
Hi Laura!

Welcome to TSB :-) UDoWhat is spectacular! I am from MD as well and have been in contact with her. Your little guy will be well taken care of. Enjoy your stay here and thanks for helping the mjs !:jump


08-25-2011, 08:42 AM
Laura, I am looking around to see if there is a place that can use some help. You are a wonderful person. Mikie is doing better today. I was worried yesterday because he lost weight. He was 24 grams when you brought him to me. Yesterday he was down to 23.1 grams. I have to admit I was worried. Today he is back up to 24.3 grams. I made a change in formula to make it a little higher in fat, but at the same time watching how he was metabolizing the higher fat. These little ones, as I told you, can change hour to hour. He is strong and pink. Now I want him to keep gaining weight. Remember, if you would like to come by to help feed the babies, just call. I know it is not real close, but not soooooooooo far also. Mikie says, "Hi"!!( He also said," Help , she is a nut", but I told him I was not going to tell you that!! hehehe11:rotfl


08-25-2011, 09:01 AM
i was 13 when i started taking care of squirrels and possums. i have been doing it since. i now have three daughters and a husband helping me in it. glad you found this site!! and it was best to get that little one some help and meds right away!! but good job taking care of the baby til you did!!

08-25-2011, 09:19 AM
thanks guys! Yesterday I went and bought a bag of bells at Michaels and attached about 5 to my cat. They are those really annoying ones that ding at even the slightest movement. She comes home with all sorts of animals such as birds, snakes, rats, adult squirrels, and even bats. So we hope this can warn animals that she is near.
what a clever idea!!!!!:thumbsup

Laurels Lilacs
08-28-2011, 01:54 PM
A lot of helpful suggestions!!!

rescue04: that is so cute, that sounds kind of like me and my sister. My sister lives in Frosturg Maryland so whenever we find an animal, we take him there :).

Marty: Maybe I will visit him soon! (if that's okay with you of course) :D

astra: thankss!!!! It seems to work very well, we haven't gotten any animals at all since we put the bells on her. FINALLY, NO MORE DEAD ANIMALS