View Full Version : 3 Baby Squirrels - Emergency, Help Please!
08-20-2011, 11:31 AM
We have 3 baby squirrels that are so tiny still had umbilical cords on them! The little boy died. So we had two, then a friend found one in her yard and asked us to take it in so we did. It's bigger and older, but still very small. All three are girls, all three have eyes and ears still fused together.
Two were eating Esbilac great, as that is what another site had recommended for us to do. One of the younger ones developed diarrea and was not eating at all. So we saw on here where it said to give Pedialyte so we have started doing that. It has started drinking much better, just not sure when to start back on formula? The other two now, have started dropping weight and not eating as well and all three have diarrea now. They WERE little piggies before, but now can barely get them to drink formula OR Pedialyte! I'm so scared they are going to die,,,any help would be greatly appreciated on what I need to do! Thanks so much!
My email is also!
Thanks so much!
island rehabber
08-20-2011, 12:06 PM
Amy, you can only give Pedialyte for 24 hours, after that they NEED nourishment. Did you purchase goat's milk or Fox Valley formula? You should get them on the goat's milk ASAP and order the Fox Valley Day One for Squirrels, 32/40, immediately. Most importantly, we can help you try to find a qualified squirrel rehabilitator to take the babies and give them the best possible chance at survival. :)
Here is additional info for you (thanks to Milo's Mom :D)
Fox Valley Formula for Squirrels 32/40.
Nicholas P. Vlamis, President (Nick)
(800) 679-4666
If you call in your order and tell him you need it quickly he'll be happy to oblige. He can ship to you regular post 3-5 days and overnight. He's very nice and very easy to work with.
In the meantime you will need to feed your baby a home-made formula, but please for the sake of the baby, do not feed this for more than 4-7 days. It's a great temporary replacer milk but it lacks certain vitamins and minerals that the babies need to thrive. This recipe will ensure that your baby will be well nourished until your order from Fox Valley arrives.
Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her temporary replacement formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.
You will also need a heating pad that does NOT have the auto-shut off feature.
You can get 1cc syringes TODAY...go to a pharmacy and tell them you need to feed tiny kittens that h
08-20-2011, 12:36 PM
Hi there-
We used the goat's formula mixture and they will NOT eat it. So we started back on Esbilac and they seem to be eating that much better. We are alternating Esbilac and Pedialyte every other feeding.
We are planning on raising them ourselves if we can get them through this. We have them raised above a heating pad so they don't get too hot.
Not sure how often I need to be feeding them but as of now we feed them about every two hours.
The bigger one, I'm not sure how much to feed it. It's much bigger but still eyes and ears closed...with dark fuzz on back.
I've ordered the Fox Valley last night from Henry's. But for now, I'm guess to keep them on Esbilac or no? How do I get them to eat the Goat's milk?? They turn their faces like I'm trying to feed them poison?? I don't want them getting no nutrition??
Thanks in advance for any help given! We appreciate it in effort to save these darling little ones!
Second Chance Wildlife
08-20-2011, 12:36 PM
Where in Louisiana are you?
08-20-2011, 12:38 PM
Oh and I forgot to mention, we have the Goat's milk evaporated in can...that's all we could find.
08-20-2011, 12:46 PM
Oh and I forgot to mention, we have the Goat's milk evaporated in can...that's all we could find.
That is fine. Reconstitute it with water per the directions on the can first, then use in the formula with the cream and yogurt.:thumbsup
08-20-2011, 01:05 PM
How much formula & "Goat formula" do I mix together? Also what's best way to mix the Goat formula? Stove top, heated till all mixed properly? And is Pedialyte every other feeding good to keep them hydrated?
Second Chance Wildlife
08-20-2011, 01:26 PM
Where in Louisiana are you? I have fox valley and meds if you are close to me.
08-20-2011, 02:08 PM
Hi - we are in Southwest Louisiana...45 minutes from Lake Charles.
Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 02:23 PM
can you tell me what county? ty...
08-20-2011, 02:53 PM
Hi - We are Beauregard Parish
08-20-2011, 02:56 PM
Also - I took the "goat milk formula" and mixed it equally with Ebilac...and they are all three drinking it now...I feed them this every two hours with some Pedialyte every hour in between the two hour feedings. So I feed formula, skip an hour, Pedialyte, wait an hour, formula, wait an hour, Pedialyte.
They still have diarrea, but their appearance looks better! They are mor active, and their skin is not as dehydrated looking. . .
What do you guys think? What else can I/should I do to keep them getting better?
08-20-2011, 02:58 PM
Hi Jackie -
Thank you SO much for responding...I am going to give you a call here in the next couple of hours when I get done at work. Thanks again!!!
Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:01 PM
Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:06 PM
keep them warm...sounds good what you are doing...
go slow feeding them.
talk soon...
what color is diarrhea? use tissue to tell color if it appears clear'ish.
do all of them have diarrhea?
from two different litters thinking formula not illness...
well talk later...slow is key to keep from aspirating them, hold them upright, not tilted back like a human baby!
if milk comes from nose, tip nose toward floor gently for a few seconds, allowing fluid to drain from nose/lungs...
wipe off with tissue so as to not reinhale...
if you can call before you get home, I can help with a supply list from the store if you don't have all you need...
later :wave123
thank you for helping them!!!!!!!!:thankyou :Love_Icon
08-20-2011, 04:21 PM
I'm just across the border, in SE Texas, above Beaumont. I can meet you in Lake Charles or you can drive over here if you need something or run into problems with them. Tomorrow (Sunday) I have someone coming to bring me a grey for release, but I don't know exactly what time yet. I'm sure we can work something out.
You'll probably hear this hundreds of times, but let me go anead and say it.....Grey squirrels do not make good pets. Eventually they start wilding up and become hard, if not impossible, to handle. They need huge cages, and they need 'out-of-cage' time to run and play. They have sharp teeth and claws, and everything is fair game to them when it comes to chewing. And they won't ever learn the difference between their chewing branches and Grandma's heirloom chair or your cabinet doors! I don't say this to discourage you - well, I guess I really do - but mostly to warn you of what to expect as they get older. We have holes in our ceiling where a fox squirrel got on top of a cage and chewed through!
Also, you do know that it is illegal to keep a squirrel in LA, don't you? So be VERY careful who you let know that you have them, and even more careful before you take them to a vet. If you need a vet, bring them over here to mine.
Raising these babies will be expensive, and VERY hard work. Like the rest of us, you will find yourself thinking "Why in the world did I let myself in for this???" But, like the rest of us, you will realize that this is one of the most wonderful things you ever did. When it comes time to release them, you'll think your heart is going to break, but when you see them climb their first big tree, you'll be as thrilled as if you'd gotten out and showed them how to do it!
OK - I didn't mean to write a book - sorry 'bout that. Just wanted you to know that there is help close by if you need it, and that I will not 'squirrel-nap' your babies, so don't hesitate to let me know if you need something.:D
08-20-2011, 05:06 PM
Hi MuffinSquirrel -
We aren't planning on "keeping" them so I wouldn't think there is anything illegal that we are doing. We are just planning on raising them to get them independant. They are precious and we are just doing our part. Thanks for your help though!
Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 05:07 PM
seraphinos...Muffin is the bomb...:thumbsup
she will help you and knows what to do, she is a safe contact with a big heart of gold...
she's part squirrel too!:D
Please take her up on this offer....everything she has shared is true...
08-20-2011, 10:13 PM
Amy, I'm glad you plan on releasing them when they are older. You'll find so much information on here, at every step of the way. Even though you do not intend to keep them, remember that it is still illegal to have a squirrel in LA, even when your intentions are good. A vet, unless you have a good one that you can trust, can actually take the squirrel and not return it to you. Animal control, Fish and Wildlife Dept., etc. will take them from you unless you are a licensed rehabber. I'm not saying this to scare you or anything - there are many people in LA that have flying squirrels and tree squirrels, illegal or not. I'm just saying to be aware of it and careful of who you mention it to.
Rehabbing squirrels is a great thing, and I love what I do. Flyers are my first love, but I get in a lot more greys than flyers. Almost every wild squirrel in our yard (and there are lots of them because we feed them year round) expects to be given in-shell pecans and hazelnuts whenever we go outside. A lot of them get tired of waiting on us, and come bang on the door. If we happen to be outside without a nut - heaven forbid - we just tell them to wait right there and we'll go get one for them. Surprisingly enough, they are almost always in that exact same spot when we get back.....except for the ones that follow us to the door!! :D :rotfl :rotfl
Let me know if you need any supplies or help of any sort - we'll be glad to help.
08-21-2011, 09:30 PM
Babies are all doing great! Got them hydrated, and are eating like little piglets! They are going to bathroom regularly now with no more diarrea! Any way to tell how old they are? Or what breed they are?
08-21-2011, 09:42 PM
If u can post some pictures someone will be able to tell u what kind that are and the approx age on them. Good job with the little babies! U deff came to the right place for help everyone here is amazing and has been such a help to me!!!:thumbsup
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