View Full Version : URGENT - In UK - help needed
08-23-2011, 10:51 AM
Can someone please advise.
I have been using a squirrel formula recipe from another UK rehabber of squirrels but have noticed that though this worked in the past last year and the year before, the squirrels I have in now are not doing so well.
I have 6 from a litter of 8 (yes 8!). 2 died with mum when her milk dried up so she was released and the 6 went on to the forumula of 2/3 full fat goats milk, 1/3 full fat cows milk, and two teaspoons of live yoghurt plus abidec vitamin drops.
LIke I say this has worked fine before and we have had successful releases of healthy juveniles on this.
This time though, we started from a more dire situation as babies were v dehydrated before we realised mum had no milk, and we spent 1 day rehydrating with oralyte then on to weakened formula as above (mixed with water), then to full formula - about 5ml per feed.
4 of the babies are doing well but two today started having some sort of fits. Initially I thought they were choking, but we rushed one to the vet and he looked down its throat and all was clear.
They do this blinking and jerking thing I havent seen before and it looks like some sort of fit.
They opened their eyes 3 days ago - so are about 5 weeks old i think.
I was going to try esbillac but then read on here that was not a good idea so thought I would ask for advice.
Babies have solid poops and are toileting fine.
Please help
08-23-2011, 11:14 AM
Anyone? I'm really worried.
We dont have access to the recommended formula here - what should I do?
Just a second, gotta read and then try to find some info.
OK, here's one that I found.
You might note, that heavy cream is used, and not milk.
Have you noticed if the sick babes are making any unusual noises?
08-23-2011, 11:34 AM
When they were fitting yes - they were making a noise I hadnt heard before - sort of a squeal/squeak
I've sent a note to a few of our better folks.
Might be a short time before they reply.
Is it possible the little ones my have aspirated formula in last couple days?
If so, they may be showing signs of pneumonia.
08-23-2011, 11:54 AM
Also noticed one of them seems to be a bit hunched.
Both have stopped fitting now and are sleeping, I gave oralyte to both tho only a small amount.
I dont think babies have aspirated and they arent making rough breathing noises that I can tell.
I had also liquidised and strained some avocado and banana and mixed with goats milk now that their eyes are open to help them put on a bit of weight - maybe it was that - though they have all been on it for 3 days now and the others seem to be thriving on it.
I will get some thick cream and use the formula mentioned in the link - thanks for your help :)
08-23-2011, 12:05 PM
sorry, have very little time so I just skimmed through posts, so if I missed/misunderstood something - I am sorry.
But did I read it right that you gave them cow's milk?... Cow's milk is a no-no for them! That might have caused problems resulted in their being hunched over. Hunched position often indicates pain. Definitely - get rid of cow's milk.
As for the aspiration, it doesn't have to be necessarily rough/labored breathing. it might start simply as clicking with each breath. The rough and labored breathing is more towards the end as the condition worsens.
So if you can, listen very closely (bring your ear as close as possible) and listen: if there is a clicking sound with each breath, then, there is a chance of aspiration.
Just clicking is not to be confused with a normal kind of "puffing/snorting" kind of thing that squirrels do : "pfts" or something like that.
Aspiration clicking should be with every breath and deeper in their chest, sort of.
Also, I am not sure if avocados and bananas can/should be given at such a young age (they just opened their eyes?). But here I will let the experts speak (and I am no expert ;-)).
Are they hydrated well?... Have you tried a pinch test - pinch skin between their shoulders and if it holds up like that in a tent, then they are dehydrated (even if it holds up just a split second, it might still be a sign of dehydration, even if mild).
Are they warm?... Are they on a heating pad?... no-auto shut off heating pad under half of the container so that they can move off it if it gets too warm.
Warm rice buddies can be a good temp . pain reliever, too.
Sorry, got to run, but please keep checking - a lot of experienced ppl will be here on soon with suggestions.
Just no cow's milk - that's for sure;-).
Also noticed one of them seems to be a bit hunched.
Both have stopped fitting now and are sleeping, I gave oralyte to both tho only a small amount.
I dont think babies have aspirated and they arent making rough breathing noises that I can tell.
I had also liquidised and strained some avocado and banana and mixed with goats milk now that their eyes are open to help them put on a bit of weight - maybe it was that - though they have all been on it for 3 days now and the others seem to be thriving on it.
I will get some thick cream and use the formula mentioned in the link - thanks for your help :)
I know you have what's called "single cream".
That stuff is great.
So thick, you can almost stand a spoon in it.:rotfl
Makes great ice-cream, too.
Just a thought, I hope you've stopped with the oralyte by now.
If it's like our pedialyte, it should only be given for 24 hours.
08-23-2011, 12:19 PM
Just had another 4 brought in - slightly bigger, v dehydrated and absolutely freezing cold! (grrr - despite me explaining they needed heat and being promised they were on heat all day)
They are riddled with fleas - worst I think I have seen babies - what is the best thing to use to get rid of fleas please?
Also urgent - sorry for urgent posts all of a sudden
island rehabber
08-23-2011, 12:20 PM
Can you get Royal Canin puppy formula? That is an excellent brand and fine for baby squirrels.
I will send a message to the UK rehabbers we know -- hang in there!
08-23-2011, 12:47 PM
Thank you - I have rung the vets and they are going to order canin - thank you all so much for your support.
Re the cows milk - I had been using that recipe for 2 years successfully - it came from
I am however happy to do whatever is needed.
I am a licensed squirrel rehabber - and am also licensed to release in the UK - so have raised squirrels before - but they must just have been less complex in the past - and I got lulled in to a false sense of competency! :)
Happy to learn and keep learning - hence coming here for advice - I dont ever want to get to a point of "knowing it all" because that I think is when animals suffer the most.
Thanks again everyone - and if there is a UK spray for fleas please let me know - these babies are so cold that just came in the fleas are dropping off and trying to get on me - eeek. Am just trying to warm these babies up that just come in - will keep you posted how that goes.
08-23-2011, 01:12 PM
OK have just discovered the new ones that have come in also have tiny white maggots.
Eughhhh! Am a bit squeamish about them - how is it best to deal with them?
they are about the size of fly eggs but moving! yuk!
Good luck with the little ones.:grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
08-23-2011, 02:14 PM
OK have just discovered the new ones that have come in also have tiny white maggots.
Eughhhh! Am a bit squeamish about them - how is it best to deal with them?
they are about the size of fly eggs but moving! yuk!
The only maggot med I have ever used was prescription,
I use 1/4 tablet and .2ml water to each baby..
it's most vets or pet shops...
will look in my book for other ideas...
killing the fleas, I use DAWN DISH LIQUID...
08-23-2011, 02:27 PM
does anyone know if Lactol is ok for squirrels
Until I can get the Canin - or instead if its ok - as its sold in our local pet shop
08-23-2011, 02:43 PM
OK 4 babies that came in 2 hrs ago - all warmed up now, and just been fed oralyte x 3ml each.
They opened their eyes - and it seems at least two of them are blind :(
They have pure white like cataracts with a dot in the middle
Will that have been caused by them getting dehydrated and almost dying?
When I picked two of them up they werent breathing and I thought they were dead. They are all moving now and all have taken some liquid.
Is the damage to their eyes reversible?
08-23-2011, 02:54 PM
Please don't ask me to link to it but I know I have read that the milkiness can be reversible - related to poor nutrition, so rehydrate and start feeding those babies!
Jackie in Tampa
08-23-2011, 02:58 PM
Please don't ask me to link to it but I know I have read that the milkiness can be reversible - related to poor nutrition, so rehydrate and start feeding those babies!
yes...I have seen this myself...after good nutrition...miracle...totally freaky...:thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
08-23-2011, 03:14 PM
maggot info
dusting with cornstarch..will cause them to dry up and fall off
wash and hand pick them off
flush wounds/orafice with saline solution
use vasoline/petroleum jelly or neosporin/triple antibiotic on wound to bring them to surface
clean ears and mouth with qtip, ck his little bum too, ck vry well, they will exit ears and anus...nose too, use a mini flashlight
apply oral ivermectin topically or Capstar
if internal infestation is suspected, using an antibiotic is recommended following elimination treatment
08-24-2011, 04:55 AM
I am pleased to report that this post could be moved to non-lifethreatening :)
The 4 babies that came in at deaths door last night made it through the night and though very weak, are feeding well and their cataracts are diminishing.
I spent the evening picking newly hatched maggots out of eye sockets and other orifices and after rehydrating have put them on the emergency formula recommended on the forum of goats milk, thick cream and live yoghurt.
Am also pleased to let you know that the two that were having fits yesterday from my original 6 are improving dramatically today on this new formula.
10 babies doing well this morning - though surrogate mum a little frazzled! :)
Thank you Squirrel Board - more lives saved thanks to your advice and support xx
Jackie in Tampa
08-24-2011, 05:01 AM
:alright.gif TEAM UK:bowdown
thank you for going the extra mile with serious rock!:alright.gif
08-26-2011, 04:54 AM
I have a quick question.
All ten babies doing fantastic on the new formula but one of the ones that came in that were on brink of dying from hypothermia and dehydration hasnt opened its eyes, whilst all its siblings (3 others) have had their eyes open since they arrived. They show no signs of opening either but dont look crusty or inflamed. The baby is blinking even tho eyes firmly shut.
Is this normal?
Sam x
08-26-2011, 05:22 AM
I don't have an answer, but I'm wondering how you mean he's blinking in spite of the eyes not being open. Do you mean the eyes close a little tighter in what would be a blinking motion if they were open? Just curious and thought I'd ask, in case anyone else wonders about this detail. Hope your little ones all do well. :bowdown
08-26-2011, 05:31 AM
Yes I mean shes blinking as if her eyes were open but then are not - what I meant was she does seem to have eyeballs - and certainly has the reflex of blinking but her eyes are shut. I think from her size she is about 6 weeks old. Just seems very odd to have eyes shut with no signs of opening at this stage - especially when her siblings all have their eyes wide open.
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