View Full Version : Question regarding water :)

08-22-2011, 11:18 PM
I've got my Boo Boo's on FV, finally, yay!

Okay, I'll give a little back as story, to explain this before I ask my question-

My squirrel, a red squirrel, eyes open, has both bottom and top teeth, I can post pictures if needed, drinks water from a bowl. However, he's become constipated on two occasions, once before, when he was on Esbilac, and again today, on FV. I fixed his constipation the first time within a day, using rehydration fluids, diluted apple juice, and pieces of watermelon. He poo'd so many times I couldn't count. However, it's been two days since then and he's going back to not pooping, and he's on FV. Again, I see him drink from his bowl, but does he not know to drink enough? Should I be feeding him water? It's hard enough to get him to eat formula, let alone forcing him to drink water.

Any advice on whether I should be giving him liquids by hand, or allowing him to drink on his own?

And, any advice to get him to eat more?

08-22-2011, 11:24 PM
A water bottle is a good idea. Mine drinks alot but I never really see her drink. I know the water is missing.

08-22-2011, 11:25 PM
I tried the water bottle, he has one his in cage actually, doesn't seem to get it at all, I touch it, touch him with my wet finger... take him and place his mouth on it, nothing, he just gets frustrated at me. But I can keep trying.

08-23-2011, 10:25 AM
Then try a dish that hooks to the cage. I have a metal one that I got from a feed store for $3. She likes that more than a bottle.

08-23-2011, 11:03 AM
Here are my thoughts:

Mama squirrels don't let their babies leave the nest until they are around 10 weeks old and if they try to leave they get their butts kicked. That means that in the wild, babies are consuming ONLY mamas milk until that time - they do not bring solid food back to the nest.

We, on the other hand, start putting solid food in for them to nom on as soon as their eyes open at <6 weeks. It is a good idea - get them used to healthy foods - but it is still not how it is done in nature. They eat the solid food, which is dry, and consume less formula than they might because they are eating the blocks, so the hydration may dip. This would be especially true of independent little reds who want to GROW UP ALREADY!

So I would supplement the water he is drinking on his own. You can fiddle with adding apple juice or other juices (don't do citrus - too acid-y) to some water to flavor it, and heat it up just like you do his formula, and use the syringe to feed it. Try to schedule a supplemental fluid feeding in between his formula feedings. Putting a chunk of watermelon in the cage wouldn't hurt, either.

08-23-2011, 11:19 AM
Then try a dish that hooks to the cage. I have a metal one that I got from a feed store for $3. She likes that more than a bottle.

This is what I use for mine, she never took to the water bottle either. I placed it with a branch (shelf) leading up to it and away from her food area so she don't pee, poo or flick food bits in it. I also change her water many times throughout the day, at least 3-4 times so she always has fresh water.

08-23-2011, 11:35 AM
The "crock lock" type are great - the holder for the water dish clamps onto the cage bars and then you just twist the dish to remove and replace it. Look in the bird section of the pet store for them.

08-23-2011, 02:39 PM
Thank you everyone, I do have a bowl I bought from the bird section of PetCo, it latches onto the side so Boo Boo's doesn't get any of his bedding into it, or food or anything else.

I gave him a bath and he poo'd more than I've ever seen, but they're not the light color that they should be, considering he's on FV and ate quite a bit this morning. Maybe he's still backed up? I'm not sure. He's eyes open but he doesn't eat solids yet, only fresh fruit that has a lot of water in it, like watermelon, to get him hydrated.

08-23-2011, 06:10 PM
I have another question... my Boo Boo's... seems to be... um... Well, it looks likes he's playing or hugging my stuffed animal, and sometimes to the crease of my blanket... but he somewhat looks to be humping it. Is that possible? O__O

08-23-2011, 06:16 PM
... Every mothers worst fear... The... "Talk" ...

08-23-2011, 06:23 PM
He's.... doing... it non-stop... Help me... O____O'''''

08-23-2011, 06:45 PM
Obviously you haven't seen our "go hump a stuffie" t-shirts, I'd say get that boy his own stuffie. :jump

08-23-2011, 06:48 PM
I'm just going to give him this stuffie...

And, he jumped on my boyfriend a half an hour ago, and pee'd on him... he just jumped on his back, and pee'd on him again... I'd say I have a pretty awesome squirrel, and the humping is actually rather funny.

08-23-2011, 06:57 PM
Had you joined the board few weeks earlier, you could have bought a ticket to a drawing for a "Go Hump A Stuffie" T-shirt...!:D

This behavior isn't really sexual - too early for that. Squirrels engage in Greco-Roman wrestling and that is more what you are seeing.

However, as someone who shares a home with a 2 year old boy squirrel, just allow me to say that they are really...flexible.:shakehead

08-23-2011, 07:01 PM
Had you joined the board few weeks earlier, you could have bought a ticket to a drawing for a "Go Hump A Stuffie" T-shirt...!:D

This behavior isn't really sexual - too early for that. Squirrels engage in Greco-Roman wrestling and that is more what you are seeing.

However, as someone who shares a home with a 2 year old boy squirrel, just allow me to say that they are really...flexible.:shakehead

I figured he was really too young to understand. He's a cutie-pie.

I know I was told it's okay to raise a single, but isn't it better for him to have a sibling? I mean, I know he loves his stuffie (It WAS mine, but now his) but I don't think a stuffed animal is enough. And, I read that having them imprint on you isn't a good idea, siblings are much better off. What are the thoughts on this?

08-23-2011, 07:32 PM
For ease of release, having a sib is always best. But there are lots of singles out there doing just fine. They are also VERY smart. Just because he comes to YOU does not mean that he will treat human NOT his mama that way. But you SHOULD play with him and love on him - mama squirrels are also very demonstrative - they NEED that. Believe me, when he is a little older and has a chance to spend time in a release cage outside, he will wild up. For now, love on him and wrestle with him and play and have a BALL.

08-23-2011, 08:14 PM
Okay, thank you so much. I'm just hoping he'll be okay when I head off to college in the coming week. He's eyes-open, and eating some Kaytee Rodent Block as well as his formula... I'm only going to college three days a week, mondays, wed, and fridays, and fridays are only half-days... I'm just hoping he'll be okay on his own during those times.

08-23-2011, 08:22 PM
Okay, thank you so much. I'm just hoping he'll be okay when I head off to college in the coming week. He's eyes-open, and eating some Kaytee Rodent Block as well as his formula... I'm only going to college three days a week, mondays, wed, and fridays, and fridays are only half-days... I'm just hoping he'll be okay on his own during those times.
About how long per day will you be gone?? I too am gone during the day....but have figured out a pretty good schedule to keep everyone fed and happy.

08-23-2011, 08:26 PM
If you can set him up so he has something to look at - out a window, the TV, he will be okay. He will probably eat more because he won't be able to be busy going on search and destroy missions. Give him stuff to do - several stuffies, go to ferret.com and buy him one of the sleeping cube or the pyramid one and throw a bunch of pieces of paper towel into his cage (he will stuff that tent and move in). Bring in a couple maple or oak branches with the leaves (rinse them off really well so you don't bring in bugs) and he will probably spend hours stripping them off and stuffing them in his cube or tent.

He will be fine, and very happy to see you when you get home!

08-23-2011, 08:30 PM
I'll be gone from 8am to 4pm at the latest, but I notice with him that he eats anytime in the morning, so I'll feed him at seven thirty, and he usually sleeps all afternoon, and wants food around four, and again at eight or nine, so I think he'll be okay food-wise, but I just don't want him to be lonely. I'll be setting him up with a larger cage the day or two before I start college, so I can set him up with more stuffies and ferret cuddle beds (that's just what I'm calling them :P) I'll make sure he's set up like a king before I leave. <3 If he's okay as a single, than I'm happy, I just want the best for him and wouldn't mind another bundle of joy. I just remember growing up as a lonely only, hahaha, frogs and other wildlife were my best friends ;)

08-25-2011, 02:14 AM
I'm just going to give him this stuffie...
And, he jumped on my boyfriend a half an hour ago, and pee'd on him... he just jumped on his back, and pee'd on him again... I'd say I have a pretty awesome squirrel, and the humping is actually rather funny.

When my little girl is out if I interact with anything, human, animal or even talk on the phone around her, she will jump on my back and pee on me. She gives a whole new meaning to being a marked man. :owned