View Full Version : 3 week old with loose stool - please help

08-18-2011, 08:25 PM
I reviewed earlier post to stop the formula and give pedialyte with a reduced amount. Do I give that until stools are harder? Do I warm the pedialyte? How long before I see results? Anything else I need to know? He is very active and seem to be healthy. The loose stools just started - so glad I found you all on-line.

08-18-2011, 08:43 PM
I'm no expert but one should be along soon! Do not give the pedialyte for more than 24 hours and yes warm it like u do the formula! Make sure to give it very slow because it comes out a lot faster. Not sure when u will see results but I would think by in the morning.:thinking How long has it been this way? These r things that wil b asked! Sorry I couldn't be more help but I do know a little from the amazing people here! Keep us posted on the little guy and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he gets better soon!!!

08-18-2011, 09:03 PM
:wave123 Farmgirl and :Welcome

First tell us about your baby. How old is he? What are you feeding him? How long have you had him? How much does he weigh?? Let's start with these questions. Usually this is a formula related issue, but not always.


08-18-2011, 09:15 PM
:wave123 Farmgirl and :Welcome

First tell us about your baby. How old is he? What are you feeding him? How long have you had him? How much does he weigh?? Let's start with these questions. Usually this is a formula related issue, but not always.

Okay - I am not sure of his age and cannot weight him bue he is 6 inches long, pink on the bottom of his body and soft gray on the top , his head is a little grayer that the rest of his bodies and his ears have popped out...so cute. My neighbor's cat got his last Sunday - no other injuries. Hydrated on Sunday and started feeding him puppy formula. I think anout Tuesday I made his formula stronger and caused the loose stools. I need to feed him abround 11:00 tonight . My plan was to give him the pedialyte - warm it like usggested and go slow. 1cc. He is very active.

08-18-2011, 09:15 PM
Okay - I am not sure of his age and cannot weight him bue he is 6 inches long, pink on the bottom of his body and soft gray on the top , his head is a little grayer that the rest of his bodies and his ears have popped out...so cute. My neighbor's cat got his last Sunday - no other injuries. Hydrated on Sunday and started feeding him puppy formula. I think anout Tuesday I made his formula stronger and caused the loose stools. I need to feed him abround 11:00 tonight . My plan was to give him the pedialyte - warm it like usggested and go slow. 1cc. He is very active.
puppy formula from the vet

08-18-2011, 09:35 PM
Puppy formula is not appropriate for baby squirrels any more. I don't know what kind you are using but it doesn't matter. You will need to stop the puppy formula. The wrong formula is most likely the cause of the loose stools. Also a big RED flag. Cat bites will/can kill baby squirrels. You must get this baby on an antibiotic. Do you have any at home you could start tonight?? Baytril is the one I would use. I am hoping there is a FL member close by that might be able to share with you or at least help you get the antibiotic. Did the cat actually bite the baby?? I am a bit worried about the possible cat bite situation.

Also, I will give you some info about a temporary formula until you can order the right formula for baby squirrels. Will post this now and begin to post the other info . I will check your responses as I go. BTW do give him the pedialyte at 11. I have to feed then too. I will post what I can before feeding.


island rehabber
08-18-2011, 09:42 PM
:goodpost UDoWhat is right on target: this baby needs antibiotics for the cat-caught situation and needs to be off puppy formula asap. You can order Fox Valley formula from www.henryspets.com -- you want the 32/40. She ships immediately. :thumbsup

08-18-2011, 09:44 PM
When they have had a few feedings of hydration fluids or pedialyte, you may begin the temporary Goatmilk formula. Mix it as the recipe indicates but for the first few feedings you will need to transition the formula slowly. Listed below is some info on how to transition your baby slowly to the temporary goat milk formula

Temporary Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.

Start introducing formula after the animal has been hydrated and you notice the urine output increase and the color lighten. You will also see a significant increase in their activity as they become more hydrated. Make the formula as instructed on the package/ or recipe. Start by introducing feedings consisting of 2/3 water and 1/3 formula for 3-4 feedings. Then 1/3 water and 2/3 formula for 3-4 feedings. As long as the animal is tolerating it well go to full strength.This is just kind of watering down the formula for a few feedings so the baby does not get diarrhea.

For emaciated animals you will need to hydrate longer and introduce formula slower.


08-18-2011, 10:00 PM
Now for the cat bite issues. There are many excellent TSB members in FL. My brain is scrambled (lol) tonight. I don't know who is closest to you. This baby seems very young. Actually sounds like the same age I took in today, according to the description. Pink with a 5 o'clock shadow. I am hoping we can get an antibiotic started at least by morning. The vet that gave you the formula, can he give/sell you an antibiotic for this baby?? Ask him for Baytril liquid. My Vet gives me the flavored liquid kind. Explain the situation to him. If this baby was bitten, you need the Baytril soon. If by some chance the cat did not break the skin, by some miracle, the baby may be ok but I would not chance it at all. Better safe than sorry.

(BBL I have to feed my babies.)


08-18-2011, 10:48 PM
I hope you will check back in the morning. If you can post pictures , we can help you with the age of your little one. You will need to get an accurate weight on your baby too. the rule for feeding is giving 5-7% of the babies weight to cc's of formula. ( EX., If your baby weighs 40 grams, you would need to feed 2-2.8 cc's of formula) 6-7 times per day. Here is some info on;

Stimulating baby squirrels
Young squirrel babies who still have their eyes closed or who have just opened their eyes will need to be stimulated to urinate and have a bowel movement. You stimulate the baby by wiping his genital area with a warm damp or soft cloth. The baby should have a bowel movement and urinate.
You should stimulate your baby before and /or after each meal.

Will check back in the morning. Really hope you can get an antibiotic for the baby. Good night, sleep tight. :D


08-19-2011, 02:22 AM
Guys, if she's in Melrose, I'm really close and I *might* have some human amoxicillin capsules at home. I know cillin's aren't ideal, but if that's the quickest way to start some help, I'm willing. I'm at work right now, but could check in the morning after 7 a.m. Let me know?

08-19-2011, 04:46 AM
Guys, if she's in Melrose, I'm really close and I *might* have some human amoxicillin capsules at home.
I know cillin's aren't ideal, but if that's the quickest way to start some help, I'm willing. That would be AWESOME!! ---I used human CIPRO to treat my last guy and it saved his LIFE!! :thumbsup :thumbsup
(just need amount so they can dose)

08-19-2011, 05:50 AM
That would be AWESOME!! ---I used human CIPRO to treat my last guy and it saved his LIFE!! :thumbsup :thumbsup
(just need amount so they can dose)

Okay, when I get home, I'll check. I get off in a few minutes and then it takes maybe 20 to get home.

08-19-2011, 05:57 AM
Okay, when I get home, I'll check. I get off in a few minutes and then it takes maybe 20 to get home.

I should have explained more about cat - no bite - no scraatches at all - cat was standing over the baby squirrel. I was at the right place at the right time. I did feed the pedialyte last night. I do know how to stimulate for bathroom needs and have donce so. I will get the correct formula today. Do I stick with pedialyte for today before switching over. Do I wait until I have firm stools before switching him over? Thanks for all your help - I will be in touch with you so please let me know this am. Thank you so much.

08-19-2011, 07:13 AM
I should have explained more about cat - no bite - no scraatches at all - cat was standing over the baby squirrel. I was at the right place at the right time.
I wonder if that really means zero risk of contamination from the kitty. Experts will weigh in on this, I'm sure. If y'all decide these meds would help, here's what I have:

Amoxicilin 500mg Cap Sandoz
Qty 30 Discard after 05/10/2012
Looks like they're a peach-colored capsule. Is it possible to let us know the very largest number of caps Farmgirl will need(like say, if squirrel needs ABX for longer than originally thought?)--if she does need them--so that I can still hang on to some for possible future needs?

I imagine it would take me only half an hour at most to get to Melrose. After I go to sleep, that time gets a *little bit* longer with the necessity to wake up before driving. I'll take my cell phone to bed and y'all should feel free to call me if the meds are needed.



08-19-2011, 08:14 AM
:wave123 Hi Farmgirl, I am on my way out but, I am wondering about the cat. Standing over it would not hurt it. I was thinking if you have had this baby for almost a week and no infections, maybe.... if you are sure, no puncture wounds, or needle size claw marks that might not be noticed , then perhaps this little one does not need antibiotics. For me, if you mention the word CAT and baby squirrel in the same sentence, I freak. :shakehead One of the signs of an infection can be a loose stool. But... if your baby is really active and strong, this just really may be a formula issue. What do the others think in this case??? If someone in FL that is close could take a look at this one it would be better. Twi_prime if you could evaluate, we might have a little better idea. Will return later. BTW, how is the baby today?? Also I would switch to the goat's milk formula until the FV 32/40 arrives. Thoughts anyone else?????:thinking :thinking


08-19-2011, 03:38 PM
:wave123 Hi Farmgirl, I am on my way out but, I am wondering about the cat. Standing over it would not hurt it. I was thinking if you have had this baby for almost a week and no infections, maybe.... if you are sure, no puncture wounds, or needle size claw marks that might not be noticed , then perhaps this little one does not need antibiotics. For me, if you mention the word CAT and baby squirrel in the same sentence, I freak. :shakehead One of the signs of an infection can be a loose stool. But... if your baby is really active and strong, this just really may be a formula issue. What do the others think in this case??? If someone in FL that is close could take a look at this one it would be better. Twi_prime if you could evaluate, we might have a little better idea. Will return later. BTW, how is the baby today?? Also I would switch to the goat's milk formula until the FV 32/40 arrives. Thoughts anyone else?????:thinking :thinking


Marty, if Farmgirl would like me to come have a look (and I could prob take some pics and post too), I would be willing. Of course, I would defer to you and others here on what my observations mean, since I have a healthy respect for the difference between my level of experience and yours. I know I bring that up a lot. :D We are going to run some errands, but this evening would probably work for me. Please call my cell (# in my earlier post) if I can help.

08-19-2011, 07:58 PM
Marty, if Farmgirl would like me to come have a look (and I could prob take some pics and post too), I would be willing. Of course, I would defer to you and others here on what my observations mean, since I have a healthy respect for the difference between my level of experience and yours. I know I bring that up a lot. :D We are going to run some errands, but this evening would probably work for me. Please call my cell (# in my earlier post) if I can help.
Just wanted to let you know my baby squirrel is doing well. A few loose stools since the pedilyte continuing on the pedilyte. Will transition to goats milk formula until I receive the other recommed formula.

08-19-2011, 08:08 PM
Marty, if Farmgirl would like me to come have a look (and I could prob take some pics and post too), I would be willing. Of course, I would defer to you and others here on what my observations mean, since I have a healthy respect for the difference between my level of experience and yours. I know I bring that up a lot. :D We are going to run some errands, but this evening would probably work for me. Please call my cell (# in my earlier post) if I can help.
Twi-prime, Thank you for your kind words. I think you are doing great. I would definitely trust your evaluation of this baby.
Farmgirl, how is your baby tonight??


08-19-2011, 08:11 PM
I was typing while you were posting. :rotfl Glad to hear your baby is doing ok. I am sure the temp. formula and FV will clear this up soon. Keep us posted.


08-19-2011, 10:27 PM
I was typing while you were posting. :rotfl Glad to hear your baby is doing ok. I am sure the temp. formula and FV will clear this up soon. Keep us posted.

I am still unsure how long to give the pedilyte. Is better to go the full 24 hours before transition. I just do not want him to go backwards. He continues to act like he is starving when I feed him. Giving hme 1.5 cc every 2 hours. I reviewed other pictures on thhis site and believe he is 3 weeks old. His boy parts look a little swollen...is that dehrydration?

08-19-2011, 11:13 PM
I am still unsure how long to give the pedilyte. Is better to go the full 24 hours before transition. I just do not want him to go backwards. He continues to act like he is starving when I feed him. Giving hme 1.5 cc every 2 hours. I reviewed other pictures on thhis site and believe he is 3 weeks old. His boy parts look a little swollen...is that dehrydration?
No, I don't think so. Have you stimulated him. Baby squirrels can not pee or poo on their own. He needs to be stimulated before and or after each time you feed him. If you have at least 2 pedialyte feedings in him then I would start the formula transition. Do you know how to do the transition?? To stimulate him you will need to gently rub his genital area with a soft cloth of tissue paper( Soft like klneex soft) . It may take a minute or so to get the flow going.


08-20-2011, 08:36 PM
No, I don't think so. Have you stimulated him. Baby squirrels can not pee or poo on their own. He needs to be stimulated before and or after each time you feed him. If you have at least 2 pedialyte feedings in him then I would start the formula transition. Do you know how to do the transition?? To stimulate him you will need to gently rub his genital area with a soft cloth of tissue paper( Soft like klneex soft) . It may take a minute or so to get the flow going.

Okay thngs are still going good. He still is very active and is hungry - have transitioned him off the pedilyte to the goats milk. His bowel movements now are greenish in color, Is that okay. I will have the formula next week how long can he stay safely on the goat's milk receipt?

Milo's Mom
08-20-2011, 09:19 PM
Okay thngs are still going good. He still is very active and is hungry - have transitioned him off the pedilyte to the goats milk. His bowel movements now are greenish in color, Is that okay. I will have the formula next week how long can he stay safely on the goat's milk receipt?

From what I've read here on TSB, the Goats Milk is a good temporary formula for about 4-7 days...I do not think that an extra day or so will be harmful and the after you get your FV start the transition.

08-20-2011, 09:36 PM
From what I've read here on TSB, the Goats Milk is a good temporary formula for about 4-7 days...I do not think that an extra day or so will be harmful and the after you get your FV start the transition.
okay - will do - Thanks for all your help tomorrow will be 7 days that I have kept care of him.

Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 10:11 PM
I have raised many babies on GMilk...all the way to weaned!:thumbsup
nothing bad except it smells terrible and so does baby urine...
it's expensive too!
FV is alot cheaper!:thumbsup

08-23-2011, 06:16 PM
Things are going well - here is my question. Going on my second week - feedings are good with the new formula - stools are fine. eating about 4 cc's every 4 hours. Have heating pad - he stays warm does look dehydrated starting to fill out. Today at his 6:30 feeding he did not eat his notmal 4cc's ate about 3 cc's and he seemed to be sleepy - he did have his bowel movement...and he was not as active as normal... do I need to worry should I be doing something else. How long do I keep the formula before making a new batch 48 or 72 hours.

08-23-2011, 06:35 PM
I wouldn't keep formula for more than 24 hours at the MOST.

08-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Thanks - I will make that change at the next feeding. Do you know why he would not want to eat or not be active?

08-23-2011, 06:44 PM
I wouldn't keep formula for more than 24 hours at the MOST.
:wave123 Hi Farmgirl, Crittermom is right. If you are using the FV it can only be used for 24 hours. That might be the problem with the loose stool. Also, how much does he weigh? Over feeding can cause diarrhea big time. I would go with 5% of the body weight for 24 hours. I know 5-7 % is recommended but this just happened to me with one of my babies and I cut back to 5% and the next feeding the stool was already better. Totally clear in 3 feedings. Let me know how it is going.


08-23-2011, 07:03 PM
Thanks - I will make that change at the next feeding. Do you know why he would not want to eat or not be active?
Most times this comes with dehydration. Do you think he might be dehydrated?? He can become so with diarrhea. It also could be the spoiled formula just upsetting his tummy some. Do you keep a weight chart. I weigh and record the weight of my babies everyday before the first feeding. I can then easily see if the weight gain is appropriate. What is the strength of the formula?? Interestingly enough weak formula over time can also cause diarrhea.
The FV should be mixed 1 FV powder to 2 water.


08-23-2011, 07:13 PM
What are milk lines? I saw that on an earlier post and I think I do see the milk line on his tummy? He does not have loose stools. He looks very healthy and hydrated just not as active and didnot eat his normal 4 cc's at his last feeding.

08-27-2011, 12:42 AM
What are milk lines? I saw that on an earlier post and I think I do see the milk line on his tummy? He does not have loose stools. He looks very healthy and hydrated just not as active and didnot eat his normal 4 cc's at his last feeding.

The top of the page at this link, I believe, will be UDoWhat's explanation of them. Later in the thread, SquirrellySteve posts a photo with an arrow pointing to where he figured the milk line was, but I have no understanding or experience of it, so I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed that the milk line is what's pointed out in the pic. Marty, if you're reading, what do you think?
