View Full Version : answer needed ASAP!

08-14-2011, 04:37 PM
A squirrel fell from over 50 ft from a tree this morning. Mama came down the tree and couldn't find the baby, baby quit screaming by the time Mama came down. Baby wasn't moving. Mama moved away and started eating and looking for food. Mama didn't come back right away and we waited. A hawk came into the yard so we grabbed baby that looks about 12 weeks old? Not sure on age. Baby's back and legs still moved but of course baby was scared. I wrapped her in fleece and took her in. Seen Mama later out gathering nesting materials, probably to fix the trap door in the nest eh? Anywho, I have since gotten baby out to eat 6 cc's of formula but she didn't want it and was very scared. On a later feeding baby jumped from my hands and ran all over the house, able to climb the furniture and run very well. It's getting dark out now and thunder is rolling in..... What I want to know asap is do you think I should put baby on the trunk of the tree and see if she climbs up to Mama who may still be up there? Or will our human scent make it so baby is refused by Mama, in which case baby would probably die. What should I do? I really don't want to raise this one too but will if you think it's best.

Joanne in Jax

island rehabber
08-14-2011, 04:44 PM
Let the baby go back to mamma! She will absolutely take him back if he is healthy -- that "scent of humans" thing is an old wives' tale. :thumbsup:thumbsup

08-14-2011, 04:45 PM
Thanks, will do it now!

08-14-2011, 04:50 PM
You can always put a little 'stash' of food with him (for him and/or momma), but if he is 12 weeks or even close, then he will be fine, they will find each other.

08-14-2011, 04:58 PM
We put her on the side of the tree, she started climbing but the nest that we could see is at least SIXTY feet up and she hadn't even made it up a 1/3 of the way before she stopped and went into a little dent by a branch to hide. Mama isn't coming down either. I hope Mama didn't move. The baby was nice and plump, well taken care of. I hope the baby makes it, it's getting dark and a storm is rolling in fast! I wish the baby would scream a few times to let Mama know she's there! But she's being terribly quiet now that she needs to squawk a little!

08-14-2011, 05:33 PM
It's been a half hour and the baby is still hanging onto the side of the tree and isn't moving. Mama hasn't come down for her either. I'm so worried. She's too far up for us to get. I fear she can only hang on for so long before she falls yet again. Maybe this time not so lucky :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead

08-14-2011, 05:47 PM
Can you put something underneath the tree to break her fall, just in case?

08-14-2011, 06:33 PM
2 hours now and baby hasn't moved and Mama is no where to be seen. There are fern type bushes under the tree, so I hope she falls in one of those. We are going to try and coax her if Mama doesn't come. Oh, hubby said Mama is coming down - but the cat ran out the front door and scared Mama. The cat has never before run out the front door, go figure! The cat wont care about the tree, so hopefully goes the other way.

On a lighter note, my 2 adult squirrels, Percy and Princess have both figured out how to get out of the Florida room and are outside enjoying a few moments before the sun goes down. The beginning of their release and they did it all by themselves! Sad but sweet at the same time.

08-14-2011, 06:56 PM
Mama looked around the tree and didn't find the baby. Baby isn't making noise and now Mama has left again. Poor poor baby and she's too far up for us to rescue - she did move finally - farther up. But Mama is gone ... so sad.

08-14-2011, 07:22 PM
If she is 12 weeks old , she will be fine. They will re unite tomarrow. Even if she gets rained on.

08-14-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi there! I hope mama finds and rescues the baby. If, for whatever reason, she doesn't rescue her baby and you end up with the baby again, let me know. I am in Jacksonville, as well. If there is anything I can help you with, feel free to get in touch with me and I'll do what I can. :)

08-14-2011, 10:23 PM
I sure hope she does. It's too dark out now to see anything. I'll check tomorrow and see if I can see the baby anywhere. I hope an owl doesn't get her. She was just so precious and plump for a baby. She might have been more like 8 weeks. I was trying to gauge by the tail and the fact that her eyes were open and clear. I'm no expert tho lol!

Thanks for the offer of help, I'll def give you a shout if I find any more squirrels, lord knows I don't need any more right now. I have 2 adult grays that I'm doing a very slow release with and 2 new baby girls that are 6 weeks, and 2 flyers!

Take care,
Joanne in Jax

08-14-2011, 11:28 PM
Mom will find her, she just is waiting for the commotion to calm down.. they will look for days for their babies..