View Full Version : Large Blister Not Decreasing in Size
08-18-2011, 12:30 AM
My boyfriend and I found a baby squirrel in the park by my house. She'd sustained minor abrasions and was very dehydrated but since finding her Sunday, she has improved dramatically. The one hurdle we have yet to overcome is what Adrian thought was an ant bite on her lower abdomen. Over the past few days we've applied warm compresses, antibiotic ointment, and started topical benadryl this evening.
There has been minimal drainage to the site and it has maintained a flesh-tone so I feel confident that we've kept infection at bay, but I'm growing increasingly concerned not knowing how to treat the blister.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated because we are very worried about our sweet little girl! Thanks!
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08-18-2011, 12:36 AM
Sorry; I'm doing this from my phone so obviously I jacked up the html thing up there...
Here are the photos of her blister: pg pg
Thanlks again for the help.
08-18-2011, 01:11 AM
Hi Kristina. Your squirrelly is really cute. I'm not one of the experts here, but I know that one person who is an expert was using the herb comfrey on a baby squirrel who had been burned accidentally while someone tried to warm him.
Her thread is here ( and it shows the baby with the herbs on him. I also found a link here ( regarding general uses for comfrey. Looks like insect bites are one thing it can be used for. I don't think it could hurt for you to get other opinions too, before you act on this, but I thought I would give you the info to look into.
By the way, I'm sure someone with more experience will see this thread soon. Everyone here is pretty conscientious about checking the emergency thread. Good luck. :)
08-18-2011, 01:28 AM
P.S.--It's page 1 of Mandie's thread that shows the baby with the comfrey treatment on him.
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2011, 03:36 AM
are you sure 100% it was an ant bite..
I would def keep neosporin or Triple anti B on it..
I personally would use SMZ-TMP for 5 days...
beautiful baby btw...:Love_Icon
08-18-2011, 07:11 AM
Thanks guys. I'll look into the comfrey; also, I don't know what SMZ-TMP is or how to get it... :/
And no, we are not sure it's an ant bite. There were large black ants on the ground where we found her but the blister has two very small drainage points, one being the most noticeable in the middle of the blister. That one does scab and drain-usually clear-and the other smaller one on the left of the blister is rarely apparent but has drained bloody clear liquid.
08-18-2011, 07:13 AM
could it be a bot fly?????? Can you see something move inside the hole of the " blister" The bump very firm????
08-18-2011, 07:23 AM
@wonka: what a terrifying thought! Adrian has her at work so I'll have him check. We haven't seen any movement though and the blister seems supple but with very light pressing there doesn't seem to be many signs that it could pop, etc.
I don't know if we should try to drain it or keep waiting it out. She seems fine but I know sometimes deadly probems may not present symptoms until it's too late.
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2011, 07:29 AM
does NOT appear to be a bot fly to me...:thinking
not saying it isn't, but just doesn't look like bot imo.
I would try to find ABs...just in case...
better to be prepared.:Love_Icon
absolutely would be putting topical Ab on wound 3-4 times a day minimum.
how's her appetite today?
does the wound appear warm to the touch?
08-18-2011, 07:41 AM
The first picture did not look like a bot, but the second one did to me.
If it is a bot fly that hole that I can see on there will not heal up at all. If you look closely and watch intently, you may see the worm inside move its head to the surface of the hole and then go back inside.
If it is a bot fly, then attempting to drain it,may kill the worm inside which will give of deadly endotoxins. Maybe some more pictures when you get a chance?
08-18-2011, 09:11 AM
Okay.. did a little research on bot flies and warbles and we don't think that's the problem, but we're keeping an eye out to be sure.
I'll try to see if Adrian can post some more pictures of the blister later.
We applied a topical liquid benadryl last night and he said the blister does seem to have gone down some in size and he said it isn't as hard since the swelling has lessened.
Anyone know how much benadryl is safe?
We don't know how old she is, but we've approximated 3 weeks old based off what we've found online.
08-18-2011, 09:21 AM
Hi Kristina. Your squirrelly is really cute. I'm not one of the experts here, but I know that one person who is an expert was using the herb comfrey on a baby squirrel who had been burned accidentally while someone tried to warm him.
Her thread is here ( and it shows the baby with the herbs on him. I also found a link here ( regarding general uses for comfrey. Looks like insect bites are one thing it can be used for. I don't think it could hurt for you to get other opinions too, before you act on this, but I thought I would give you the info to look into.
By the way, I'm sure someone with more experience will see this thread soon. Everyone here is pretty conscientious about checking the emergency thread. Good luck. :)
Twi, I don't have access to that thread for some reason. :thinking I did read the article on ehow and will look into it. Thanks for the tip.
Jackie in Tampa
08-18-2011, 09:46 AM
bot grows in size fast,,,real the owie would be getting bigger.
you would see a def black in the middle..
WW is correct ..if it is bot, do not try to drain...
as she stated, very toxic, will cause death if the actual larva is harmed.
I do not know what benedryl topical is...
08-18-2011, 10:01 AM
bot grows in size fast,,,real the owie would be getting bigger.
you would see a def black in the middle..
WW is correct ..if it is bot, do not try to drain...
as she stated, very toxic, will cause death if the actual larva is harmed.
I do not know what benedryl topical is...
The blister hasn't grown in the past 3+ days so I think we're safe there, and there is nothing black in the center. Also, the drainage point has scabbed over a couple of times and only stays soft because of the ointment and when we stimulate her to use the potty.
This is the benadryl we're trying:
Mrs Skul
08-18-2011, 06:13 PM
Hi kristinashetter
I just sent a PM
Can you call me?
Have a few questions, and test to try. Christal
Has any won mention BotFly???:thinking
08-18-2011, 10:35 PM
Okay! Christal from TX messaged me and I called her tonight to discuss the baby's symptoms. She insisted that the wound was most likely a botfly and gave me some instruction about how to CAREFULLY and SAFELY extract the larvae without hurting the baby or causing the larvae to burst and release toxins into the wound.
Here's a picture from earlier today. The dark spot is a scab. Keep in mind we could NEVER see the larvae inside. Even when the scab was softened with antibiotic ointment and wiped away, we didn't see anything inside the bubble. pg
Christal explained that the larvae may not be visible at this stage but that the blister needed to be tested because it sounded just like a botfly to her. She instructed me to USE PEROXIDE. Peroxide is amazing because it doesn't hurt as bad as alcohol and it kills cells. She explained that if there was a larvae inside, the peroxide would kill it instantly. Another great thing about the peroxide is that it softened the scab so I could better see into the wound.
ALWAYS REMOVE THE SCAB! You can't possibly see what's going on in there if there's a scab in the way! Also, if you are able to cause any drainage, it hurts more if the scab is in the way, blocking the drainage and letting more pressure build up. Go slow and wet the area so the scab comes off softly and without hurting the little baby.
So, step two was to place my fingers at the very base of the blister. The important thing here is to GENTLY squeeze at the VERY BASE to ensure that you are not going to squeeze the larvae. Being careful will make sure you don't squish the larvae and cause it to release the toxins that everyone is so worried about because it could kill your baby. Starting at the bottom will ensure that if there is a larvae inside, you will push it out of the bubble safely.
The great news here is that because I applied benadryl yesterday thinking it would stop the swelling (before I knew it was a botfly), the larvae was already dead. Applying either peroxide or an over-the-counter benadryl cream or spray made for bug bites will kill the larvae and STOP the growing/swelling/etc. After we applied the benadryl yesterday (link to the product is in an above reply) her bubble decreased a small amount and stopped growing overnight.
So... after killing the larvae and using peroxide to soften and disinfect the wound, I began to squeeze gently at the base of the bubble and IMMEDIATELY saw the head of the larvae in the opening where the scab used to be.
Here's what came out: g
And here's the wound afterward:
It went well and we fed her and got her all cozy in her bed. She's sleeping happily now. :)
I just want to say THANK YOU to Christal and WonkaWillie for spotting what we couldn't, and especially to Christal for making me CALL HER and then for telling me just what to do to save my little baby.
Here's a picture of Squirrely Girl that ISN'T focused on the botfly... Still no name for her. Any suggestions? pg
08-19-2011, 02:34 AM
Okay! Christal from TX messaged me and I called her tonight to discuss the baby's symptoms. She insisted that the wound was most likely a botfly and gave me some instruction about how to CAREFULLY and SAFELY extract the larvae without hurting the baby or causing the larvae to burst and release toxins into the wound.
Here's a picture from earlier today. The dark spot is a scab. Keep in mind we could NEVER see the larvae inside. Even when the scab was softened with antibiotic ointment and wiped away, we didn't see anything inside the bubble. pg
Christal explained that the larvae may not be visible at this stage but that the blister needed to be tested because it sounded just like a botfly to her. She instructed me to USE PEROXIDE. Peroxide is amazing because it doesn't hurt as bad as alcohol and it kills cells. She explained that if there was a larvae inside, the peroxide would kill it instantly. Another great thing about the peroxide is that it softened the scab so I could better see into the wound.
ALWAYS REMOVE THE SCAB! You can't possibly see what's going on in there if there's a scab in the way! Also, if you are able to cause any drainage, it hurts more if the scab is in the way, blocking the drainage and letting more pressure build up. Go slow and wet the area so the scab comes off softly and without hurting the little baby.
So, step two was to place my fingers at the very base of the blister. The important thing here is to GENTLY squeeze at the VERY BASE to ensure that you are not going to squeeze the larvae. Being careful will make sure you don't squish the larvae and cause it to release the toxins that everyone is so worried about because it could kill your baby. Starting at the bottom will ensure that if there is a larvae inside, you will push it out of the bubble safely.
The great news here is that because I applied benadryl yesterday thinking it would stop the swelling (before I knew it was a botfly), the larvae was already dead. Applying either peroxide or an over-the-counter benadryl cream or spray made for bug bites will kill the larvae and STOP the growing/swelling/etc. After we applied the benadryl yesterday (link to the product is in an above reply) her bubble decreased a small amount and stopped growing overnight.
So... after killing the larvae and using peroxide to soften and disinfect the wound, I began to squeeze gently at the base of the bubble and IMMEDIATELY saw the head of the larvae in the opening where the scab used to be.
Here's what came out: g
And here's the wound afterward:
It went well and we fed her and got her all cozy in her bed. She's sleeping happily now. :)
I just want to say THANK YOU to Christal and WonkaWillie for spotting what we couldn't, and especially to Christal for making me CALL HER and then for telling me just what to do to save my little baby.
Here's a picture of Squirrely Girl that ISN'T focused on the botfly... Still no name for her. Any suggestions? pg
I think you should call her Angelina Jolie because she's very beautiful and something about her reminds me of the actress. :thinking
I'm so glad the squirrel experts got you the help you needed! Regarding the link to the other thread, maybe your membership is still too new to click thread links? If so, I'm sure your privileges will be validated soon. As you can tell, the folks here have a wealth of knowledge to share. :)
08-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Yahoo! Good work. I wish I could get the bot out of my released boy, but he is just too squirrley now that he has been free for two months. I suppose I could try to roll him in a towel, but I think he would hate me later. I would need someone else to hold him so i could have two free hands.
His bot is in the same exact spot on his belly. He is a big adult now so he can handle the bot lifecycle, where as maybe your little girl may not be able to handle it.
So glad you got this out of her. The bots are so discusting!
She is absolutely adorable, and she does look like Angelina Jolie!
08-19-2011, 08:47 AM
:thumbsup Yay I am so glad to hear that you little girl is doing better!! Way to go and thanks for saving that precious baby!!!:bowdown
08-19-2011, 12:13 PM
Someone recently (somewhere on this board) mentioned submerging the part of the squirrel that has the bot fly in warm water. It makes it impossible for the bot fly to breath and it comes out on its own. Of course, that depends on where the bot fly is ... ie: on the squirrel's neck (do NOT hold baby's head under the water) :sanp3 :shakehead
08-19-2011, 03:14 PM
Cute little peanut, sooo sweet :D How about Mouche for a name (or LaMouche)? In french it means fly (or the-fly)... but it does sound pretty, doesn't it? :)
08-19-2011, 06:07 PM
Okay! Christal from TX messaged me and I called her tonight to discuss the baby's symptoms. She insisted that the wound was most likely a botfly and gave me some instruction about how to CAREFULLY and SAFELY extract the larvae without hurting the baby or causing the larvae to burst and release toxins into the wound.
Here's a picture from earlier today. The dark spot is a scab. Keep in mind we could NEVER see the larvae inside. Even when the scab was softened with antibiotic ointment and wiped away, we didn't see anything inside the bubble. pg
Christal explained that the larvae may not be visible at this stage but that the blister needed to be tested because it sounded just like a botfly to her. She instructed me to USE PEROXIDE. Peroxide is amazing because it doesn't hurt as bad as alcohol and it kills cells. She explained that if there was a larvae inside, the peroxide would kill it instantly. Another great thing about the peroxide is that it softened the scab so I could better see into the wound.
ALWAYS REMOVE THE SCAB! You can't possibly see what's going on in there if there's a scab in the way! Also, if you are able to cause any drainage, it hurts more if the scab is in the way, blocking the drainage and letting more pressure build up. Go slow and wet the area so the scab comes off softly and without hurting the little baby.
So, step two was to place my fingers at the very base of the blister. The important thing here is to GENTLY squeeze at the VERY BASE to ensure that you are not going to squeeze the larvae. Being careful will make sure you don't squish the larvae and cause it to release the toxins that everyone is so worried about because it could kill your baby. Starting at the bottom will ensure that if there is a larvae inside, you will push it out of the bubble safely.
The great news here is that because I applied benadryl yesterday thinking it would stop the swelling (before I knew it was a botfly), the larvae was already dead. Applying either peroxide or an over-the-counter benadryl cream or spray made for bug bites will kill the larvae and STOP the growing/swelling/etc. After we applied the benadryl yesterday (link to the product is in an above reply) her bubble decreased a small amount and stopped growing overnight.
So... after killing the larvae and using peroxide to soften and disinfect the wound, I began to squeeze gently at the base of the bubble and IMMEDIATELY saw the head of the larvae in the opening where the scab used to be.
Here's what came out: g
And here's the wound afterward:
It went well and we fed her and got her all cozy in her bed. She's sleeping happily now. :)
I just want to say THANK YOU to Christal and WonkaWillie for spotting what we couldn't, and especially to Christal for making me CALL HER and then for telling me just what to do to save my little baby.
Here's a picture of Squirrely Girl that ISN'T focused on the botfly... Still no name for her. Any suggestions? pg
I'm so happy you got it out! That is amazing. This message board is incredible. Please keep updates as to how baby girl is doing. This is coolest thing I've ever seen...
island rehabber
08-19-2011, 06:29 PM
:bowdownChristal:bowdown Wonkawillie:bowdown and kristinashetter :bowdown:bowdown:alright.gif! Amazing teamwork, amazing skill and amazingly strong stomachs you all have dealing with this! I am in awe of you, kristina, for dealing with one of a rehabber's worst nightmares so efficiently! That little girl deserves a BIG name.....Regina (Queen)....Sirena (Enchantress)......?
08-19-2011, 11:48 PM
Just wanted to update y'all on little squirrely girl's progress. Here's a few pictures from one day after the extraction. pg pg
Thanks again to TSB and all the awesome people here who help others nuture these little furbabies!
Jackie in Tampa
08-20-2011, 04:19 AM
i would have never guessed it from the pics...
my monitor isn't the best, but I thought it wasn't that bad...
maybe my old eyes...{I cleaned the screen to convince myself I wasn't old:shakehead }
glad it was diagnosed and handled...:thumbsup
poor baby squirrel, it would have been terrible...
great job TSBers!:thumbsup
Mrs Skul
08-21-2011, 10:05 PM
:wave123 Hi Kristina
I am glad Little Squirrel Girl is doing so well. It is healing just great. I would keep putting the Neosporing on for a while. It will help keep infection out.
Keep an eye open for more little blister bumps to appear. (I would watch for 1 week then no worry!) She looks so good in the pictures.
:thumbsup3 Good Job Kristina :thumbsup5
Your such a Good SquMommy!:alright.gif
CM916 She is such a Little Angel. CM918
ANGEL would be a good name. :D
Are you sure this little one is a GIRL????:D
Oh Well Angel can be a Boy or a Girls name.:rotfl
08-24-2011, 10:11 PM
Just wanted to update everyone. Squirrely girl's bump is all healed up and she is eating TONS and getting furrier every day. We finally decided on a name (Bellatrix) and I made her a facebook to keep my friends and others who may be interested up-to-date on her progress.
There's lots of photos there and here's a couple: 96_n.jpg 14_n.jpg
Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions and add little Bella on fb if you wanna keep in touch on there! :)
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