View Full Version : switched my squirrel to goats milk, now he has green runny diareah.

08-20-2011, 02:26 AM
i had my baby squirrel who is about 2 weeks old on puppy forumla cause at first when i found him i thought he was a puppy. His poop changed colors and was slightly watery. today I put him on goats milk and he finally popped [he hadn't in a day] It was okay looking until i just checked on him, now he has real runny, not solid at all green pop, he has it eerywhere and im worried. Im about to give him alittle water/sugar/salt combination for rehydration, hopefully this will help as i dont know what to do right now. any advice? or is this normal?

08-20-2011, 02:46 AM
i had my baby squirrel who is about 2 weeks old on puppy forumla cause at first when i found him i thought he was a puppy. His poop changed colors and was slightly watery. today I put him on goats milk and he finally popped [he hadn't in a day] It was okay looking until i just checked on him, now he has real runny, not solid at all green pop, he has it eerywhere and im worried. Im about to give him alittle water/sugar/salt combination for rehydration, hopefully this will help as i dont know what to do right now. any advice? or is this normal?

Brittznits, I don't know if you're supposed to give straight goat's milk. I do know there's a formula that Jackie put together, which includes goat's milk. I'll find it and post it for you. However, I also don't know if you want to switch him to something new again yet. I'm going to re-post this in life-threatening, because that's where this will get the most attention. Be sure and check there for answers to your post. Probably, Island Rehabber will end up merging these two threads to prevent confusion.

08-20-2011, 02:48 AM
Hi all. Sorry if this is something that shouldn't be moved, but it sounds worrisome to me...

i had my baby squirrel who is about 2 weeks old on puppy forumla cause at first when i found him i thought he was a puppy. His poop changed colors and was slightly watery. today I put him on goats milk and he finally popped [he hadn't in a day] It was okay looking until i just checked on him, now he has real runny, not solid at all green pop, he has it eerywhere and im worried. Im about to give him alittle water/sugar/salt combination for rehydration, hopefully this will help as i dont know what to do right now. any advice? or is this normal?

My post back to her:

Brittznits, I don't know if you're supposed to give straight goat's milk. I do know there's a formula that Jackie put together, which includes goat's milk. I'll find it and post it for you. However, I also don't know if you want to switch him to something new again yet. I'm going to re-post this in life-threatening, because that's where this will get the most attention. Be sure and check there for answers to your post. Probably, Island Rehabber will end up merging these two threads to prevent confusion.

08-20-2011, 02:53 AM
Here's Jackie's recipe, as posted by another user on another thread:

Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.

08-20-2011, 02:54 AM
thank you prime.

Well it wasn't orignally me that switched him from puppy formula to goats milk..
my girlfriend went out today and bought it and fed it to him and when i woke up she told me.
i also undertand that when the squirrel is on one thing, you have to slowly move him to another, she didn't do this..

its not even green anymore. its just straight liquid, clear/yellow/green.

i mixed alittle goats milk with the water combination, i read somewhere that you could do that?

i dont want to do anything that would upset his little tummy but apparently with the poo like that its already upset. He's also very restless., please help..

08-20-2011, 03:02 AM
You're very welcome. I did post Jackie's recipe--and I'll post it again below--but I'm not sure if you want to switch again right away with his tummy all upset either. I'm keeping an eye out for experts to send to this post.

Things being between yellow, green or clear makes me think of bile/digestive fluids, which usually means a person or animal's stomach is just about empty. Does the goat's milk have some fat in it? I think it's better if there is some. Still looking. Don't go away.

Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.

08-20-2011, 03:05 AM
i have no idea, all i know is that hes alot hungry today then he was yesterday on the puppy formula... now that makes me worry im starving him ;[

all i know [before she crashed] was that she went to tractor supply and talked to some people there, they advicsed her to goats milk, now when i go back inside [i have my own little place away from the fridge with the goats milk] i'll look to see if it does have fat.

he eats it all everytime i give it to him, and he seems to be doing okay asides from the runny poo..:dono

08-20-2011, 03:16 AM
Okay. I looked at a couple of sites that said stay away from straight goat's milk. One of them said a couple of days on goat's milk will cause 'chronic diarrhea.' That said, people do say Jackie's recipe is great. I see heavy cream and full fat yogurt emphasized around here for fattening babies up, so I bet that's what the goat's milk is missing that makes it not cool on its own. [Experts should really correct me if I'm wrong, please.]

I don't know for *sure* that those colors would mean the stomach is empty. I guess it *could* just mean the stomach is *irritated.* But an irritated stomach can be irritated because it's not full enough, too. I know that from observations of my own ever-present stomach. There are threads that demonstrate the visible "milk line" in a squirrel's tummy after feeding. I'll see if I can find links.

Do you have a 24-hour Wal-mart where you could get heavy whipping cream and full-fat vanilla yogurt (no artificial sweeteners please)?

08-20-2011, 03:20 AM
You also need to change formula gradually, adding 25% new formula at every other feeding. Otherwise digestive upset is very likely, unfortunately.

08-20-2011, 03:27 AM
Here's what Scooterzmom posted to someone whose squirrel had diarrhea recently. I really hope it helps you...

Re: my name is Amanda.... help!

Hi Amanda:

Thank you for rescuing that baby.

The diarrhea is most likely caused by the kitten's milk replacement. It is not sufficient for a squirrel's needs and the change is abrupt from his mom's milk. The diarrhea if left unchecked can dehydrate him and kill him. So you'll have to 1st take care of that.

This baby will need to get off the kitten formula immediately and be given pedialyte in order to 1. rehydrate him, 2. to cut out the diarrhea, and 3. to compensate for the electrolytes he lost. Luckily there is a homemade recipe for Pedialyte and you can use that tonite until you can go and get some tomorrow (they prefer the fruit flavored one). However, the baby should NOT be kept on Pedialyte more than 24hrs. Check for h is hydration level: gently grab the skin of his back between the shoulder blades and pull up (gently... if it stays up a couple of seconds, he's dehydrate and you'll have to provide the pedialyte on a regular basis overnite. If the skin drops fast, he is not dehydrated.

You can also make homemade formula (recipe compliments of Jackie in Tampa) once you re-introduce him to "milk" - but you will do that gradually. The best kind of formula for baby squirrels is Fox Valley; you can order it online or maybe someone near you may have some to lend you until you receive your own.

Here are the 2 recipes you'll need.

Homemade Pedialyte Recipe

I quart warm water
3Tbs sugar
1tsp salt

Good for 24 hours

Do not administer for more than 24 hours.

Homemade Formula - compliments of Jackie

1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup All natural vanilla yogurt (Liberty)

Mix well and keep in a glass container in the refrigerator.
Lasts 72 hours in the fridge.

Warm the formula to feed – only takes a FEW seconds in the microwave. BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERHEAT, it will curdle the yogurt.

P.S. Oops I see that Sammy's Mom beat me to the punch

You will also need to keep that baby warm. Make sure you place a heating pad under half of his box - so he can move ff the heat if he feels to hot - and that you give him some old t-shirts or fleece he can hide in and cuddle. If you don't have a heating pad you could make him a rice buddy - i.e. filling up a sock with uncooked rice or beans and warming that up in the microwave for 25 secs or so (microwaves vary it strength so be very careful!). You want it warm enough that he can feel comfortable to nestle against it but not so hot that he could burn himself. Test the heat on your own wrist after you take it out of the microwave and wait 1 minute (it takes one minute to reach the temp it will be once it's out of the microwave). o
Btw, are you keeping him good and warm, as Scooterzmom's post mentions to Amanda? Also, are you completely sure the kitty didn't get his claws into this critter? I mean, a cat's first exploration of new things is often with its paws and/or claws, and it licks its paws obsessively. :dono

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:31 AM
just a note...
heavy cream should be omited if diarrhea is present.
If using canned Goats milk, it is condensed and needs to be diluted.
Most grocery stores will carry fresh Meyerburg brand, next to the milk in the refridgerated section.

green poops can be coccidia or giardia, both require meds.
It is not uncommon in stressed baby sqs.
Do you have a vet that will see sqs?

08-20-2011, 03:35 AM
You also need to change formula gradually, adding 25% new formula at every other feeding. Otherwise digestive upset is very likely, unfortunately.

Kristal, on the thread where I re-posted for Brittznits, she mentions that the squirrel's poo has gone to yellow-green-clear in color (maybe properties of all three?).

Do you think she should be doing pedialyte right now to hydrate between feedings? And then make her next feeding 3 parts puppy milk (what she was originally switching from) and 1 part new formula (Jackie's formula)? Then the following feeding, half puppy milk and half Jackie's formula? Advice is appreciated. :)

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:35 AM
thank you prime.

Well it wasn't orignally me that switched him from puppy formula to goats milk..
my girlfriend went out today and bought it and fed it to him and when i woke up she told me.
i also undertand that when the squirrel is on one thing, you have to slowly move him to another, she didn't do this..

its not even green anymore. its just straight liquid, clear/yellow/green.

i mixed alittle goats milk with the water combination, i read somewhere that you could do that?

i dont want to do anything that would upset his little tummy but apparently with the poo like that its already upset. He's also very restless., please help..
NEVER mix pedialyte and any formula...
they are two seperate treatments.:thumbsup

what type of Goats milk did your girlfriend get?
powdered, canned or fresh in the carton?
excuse me, I am slow typer...

08-20-2011, 03:41 AM
just a note...
heavy cream should be omited if diarrhea is present.
If using canned Goats milk, it is condensed and needs to be diluted.
Most grocery stores will carry fresh Meyerburg brand, next to the milk in the refridgerated section.

green poops can be coccidia or giardia, both require meds.
It is not uncommon in stressed baby sqs.
Do you have a vet that will see sqs?

Hi Jackie. Thanks for mentioning about the cream. *whew* so glad you're here. So if it is coccidia or giardia, would it be antibiotics she'd want?

Also, do you think she should be doing pedialyte to hydrate *between feedings*? And then make her next feeding 3 parts puppy milk (what she was originally switching from) and 1 part new formula (your formula)? Then the following feeding, half puppy milk and half your formula, and increasing like that until it's all your formula (until they can get FV)? Or should she switch right to your formula? I had posted the same question to Kristal on Brittz's original post in 'non-threatening.' Hope I'm not interjecting too much.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:52 AM
recommended meds for coccidia would be a sulfa based...
I like Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim, also known as Bactrim, Septra, SMZ-TMP.

for giardia, recommended would be metronidazole, also known as flagyll.

BOTH meds are used in human medicine as well as veterinary medicine.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 03:56 AM
Hi Jackie. Thanks for mentioning about the cream. *whew* so glad you're here. So if it is coccidia or giardia, would it be antibiotics she'd want?

Also, do you think she should be doing pedialyte to hydrate *between feedings*? And then make her next feeding 3 parts puppy milk (what she was originally switching from) and 1 part new formula (your formula)? Then the following feeding, half puppy milk and half your formula, and increasing like that until it's all your formula (until they can get FV)? Or should she switch right to your formula? I had posted the same question to Kristal on Brittz's original post in 'non-threatening.' Hope I'm not interjecting too much.

yes hydrate...
diarrhea causes dehydration...
has anyone done the test?

Pinch the skin on the back of his neck. If it doesn’t spring back immediately, the baby is dehydrated. If the pinched skin stays up like a tent for more than a second, the baby is badly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration: pale grayish gums, dry mouth, sunken eyes, whites around eyes showing, rough spiky fur, dry scaly skin.
NOTE: If baby is badly dehydrated, he will need subcutaneous fluids, which can only be given by a rehabber or vet.

08-20-2011, 04:06 AM
yes hydrate...
diarrhea causes dehydration...
has anyone done the test?

Pinch the skin on the back of his neck. If it doesn’t spring back immediately, the baby is dehydrated. If the pinched skin stays up like a tent for more than a second, the baby is badly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration: pale grayish gums, dry mouth, sunken eyes, whites around eyes showing, rough spiky fur, dry scaly skin.
NOTE: If baby is badly dehydrated, he will need subcutaneous fluids, which can only be given by a rehabber or vet.

I had not mentioned it thus far, although I meant to. I let Brittz know you were here. Hopefully she'll (he'll?) see this quickly.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 04:14 AM
where are you located twi prime? just curious...
if it's a secret, I understand.:peace

08-20-2011, 04:19 AM
where are you located twi prime? just curious...
if it's a secret, I understand.:peace

Tonight, I'm working in Palatka (60 miles south of Jacksonville, 30 miles west of St. Augustine), but I live between Palatka and Jacksonville. Why, have I finally spurred someone to want to kill me for my buttinsky-ness? :hidechair

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 04:28 AM
Tonight, I'm working in Palatka (60 miles south of Jacksonville, 30 miles west of St. Augustine), but I live between Palatka and Jacksonville. Why, have I finally spurred someone to want to kill me for my buttinsky-ness? :hidechair
I am making a directory....SQUIRREL NATION....
collecting locations for sq medics, rehabbers, drivers, babysitters,vets etc...
NO sq espionage.....:D
:poke I am a buttinski myself! I call fred, Mr. buttinski quite often... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_1.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk7885RUS)

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb096&pp=ZNxmk7885RUS (http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb096_ZNxmk7885RUS&utm_id=7924)

08-20-2011, 05:20 AM
Well, I am not an expert, but mixing pedialyte with formula or giving pedialyte for too long is advised against since there is a chance of salt toxicity over time. I know that IR, who has received professional rehab training, was taught not to do it.

Perhaps a good middle road is to give diluted formula. Mix up the puppy formula with 1/4 goats milk mixture and then dilute that to 2/3 strength or 1/2 strength with good water. Then increase the goats milk mixture portion every other feeding as previously suggested. Tap water is usually safe, but I use a brita since my area has hard water and they put chlorine in it to keep it more sterile. It's just a personal preference, though, as it is fine to drink as is.

Then feed the diluted formula about 50% more often, but ONLY as tolerated. You do not want to force feed, ever. That's to say try giving 3 feedings in the time that you would usually give two. They do need more hydration with the diarrhea, but pedialyte is not always the best choice for that.

Also, many members swear by yoghurt for digestive upset, and it is included in the goats milk mixture for that reason.

You need natural yoghurt with active cultures, however, so be careful to get the right one. Apparently a good brand in the US is danon all natural. You could also do one or two steps better and get it from a health food store - one marked as having active cultures. I think it is definitely a good idea to add this to the mix. Maybe even just give half yoghurt and half water for a day as it is really good for digestive upset and is not difficult to process. One day without full nutrition is not going to do any damage and probably will do some good, even.

Try that and see if it helps.

08-20-2011, 05:23 AM
[QUOTE=Jackie in Tampa]I am making a directory....SQUIRREL NATION....
collecting locations for sq medics, rehabbers, drivers, babysitters,vets etc...
NO sq espionage.....:D
:poke I am a buttinski myself! I call fred, Mr. buttinski quite often... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_6_1.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk7885RUS)

lol Ohhh! Okay, that makes sense. Well, feel free to send a pm if you want more specific info for me or for vets or rehabs I've mentioned. I don't mind sharing info, or getting calls. :)

08-20-2011, 05:32 AM
wow, thank you both for taking the time to type and help me out.

I will do as suddgested, i will go out tomorrow and buy the yogurt and heavy cream.

but i do have a problem..

i have about a quarter of a inch round needles syringe that i feed him with. i fill it up all the way becas ei don't understand his limit and he just keeps eating, i was told to let him eat as much as he wanted. But i read on some different [and even this website] that over feeding could cause him diarhea, and switching forumlas could do this. Im trying to ease my, and my girlfriends mind but reasuring that its just the change in formula, and that we're feeding him too much.

but regardless of that case, i am still going to whip up jackies forumla and do as you both sad about the half and half and ect (:

thank you both and im sorry i didn't reply asap, it was his feeding time and he pooed on himself, had to clean him up.

08-20-2011, 05:36 AM
Well, I am not an expert, but mixing pedialyte with formula or giving pedialyte for too long is advised against since there is a chance of salt toxicity over time. I know that IR, who has received professional rehab training, was taught not to do it.

Perhaps a good middle road is to give diluted formula. Mix up the puppy formula with 1/4 goats milk mixture and then dilute that to 2/3 strength or 1/2 strength with good water. Then increase the goats milk mixture portion every other feeding as previously suggested. Tap water is usually safe, but I use a brita since my area has hard water and they put chlorine in it to keep it more sterile. It's just a personal preference, though, as it is fine to drink as is.

Then feed the diluted formula about 50% more often, but ONLY as tolerated. You do not want to force feed, ever. That's to say try giving 3 feedings in the time that you would usually give two. They do need more hydration with the diarrhea, but pedialyte is not always the best choice for that.

Also, many members swear by yoghurt for digestive upset, and it is included in the goats milk mixture for that reason.

You need natural yoghurt with active cultures, however, so be careful to get the right one. Apparently a good brand in the US is danon all natural. You could also do one or two steps better and get it from a health food store - one marked as having active cultures. I think it is definitely a good idea to add this to the mix. Maybe even just give half yoghurt and half water for a day as it is really good for digestive upset and is not difficult to process. One day without full nutrition is not going to do any damage and probably will do some good, even.

Try that and see if it helps.

Thank you so much for weighing on this. Jackie has been advising on the reposted thread too. Thank goodness y'all get up early!

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 05:41 AM
over feeding diarrhea won't be green from my experience,
no cream in the formula until diarrhea is cleared up.

08-20-2011, 05:41 AM
Im sorry that i didnt reply sooner, i had to feed the little guy...

His name is Tiny and my name is Britt lol:thumbsup

now, when i did find him five days ago, my cat was laying ontop of him and he does have some puncture marks. Ive called the vets and they DO NOT see squirrels, they even said if i brought him in they would put him down :,[

i am going to try your mixture jackie (:

So i am just curious [he still has water poo, bless his heart]

should i feed him the water/salt/sugar combination until i can get the yogurt and stuff?

And its the powdered goats milk, it doesnt say goats milk on the bag, just stuff about alot of Vitamins for healthy babies fast growth and has alot of fat in it. Does have a picture of a goats head on the bag, so i ASSUME its ghost milk.

I did infact .. ;[ mix the water combination with some goats milk before reading everyones post, i hope i didnt make things worse.

I still have the puppy forumla! main reason i switched is he just, didnt want to eat it AT ALL, but he didnt have this runny poo either..

i'm not very 'wealthy' and no vets will see him. I understand neglect is abuse but im not neglecting him ;[ its better than to take him to the vet and give him a death sentence, right?

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 05:46 AM
just seeing the cat puncture info...
sometimes this can be a death sentence...

I suggest anti biotics asap...
what cha got on hand?
are they fresh?
does family/friends have anything?
think about anyone that is always sick...someone with children,
anyone been to the dentist lately?
where are you...county and state please.
OK, see Indiana...where at?
PS, I lived in Logansport for a couple years as a kid/dad was military....bunkerhill navy base

08-20-2011, 05:46 AM
it wasn't all just green, its mostly just yellow clear watery, it had alittle green in it, im not going to lie. But now that i feed him the water/sugar/salt [hae a hard time spelling pedialyte, unless i spelled it right :thumbsup] its turned out to be more yellow runny, when i whipe him the q tip is not at all green, it is yellow.

08-20-2011, 05:51 AM
i live about a hour from clarksville in a small town of pekin.

and i already asked around about the antibotics, i only found a hand full and they were out of date. ;[ is there anyway that i can tell if hes infected from the puncture wound? someone told me not to worry, if he was already infected he would have died the day after he got hurt.

and i did the skin test, it goes right back down (:

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 05:51 AM
diarrhea and cat punctures...:sanp3
I would start looking for ABs as a precautionary ...
I have vet info for Louisville Kentucky vet...sq safe.

08-20-2011, 05:58 AM
ahh, dont say :sanp3 D:
could you give me a list of safe antibotics please.
and how do i administure them when i get them?

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 05:58 AM
infection ....hmmmmm
I am not medical person..
however I doubt he would have died first or second day...

sepsis takes a wee bit of time, but not much when you are sooo little...

appetite would be what I used as an indicator, diarrhea & lethargy also.

If sq is active and eating, not so bad, but I would be concerned for sure.

I would give ABs...just me though.
cat and bad poops...:shakehead

08-20-2011, 06:09 AM
yeah, he was not eating that much puppy milk, but once i switched to the goats milk every feeding he eats it all.

like in my other post, i was wondering how would i go about feeding him the ABs.. and how much.. and if you could give me a list of what kind are okay.

08-20-2011, 06:11 AM
What you bought at the feed store with the goat head on the bag is probably milk replacer for raising baby goats on. It probably is not fit to raise baby squirrels on. This baby needs to have its system flushed and the right formula started ASAP. Fox Valley formula is what this baby will need. The original kitten or puppy formula you used is probably the cause of the loose bowels. Stacey

08-20-2011, 06:18 AM
Oh, dear lord, teenyweenytiny one, I see. With a cat bite you do need abs, especially since there is almost nothing to bite on :eek: Was he cat bitten?

The most important thing for the tiny ones is to feed carefully, btw. Make SURE to just put a little drop in the mouth and wait for him to swallow before giving more. Be careful about that.

08-20-2011, 06:19 AM
Guys, I have to log off, but I wanted to mention, if it will help, that I have 30 capsules of amoxicillin 500mg and 6 capsules of Cephalexin (same as Keflex) 500mg if y'all think it would be safe to overnight meds? I wonder what the latest I would be able to do that today would be? Can a person fed ex on Saturday to arrive Sunday? Or, are there trusted rehabbers in Indiana who could help? How close is Pekin to Kentucky if you could find a rehabber there? Good luck y'all. Call me if I can help:

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 06:21 AM
MEYERBERG brand is sold in most grocery stores...
you really should get the right GM.
I perfer the fresh in the carton...it can be frozen into cubes so as to not spoil, thawing as needed daily.
If you order FOX VALLEY from Henry's, they can overnight I think...:thinking

STACEY, are you saying to not worry about cat bite/antibiotics...?
I would love for you to help..:thankyou

Britznits, you are in great hands with rygel1hart:wave123

08-20-2011, 06:22 AM
Hrmm, just reading the other thread... Can you take a picture of the bump on his leg?

08-20-2011, 06:23 AM
wow, that is very generous of you!

It really ashames me to say that i cant afford that FV, I can in two months but tahts too far lol. I think im going to get jackies formula a try. see how that goes.but thank you for the help!:wahoo

08-20-2011, 06:28 AM
i think it looks more like a cat claw mark, but i am not sure. I will try to take a picture of the marks and the bump, but i think the bump has gone away (: please give me time to post the pictures as i am on a 100 year old computer lol.

08-20-2011, 07:02 AM
Yes, you are looking for human quality goats milk. Some regular grocery stores carry it, but not where I live. However, I can find it at Whole Foods amd Trader Joe's, and many health food places that sell groceries also sell goats milk.

Whole fat yogurt is best - they need the fat, and in the US that is hard to find - all of them seem to be lo- or no-fat. HOWEVER... Stoneyfield makes little four packs of Yobaby yogurt. It is organic, has all the probiotis you need, is made for infant humans and so is very digestible, and is AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE. I have yet to find a grocery store that does not have it and that includes Walmart. Vanilla and banana are very popular with the squirrel set! (Don't taste it - I hate yogurt but this stuff is AWESOME and it is for your SQUIRREL!!).

Once the diarrhea has been dealt with, you will be adding heavy whipping cream to the formula too. That is available at any grocery store by the half and half and coffee creamers.

08-20-2011, 07:19 AM

his poo is somewhat more solid than before, and it is now yellow! i know thats still not good but its better than it was before!

i can not upload pictures atm, my computer is being stubborn., but the cat puncture is healing and the bump on his leg has popped and is no longer there.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 07:37 AM
goal is formed yellow/mustard poops.
I use Dannon All Natural Vanilla Yogurt, it's perfectly fine, not whole fat, but fine.
It is easy to find and affordable.
I have raised a zillion sqs on it...:thumbsup
actually over a zillion...:D

If skin is not tenting, baby is hydrated...
if active, doubtful he has an issue from cat bite, yet I am a precautious fool...cat salva is deadly so I have been told.
I ALWAYS give ABs for CBite, as my many vets have always said to, and so has TSB.:tilt
:poke can we get a pic...pretty please? maybe later?

08-20-2011, 07:47 AM
ive read around and im debating on stopping his formula, and rehydrating him... I just want his poo to stop being so... everywhere lol

Ill post new pictures here, but i have another forum in the non life threating thread thats has three of my little Tiny (:

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 07:56 AM
in the other thread by twi prime, it has disappeared now, i thought you had said baby was fully hydrated...
yes, that's first...always before formula..
just because he has diarrhea, does not mean he is dehydrated though.
if he appears to dehydrated with the pinch test, alternating formula and pedi is fine. never make formula with pedi, never.
if poops are forming up, he is doing better.
i am going to send you my number via Private message, i have a friend near you that knows sqs...if you need help call me.

08-20-2011, 08:03 AM
he is hydrated (:
i just thought that if he wasnt forming solid poops to switch him back over. and no, i have another thread there asking some questions about him (: and thank you jackie, i appreciate it much

edit: i just checked on him and again, he had poo on him ;[ I dont know if its better thats it not so clear? but its yellow and not as NEAR as runny as it was. this is so stressing D:

island rehabber
08-20-2011, 08:58 AM
YELLOW is good, and not-so-runny is very good. :thumbsup

08-20-2011, 09:09 AM
Here's Jackie's recipe, as posted by another user on another thread:

Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.

I used this for mine hes still on it and doing excellent! I just got notification that my squirrel formula has been shipped from fox valley!!!

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 09:25 AM
I love the GM formula...MY FAVORITE!
I have too many sqs, it is very expensive to make,
FV is alot cheaper when you are feeding as many as I do.:)
PS, some of the strongest, biggest healthiest sq outside, That I previously released, years ago...are GM sqs...
They have survived pox and are always giving me grand sqs!:Love_Icon

Goats milk has been an alternate food source for hundreds of years to any and every mammal...
it is loaded with immunity boosters, easy to digest, lactose intolerance sqs can digest it too. IT is a great option!
Fox Valley was formulated for sqs...we love it!:thumbsup

08-20-2011, 10:26 AM
Has anybody ever tried making the goats milk formula and freezing it in ice cube trays for future use?? Is there any reason why this would not work?

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 11:10 AM
I freeze the GM itself, then thaw, then add...
heck I have no clue why not though...:dono

08-20-2011, 11:24 AM
I wonder what freezing does to the culures in the yogurt? I know heat will kill them...

08-20-2011, 11:53 AM
Hi Jackie no I didnt mention the cat bites. Yes this baby needs meds. This constant switching from one bad formula to another was also my concern, not to mention dehydration. This baby needs to get with someone with both the correct meds and the correct formula. Surely we have someone on this board that can take this baby. The finders obviously have this babies best interest at heart thats why they are here. They are asking for a rehabber to take her. Stacey

MEYERBERG brand is sold in most grocery stores...
you really should get the right GM.
I perfer the fresh in the carton...it can be frozen into cubes so as to not spoil, thawing as needed daily.
If you order FOX VALLEY from Henry's, they can overnight I think...:thinking

STACEY, are you saying to not worry about cat bite/antibiotics...?
I would love for you to help..:thankyou

Britznits, you are in great hands with rygel1hart:wave123

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 12:37 PM
stacey, have you spoke to the member and she needs rehabber?
I have to go pick up a baby...will be gone 30 minutes max.

08-20-2011, 12:55 PM

I never asked anyone to take my Tiny away....and i'm sorry if i gave that impression?

I sent some reletives to get the yogurt and the whipped cream that is in your formula jackie (: im on night shift so im about to crash for the rest of the day. I advised my GF to mix the goats milk with the formula but not to add the whipped cream until his diareah has became solid again.

I asked many times what the dosage instructions for the antibotics and what types should i try to get, i got no reply.

I have NOT been switching him back and forth on formulas, He was on puppy formula but now he's on a deluted goats milk. I made ONE mistake and mixed the water/sugar/salt mixture with the goats milk, but jackie adviced me not to do this and i have not.

I have been feeding him less of the goats milk and in between feedings giving him a small amout of the pediylite so he will not dehydrate from loosing so much moisture from his diareah.

08-20-2011, 04:27 PM

I never asked anyone to take my Tiny away....and i'm sorry if i gave that impression?

I sent some reletives to get the yogurt and the whipped cream that is in your formula jackie (: im on night shift so im about to crash for the rest of the day. I advised my GF to mix the goats milk with the formula but not to add the whipped cream until his diareah has became solid again.

I asked many times what the dosage instructions for the antibotics and what types should i try to get, i got no reply.

I have NOT been switching him back and forth on formulas, He was on puppy formula but now he's on a deluted goats milk. I made ONE mistake and mixed the water/sugar/salt mixture with the goats milk, but jackie adviced me not to do this and i have not.

I have been feeding him less of the goats milk and in between feedings giving him a small amout of the pediylite so he will not dehydrate from loosing so much moisture from his diareah.

Hi Britt! Glad to hear he's had some better-formed poops. Y'know, it's not unheard of, if someone is close enough, for someone experienced to see your squirrel and demonstrate in person the right way to feed/house/medicate/etc., so your squirrel can hopefully get back to full strength and wellness, so he can use all his energy for growing. Even if you're doing everything right, I think it can't hurt for someone experienced to come in and confirm it. That way, you can have a lot of confidence in what you're doing and feel a little less stressed out by it. And even then, nobody is going to raise an eyebrow if/when you come back with questions. Everyone here will tell you they're still learning everyday. I'm here and trying to learn and I've *never* raised a squirrel yet. I've only tried to help injured critters get to safety, asked a lot of questions, and passed on tentative advice if I've picked something up that might be helpful. Like you noticed earlier, you are really in a good place to get help for your little guy. :D :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 04:53 PM
thanks for posting update!
Glad Tiny is hanging on!
I will send my phone number in a private message...just in case...
I have nocturnal flyers...and all sorts of different aged baby greys right now, so calling anytime is ok...even nights.:thumbsup

remember...slow is key...;)

08-20-2011, 05:05 PM
I wonder what freezing does to the culures in the yogurt? I know heat will kill them...

Depending on many factors (age of yogurt, speed of freezing, etc.) frozen
yogurt may still contain viable (i.e. alive) bacteria.

So it's possible, even likely, that frozen and thawed yogurt will contain
living lactic acid bacteria, although it may only be 10% or 1% of the
total number of bacteria that were there before the yogurt was frozen.

Since the yogurt is already quite acidic, and the yogurt would
not "develop new cultures" upon thawing, however if those thawed bacteria
were placed into fresh milk, at warm temperatures you might be able to
make more yogurt out of that milk, but it might not be as good as the
original yogurt (because of contaminating bacteria from the milk or your
kitchen, or because the ratios of the two or three different yogurt
bacteria have changed after freezing).

source :

08-20-2011, 09:05 PM
No I have not personally spoke with them. A rehabber was asked about in post #36. "Are there any trusted rehabbers in Indiana"? Thats how I got the impression they wanted one. Stacey

stacey, have you spoke to the member and she needs rehabber?
I have to go pick up a baby...will be gone 30 minutes max.

08-20-2011, 09:18 PM

I never asked anyone to take my Tiny away....and i'm sorry if i gave that impression?

I asked many times what the dosage instructions for the antibotics and what types should i try to get, i got no reply.

hi britt.... don't worry about it ... no one will be taking your tiny away ... it was just a misunderstanding ... which happens when sleep deprived people are trying to help as fast as possible....

it's still good to have someone check the baby out etc....

so.... as for the antibiotics/meds you'll need ... i'll see if i can find someone....if you have a vet willing to help that's ideal... (also good to find other members in your area ....to know where to go...)

and if you don't have a vet then we'll need to find out how to convert human or dog/cat medication to squirrels....

will be back soon....:grouphug

08-20-2011, 09:40 PM
ok...the three main posts that talked about antibiotics for cat bites....

... will pm jackie and twiprime...they probably thought it was already covered.....


tiny is still good???

diarrhea and cat punctures...:sanp3
I would start looking for ABs as a precautionary ...
I have vet info for Louisville Kentucky vet...sq safe.

Guys, I have to log off, but I wanted to mention, if it will help, that I have 30 capsules of amoxicillin 500mg and 6 capsules of Cephalexin (same as Keflex) 500mg if y'all think it would be safe to overnight meds? I wonder what the latest I would be able to do that today would be? Can a person fed ex on Saturday to arrive Sunday? Or, are there trusted rehabbers in Indiana who could help? How close is Pekin to Kentucky if you could find a rehabber there? Good luck y'all. Call me if I can help:

[quote=Jackie in Tampa]If skin is not tenting, baby is hydrated...
if active, doubtful he has an issue from cat bite, yet I am a precautious fool...cat salva is deadly so I have been told.
I ALWAYS give ABs for CBite, as my many vets have always said to, and so has TSB.:tilt
:poke can we get a pic...pretty please? maybe later?

08-20-2011, 09:56 PM
cat bite.... my preferance is Baytril!!! but what meds can you get??

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 10:08 PM
agree with NGift, baytril is best...
what Anti biotics can you get? {Like Natures gift asked}
many human meds will work... ck for expiration.

08-20-2011, 11:13 PM
Hi guys. I just did a quick search and found 2 members, only one of which seems to have been active recently, in Indiana. I pm'ed both

Kimpamwright and ISkyWildlifeRescue to see if they might have AB's or a recommendation for a vet or rehabber close by. Since ISky hasn't been active for a long time, maybe I'll see if there's an email addy too... *edit* I found their email addy and sent a query. I linked both to this thread in case they can offer any help.

08-20-2011, 11:55 PM
On the ISkyWildlifeRescue email, I got a mailer daemon message back. It was undeliverable. Sorry. Still have the other message to KimPamWright out there...

08-20-2011, 11:58 PM
thank you all for the help (:

i was unable to get the yogurt and whipped cream today [relitives forgot.. :/] but i kept giving him deluted goats milk and pediyalite inbetween his feeds, he's taking to it very well.

I also noticed earlier today that he was alittle bloated, but i did as someone told me, massage his belly and didn't feed him till it went down, and it did. I honestly think i was just over feeding him for a minute.

Since i started giving him the pedialyte he has stopped popping everywhere and its no loger diareah, starting to form aloooottt better! what a relief! :D

I dont have anyway to get antibotics ;[ like prime said, i would love if someone could find it in their heart to send me some, im sure me and Tiny would be greatly appreciated!

Earlier today when i wouldn't give him any food for w hile he was roaming his box and making his little noises. I picked him up and he opened his mouth and i don't know how to describe it, something like little screams?

It scared me half to death..... should i be worried? ive never heard him do this before.

i have to go feed him now (: he's a chunkymonkey! :multi

im so glad for all who have heped me through this.. <3 :bowdown

08-21-2011, 12:48 AM
i guess i spoke to soon...

after feeding him and after that ONE solid poo he started having diareah, yet again..

he doesnt have loss of appetite at all, i actually had to quit feediing him cause he wanted more and more and his belly was getting full.

i dont know what to do ;[ if anyone has some extra antibotics around i would appreciate it if you could send me a few?


please pray for my little tiny...

08-21-2011, 01:04 AM
britts ... these guys start going downhill very fast.... although i hate to admit it maybe it's the best chance for him to give him to one of our rehabbers... they have access to vets, medication and most importantly the experience to know what to do when your baby is in trouble...

you can't expect anyone to be a surgeon without a lot of practice ... this is what you're trying to do ... you have a sick little baby squirrel and i think the only thing to do ... his best chance ... is give him to someone with tonnes of experience.....

you could raise a baby who is older and is already healthy ... and that way get your experience ... but at this point i'd not keep trying to help this one... it really feels like it will be a few days only survival ... and please don't keep waiting until he's worse and worse.... that's not fair on him either....


ps: what you'd like is baytril for the cat bite?

seriously i pray that you'll have the strength and courage to give him to stacey (or another rehabber nearby ) ... tiny is getting sicker... i'm very worried....:grouphug ((you're not abandoning him you're trying to save him)

08-21-2011, 07:30 AM
Just seen the PM and replied, sorry I don't have any and I don't know of anyone close to get any. i'm sorry I will pray for him.


Jackie in Tampa
08-21-2011, 07:57 AM
Just seen the PM and replied, sorry I don't have any and I don't know of anyone close to get any. i'm sorry I will pray for him.

are you anywhere near brittznits?

08-21-2011, 08:06 AM
are you anywhere near brittznits?

Sorry I'm in Elkhart, by south bend she is all the way down south, we are about as far apart as you could be.

08-21-2011, 08:12 AM
i thought that rygelhardt/stacey was close to britt? jackie do you know?

Jackie in Tampa
08-21-2011, 08:22 AM
no....she is not close to rygle1hart...
but she is close, 28 miles to a sq friendly vet that i can suggest...i have already shared that info....but now it's sunday....:shakehead

08-21-2011, 08:29 AM
You said you have NOT gotten the yogurt? You need to do that. The YOGURT has the probiotics in it to help regulate his digestion and help STOP the diarrhea. Please do this ASAP. Until other arrangements can be made, this is something POSITIVE you can do to help him on the weekend.

Jackie in Tampa
08-21-2011, 04:20 PM
britz said there are pics of the baby ...
I don't see them

Nancy in New York
08-21-2011, 04:22 PM
britz said there are pics of the baby ...
I don't see them

I was just reading this whole thread, never saw a picture Jackie.....:shakehead

Jackie in Tampa
08-21-2011, 04:37 PM
brit...is there a pic?
ty nin

08-21-2011, 04:49 PM
the pictures are in my other thread under non life emergency, title 'help my baby squirrel'