View Full Version : Recipes?

08-20-2011, 03:04 PM
Just want to see what everyone feeds theyre adults so I can learn what to feed Flower when she gets older. I saw the Boo Balls one and saw other people had their own twists to it. Anyone have any different Boo Ball recipes? Or their own special recipes?

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:18 PM
I feed HHBs, known as henrys healthy blocks...they are based on a sqs needs...they are 100% RDA.
here's the stickey so that you can make them yourself

There is a nutrition forum...ck it out... alot of great info...

see the sticky HEALTHY DIET
it is a list of safe veggies and fruits and their calcium to pohosphorus ratios...
I gotta run...feed some more babies...
someone will be here soon to help you:thumbsup

08-21-2011, 03:09 AM
I pretty much stick to / Fox Valley - HHB - Vegetables - Wild Flowers - Branches - Nuts - Fruits...... usually in that order (give or take) :D

08-21-2011, 06:43 AM
My guy loved and did fabulously on Boo Balls [wouldn't eat hhbs]. I made them a little easier than the full recipe. I used a 3 part mixture:

1/3 part Crushed Harlan Teklads [hammer them in a bag]
1/3 part Fox Valley
1/3 Final third was split between some crushed almonds/pecans, almond butter, and no-sugar added apple sauce until it held together like cookie dough.

I also gave him good vege's [truthfully, he didn't eat these that well] and some rolled oats. He loved best avocado, pumpkin or squash seeds [fresh and raw], sugar snap peas, apple slices, and some Total cereal flakes!

I gave him the Boo Balls first thing in the morning, and after these were all eaten, he could have the other things, including a whole nut or two at night. :D

08-21-2011, 03:35 PM
I just made my first Boo Balls for my rats. HUGE hit! I used their Mazuri Lab Block, peanut butter, Jackies goat milk mix, yogurt, and pecans with a thin coat of honey.