View Full Version : Taking on a Grey Squirrel as a pet - have questions

08-23-2011, 06:12 PM
A friend of mine rescued a baby squirrel who just opened its eyes 3 days ago or so, so I am guessing its 5-6 wks old based on a growth chart I saw at the Florida Wildlife Commission's website.

He is feeding it puppy milk, and a Weiner dog is also feeding it sometimes.

I told my friend I would take it on as a pet, he needs be to pick it up by late Sept as he is going on a cruise, I'm assuming the it'll be 9-10 wks old by then, hopefully this isn't a delicate moment to transition it over to me, as it should be close to juvenile stage.

My biggest concern is biting, I have read a few threads on here on biting, but not very many, so I am wondering how common is biting on a squirrel that has been hand fed/raised?

I have another friend who says she has raised many from pinky to several years, and never had biting issues, so what can I expect from a hand fed/raised squirrel with regard to biting?

I have a 27'x14' air conditioned, sunroom that I am planning on building a 4'-6' wide, 4'-6' tall, by 3'-4' front to back meshed enclosure on casters, with tree limbs, toys, etc., and since I work from home I can have it loose in my office quite often.

Thanks in advance!

08-23-2011, 06:21 PM
Not to burst your bubble...but he will probably bite. It isn't personal, just him being a squirrel. My husband and I have both been bitten very hard and we have had Sammy since he was only a little guy.
He may need to go outside and be a squirrel eventually.

08-23-2011, 06:28 PM
Not to burst your bubble...but he will probably bite. It isn't personal, just him being a squirrel. My husband and I have both been bitten very hard and we have had Sammy since he was only a little guy.
He may need to go outside and be a squirrel eventually.

Thanks for your response, these are what I am looking for, mainly a general consensus.

I was looking at a few youtube videos of folks rufhousing with their squirrel and even then not getting bit, I know every case will be different, I'd hate to get bit yes, but more so my kid, the lady I talked to who has raised a few said it really depends on how it was raised, from how young, and also depending on how you handle it.....just wondering it this sounds like it for he most part, or if it is more common than not for them to bite.

08-23-2011, 06:50 PM
They are wild animals it is expected and understood that you and anyone around him may be bit also every squirrel has a different personality and temperament. Realistically any animal that is wild will could bite. For any animal with teeth you must keep in mind that you can get bite also you may want to be careful having the squirrel and your kid because they do have nails and you can expect getting scratched...hope this helps :)

08-23-2011, 06:55 PM
They are wild animals it is expected and understood that you and anyone around him may be bit also every squirrel has a different personality and temperament. Realistically any animal that is wild will could bite. For any animal with teeth you must keep in mind that you can get bite also you may want to be careful having the squirrel and your kid because they do have nails and you can expect getting scratched...hope this helps :)

Great thanks, I hope I am lucky enough to end up with one that doesnt like to bite....now the flip side to that question, does anyone have/had a pet squirrel that didnt bite?

08-23-2011, 07:05 PM
It helps to pay attention to their body language, noises they are making and tail motions. It will be a great indicator if you are on egg shells and is on the thin line of being bit. I have had diesel for a year and had two major bits. Totally my fault DO NOT TAKE FOOD AWAY FROM A SQUIRREL lol I learned the hard way when he stole the container filed with mealworms and I took it from him and got bit that was the ffirst time lol 2 bits out of a year ill take it just remember IT'S NEVER THE ANIMALS FAULT :)

08-23-2011, 07:07 PM
I think squirrels and kids are a very bad mix. They love to play when they play, but they don't always play and could hurt a kid really badly. My thumb wouldn't bend for a couple of weeks. If your kid got bitten what would you do? It would always have to be choosing your child so it sort of is a bad setup for the squirrel. Just hate to see anyone go into it "hoping" when really, you will learn here that he "will" bite at some point.
I hope it works out but please try to think about what you would do if/when he bites. You will save yourself a lot of heartache.
Sorry to lecture! It is only because I care.

08-23-2011, 07:11 PM
All squirrels no matter how nice they are when young will eventually grow up and become a one person squirrel (maybe a 2 person squirrel IF you are lucky) and when this
happens they can become feisty and down right nasty to those they do NOT take to..... and YES, this could very well be your kids and or you.

Therefore, My best suggestion for you, after raising and releasing Squirrels for five years my self, is for you to not look at this squirrel as a possible PET, but rather
as a learning experience for you and your kids as you help this precious sweet animal become what it was meant to be --- WILD & FREE!!

Good Luck - :Love_Icon

08-23-2011, 07:25 PM
Agreed, although never bitten I have taken some good face plants and cuts to my lips, ears and scalp from sharp claws. They are complex creatures and lots of attention. My wife and I cannot vacation together because our little one becomes distressed if one of us isn't there.

08-23-2011, 08:55 PM
for some reason my account was deleted, this is all ive posted, I think moderator hasnt activated my account.