View Full Version : Twitching & Cold.

08-21-2011, 10:06 PM
I just rescued a little 3 week old. Long story for why, don't have time.
I think he's dying. Doesn't seem injured, but he's twitching, skinny, refusing Pedialyte.
Keeping him warm in cloth next to a hot water bottle.
Please help. Thanks.

m&bs mom
08-21-2011, 10:16 PM
He will need to be warmed before feeding him. Keep him on the heat until he is warm and then slowly drop by drop you can start with very warm pedialyte. If possible a 1 cc syringe without needle is best. Nothing over a 3 cc syringe.

08-21-2011, 10:21 PM
Thank you.
He's a little calmer now. Could the twitching have been a reaction to the first feeding?
I'll pick up a proper warming pad and 1cc syringe immediately.
Feed every 4 hours, right?

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 10:31 PM
Thank you.
He's a little calmer now. Could the twitching have been a reaction to the first feeding?
I'll pick up a proper warming pad and 1cc syringe immediately.
Feed every 4 hours, right?

Warm him slowly. When you have him on the heating pad, put it on low, and make sure to put it half under the container that you have him in and half off. This way he can crawl off the heat too if he gets too warm.
What are you feeding him? What kind of container do you have him in?
Can you put in some blankets or flannel...anything that he can't get his little toenails stuck on.
If he gets twitchy again, try rubbing a little molasses, maple syrup or kayro syrup on his gums, just a little to get his blood sugar up if that's his problem.
We have members from your area, if you want, perhaps we can find a rehabber for you to take the little one...:dono

m&bs mom
08-21-2011, 10:32 PM
I do not know what the twitching could be from. Might be lo blood sugar. If you have any molasses or even syrup, you can try to rub a bit of that on his gums. That will bring sugars up. I would feed pedialyte every 2 hours...drop by drop.

Does he have fur? Eyes opened? When feeding, please keep him warm. Wrap him in some fleece or an old t-shirt. Towels are not good because their nails get caught in them and cause more injury. You can also make him a rice buddy by putting 1 cup of uncooked rice in a sock and put in microwave for about 30-45 seconds. Shake rice around to avoid hot spots which could burn the baby.

08-21-2011, 10:40 PM
What about a hand warmer? Is that a good option until I can pick up the warming pad?

Just rubbed some syrup on his gums. He has enough strength to push me away and display that he's not interested.

The twitching seems like it's just out of discomfort, but it's pretty violent (just started up again). I wouldn't call it a seizure, but it's enough to make me worry.

If you know a rehabber in the area, I'd be happy to hand him over. I know I'm gonna get attached, but I'd rather he be in good hands.

Also, should I be worried about diseases? I'm washing my hands OCD like after each handling.


08-21-2011, 10:42 PM
Also, he's very dehydrated. The tented skin stays up for several seconds during the pinch test.

m&bs mom
08-21-2011, 10:44 PM
It could possibly be a seizure. I can't say for sure. If you are going to use a hand warmer, make sure it is covere and away from his skin...they get really hot.

You shouldn't have to worry about diseases but hand washing is good practice. My lips are still attached and I kiss my babies all the time!

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 10:46 PM
What about a hand warmer? Is that a good option until I can pick up the warming pad?

Just rubbed some syrup on his gums. He has enough strength to push me away and display that he's not interested.

The twitching seems like it's just out of discomfort, but it's pretty violent (just started up again). I wouldn't call it a seizure, but it's enough to make me worry.

If you know a rehabber in the area, I'd be happy to hand him over. I know I'm gonna get attached, but I'd rather he be in good hands.

Also, should I be worried about diseases? I'm washing my hands OCD like after each handling.


If he had a fall, he could have some head trauma that could be causing that. Also, baby squirrels are pretty unsteady, so it may be normal. Is it when he is trying to walk? Hard to tell without me seeing him.
No worry about diseases...you should see how many of us kiss the babies the first thing we see them..:rotfl
For warmth, you can take a tube sock, put about one cup of uncooked rice in it, tie it shut and microwave for about a minute. When it comes out, smoosh the rice all around and get the hot spots distributed, you can even wrap that in some sort of small blanket or towel and then put it right next to your little one.
Let me send out some messages tomorrow. I think you will have him for the night...:D

08-21-2011, 10:56 PM
I'm happy to have the little guy for the night. Just hope I can take care of him right. I'm guessing he's 2 to 3 weeks old. No hair, eyes closed. I have a picture if there's a way to attach. Already named him Dock since the little nest I made him is from a pair of cut up Dockers slacks (soft but isn't catching on his nails).

08-21-2011, 11:00 PM
Nancy, tried to private message you with my phone number and email in case you find someone tomorrow, but I'm blocked from sending private messages (?). Let me know if there's a way around that. (and sorry for the rapid posting!)

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 11:00 PM
I'm happy to have the little guy for the night. Just hope I can take care of him right. I'm guessing he's 2 to 3 weeks old. No hair, eyes closed. I have a picture if there's a way to attach. Already named him Dock since the little nest I made him is from a pair of cut up Dockers slacks (soft but isn't catching on his nails).
Do you have photobucket? There is a way to attach pictures....here you go,
Love the name, wow you're fast.

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 11:03 PM
Nancy, tried to private message you with my phone number and email in case you find someone tomorrow, but I'm blocked from sending private messages (?). Let me know if there's a way around that. (and sorry for the rapid posting!)
You can email me the information at

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 11:04 PM
Do you have any kind of formula for him? Besides pedialyte, are you giving him anything?

08-21-2011, 11:08 PM
I tried water when he rejected the pedialyte - that seemed a little more welcome. I haven't tried anything else. What can I pick up at this hour?

island rehabber
08-21-2011, 11:16 PM
I am going to enable your PM feature now and I will email you about places in and around Queens tomorrow where he could go. Unfortunately there are no PRACTICING rehabbers in Queens at the present time. We'll try our best to get help for you!

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I tried water when he rejected the pedialyte - that seemed a little more welcome. I haven't tried anything else. What can I pick up at this hour?

It's so important to keep them hydrated at the very least. Pedialyte is the best, even if you put a drop of apple juice in it to entice him more. He may not have been rejecting the fluid so much as he is rejecting the syringe.
Are you using a 1 cc syringe? Go really slow, drop by drop...
You are going to need something for this little one to eat. Perhaps you can make up some of Jackie's goats milk recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

08-21-2011, 11:37 PM
It's so important to keep them hydrated at the very least. Pedialyte is the best, even if you put a drop of apple juice in it to entice him more. He may not have been rejecting the fluid so much as he is rejecting the syringe.
Are you using a 1 cc syringe? Go really slow, drop by drop...
You are going to need something for this little one to eat. Perhaps you can make up some of Jackie's goats milk recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

I'm using a dropper that's similar size as a 1cc, but not exactly the same. I've been careful to avoid aspiration and I'm going slow.
I don't think I can get goat's milk at this hour. Is there something else that I could feed him tonight?

08-22-2011, 12:06 AM
Are you heating up the pedialyte? You need to get him hydrated before he'll be able to digest food.

1) HEAT!

Food can only come AFTER the first two are fulfilled.

08-22-2011, 12:13 AM
Are you heating up the pedialyte? You need to get him hydrated before he'll be able to digest food.

1) HEAT!

Food can only come AFTER the first two are fulfilled.

Yes, I warmed up the Pedialyte. I'm keeping him warm with water-bottle, there's also a hand warmer wrapped in cloth, and I made him a rice buddy out of a sock. There's room to roll and move to or from the heat. He's been going back and forth, but now I think he's finally in a decent sleep.

I had a really long day - how long can I sleep for now? lol
Seriously, should I get up in 4 hours and try feeding again?

08-22-2011, 12:33 AM
Yep - Get the pedialyte nice and hot (pinkies like it on the HOT side of warm and the eyedroppers cool off fast, so make sure the liquid stays warm) and try fluids again (preferably) in abour 3hrs, since baby is so dehydrated.

Hang in there - Im sure we can try and help find someone to take the little one - but in the meantime, this little ones life depends on you. My girls were 3 days old when I found them - the first 2-3 months of their life in my care I got NO sleep and had NO social life LoL - We do what we need to for these little sweeties :Love_Icon Thank you for helping this little one!

island rehabber
08-22-2011, 06:33 AM
All is well! Rehabber Flo (TSB member) here in NYC can take the baby this morning! :wahoo lpisgood I will PM you with her contact info --:thumbsup

08-22-2011, 09:20 AM
Update: Dock is hanging in there. Been taking a drop or two of Pedialyte every few hours and he's being kept warm by a sock buddy and a handwarmer wrapped in cloth. He seems more hydrated and has good energy... climbed around my hand a bit and has a wicked kung-fu grip considering his age and current state.

Anyway, I'll be sad to part with him but he'll be in better hands with a rehabber. Thanks for all of your help.

island rehabber
08-22-2011, 10:02 AM
Flo is wonderful -- she will send you pix and updates if you want. He will be in the best of hands. :)

Nancy in New York
08-22-2011, 10:20 AM
Update: Dock is hanging in there. Been taking a drop or two of Pedialyte every few hours and he's being kept warm by a sock buddy and a handwarmer wrapped in cloth. He seems more hydrated and has good energy... climbed around my hand a bit and has a wicked kung-fu grip considering his age and current state.

Anyway, I'll be sad to part with him but he'll be in better hands with a rehabber. Thanks for all of your help.

I just love a person that puts the squirrels needs in front of their own feelings.:Love_Icon
You realized that to save his little life, he is better off in an expert's hands...how many little souls are lost because of someone's selfishness...:shakehead
I wish all finders were like you...:bowdown :Love_Icon :bowdown

Yeah Team NYC:alright.gif

08-22-2011, 10:21 AM
:wave123 Ipisgood, thank you for taking Dock in and caring for him/her and a major big shout out for having a big enough heart to want to see him/her in
experienced hands. :wott These little one's can have a pretty strong will but a lot of times their continued survival depends on the experience to know it's needs and supplies/meds needed to tend to them. Your doing a very good thing here... :bowdown

P.S. Yeah! ...And what Nancy said!

08-22-2011, 12:47 PM
Ipisgood - :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou Youre a HERO!!! :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou PLEASE stick around - we're so happy you joined up and helped this little one. Wed LOVE to hear updates on your little guy. I cannot tell you enough how happy I am youre doing the right thing! :Love_Icon

08-22-2011, 01:25 PM
Ipisgood - :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou Youre a HERO!!! :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou PLEASE stick around - we're so happy you joined up and helped this little one. Wed LOVE to hear updates on your little guy. I cannot tell you enough how happy I am youre doing the right thing! :Love_Icon

I just dropped the alleged "him" off with a rehabber in Manhattan and found out that Dock is actually a female. But apparently she's in relatively good health and I'm certain she's in good hands. The only question now: is "Dock" a feminine enough name for a female squirrel?

Stay strong, little lady!

island rehabber
08-22-2011, 01:38 PM
awww....maybe Flo can come up with a French version of "Dock":). You're my hero of the day, lpisgood. BTW what type of musician are you? :poke

08-22-2011, 02:11 PM
awww....maybe Flo can come up with a French version of "Dock":). You're my hero of the day, lpisgood. BTW what type of musician are you? :poke

Thanks, IR. I'm a drummer and percussionist by trade, but I suffer from musical ADD so I'm always messing with other instruments. My main gig is actually with a singer who's a big helper on the animal rights front. Her name is Nellie McKay and she's always doing various benefits for animals. Feel free to check out my site if you want to hear any samples: benbynum.com

...maybe I'll write a song 'bout Dock ;)

m&bs mom
08-22-2011, 02:53 PM
Great news....glad to hear that Dock made it through the night and she is with a rehabber! Thank you for saving her, good job!

Dock is alright for a girl...I was a Days of Our Lives fan years ago....Marlena is aka: Doc!

08-22-2011, 04:13 PM
Not too surprised - Baby girls are very often mistaken for little boys when theres only one gender or a single - When you see both next to one another though, you DEFINITELY know the difference - no matter how old! LoL :rotfl

08-22-2011, 04:13 PM
And squirrel songs are the BEST! :D

08-22-2011, 05:33 PM
And squirrel songs are the BEST! :D

P.S. Officially her name is still Doc (minus the "k" to make it slightly more feminine)... after all, there are plenty of female MD's out there. And I think it's an empowering name for a strong little lady. But her nickname will be Doxy. That was the name of a great song written by saxophonist Sonny Rollins. I think it's fitting.