View Full Version : I have a few baby questions
08-14-2011, 10:01 AM
I have a few questions/concerns...
I posted the other day because my little man wouldn't potty.. he finally ended up going the end of day 2 with me. He went 2-3 times between day 2 night to day 3 mid-day. Now He hasn't gone since then and it's day 4 morning.
How often are they supposed to go?! I feel like every feeding when I stimulate I should expect something.. so when I don't have any results it freaks me out!
Could he be doing his business on his own, and its just too small to notice???
He is eating a little less then 2 cc every 3 hours... is this enough?
He is now on Goat's milk formula and water (just ordered FV.. btw am I supposed to call in to pay? The site seems a bit confusing in terms of payment)
He weights about 54 grams.. how much should he be gaining?
His eyes started to open yesterday!! :)
He also has some dry spots on his body, very small spots... is this normal for a baby? or is it something I need to keep an eye on? :thinking
Thanks in advance.. I'm sucha worry wart!
08-15-2011, 03:27 PM
I'd really appreciate some feedback:poke
08-15-2011, 03:38 PM
He isn't eating quite enough I don't think. The rule of thumb is 5-7% of body weight which would be 2.7cc to 3.7cc per feeding. This may be why you aren't seeing poop. Try heating the formula a bit hotter - they really do like it pretty hot - hotter than you would think.
I have never ordered the FV from Nick - I think he will be in touch to get the cc number.
What is the baby in? Ideally he should be in a plastic (sterlite) bin box with many holes punched in the top, with fleece in the bottom. The plastic helps keep humidity in the box and prevents dehydration. The dry skin may be from that. If you have him in a cardboard box you want to replace it with plastic ASAP - cardboard pulls moisture from the air (and from little squirrels). Put a jar lid in the corner of the bin box with a wet piece of sponge or wet wadded up paper towel in it to increase humidity in the box.
08-15-2011, 03:40 PM
Hi Ktek, welcome to TSB! I am not an expert, but will try to direct an expert to your questions. I do know that 5% - 7% of their body weight is the correct feeding amount so for 54 grams it would be 2.5 - 3.7cc per feeding. I will direct your post to the experts!:Welcome
Okay you have a great expert here helping!
08-15-2011, 03:43 PM
Call Nick at Fox Valley. He's a wonderful lovely man. (800) 679-4666 :thumbsup
I believe he ships out and sends invoices after. I know he does this for large orders---he might do this for even single orders. Double check with him on the phone though. :)
ktec... never be shy here... pm as many people that look like they know what they're doing as possible...
we love baby squirrels the best.....
so no question is out of bounds or stupid or whatever.....
if you feel you are not being answered you can even pm me and i'll pm others....
(:D i'm not pushy ... i just love squirrels...:D )
crittermom is excellent... she's one of our best people but we have many people ...some you can even call..... so if she's not available don't feel that she's the only person who can answer you.....
i'd put non urgent questions in this forum...
unless you feel it's an emergency and then put it in the emergency forum....
tsb first priority is squirrels and probably the first of the first is baby squirrels ....
08-15-2011, 05:40 PM
You are very kind but bear in mind I have very little hand on experience. I have been here a while and read many threads and have sort of an "educated layperson's" knowledge of sickness and meds. Mostly what I have is a really good memory so I can commit the info put here by people who know what the heck they are doing to memory and spit it out when needed.
Reading old threads is like a post grad course. Lots and lots of info there if you take the time.
The 5-7% rule is mentioned many times. If I recall, this baby had issues with esbilac so may be a bit small now from that as well, so trying to work the feedings up slowly to the "rule of thumb" is a good idea...
08-16-2011, 12:52 AM
Could he be doing his business on his own, and its just too small to notice???
(just ordered FV.. btw am I supposed to call in to pay? The site seems a bit confusing in terms of payment)
IF you see brown debris in the bedding in the cage then the little one is going potty on its on.... but you should also stimulate all baby squirrels to go potty after every feeding.... but dont get overly concerned if they skip a potty break every once in a while.
as far as the Fox Valley order goes..... Nick does NOT take CC# online (as a means to keep your card safe) - he will ask you to give him a call to relay the number to him and IF he is busy just leave a phone number where you can be reached and Nick will get back with you as soon as possible. I have been ordering from Nick for over a year now and he is AWESOME!!
08-16-2011, 08:13 AM
as far as the Fox Valley order goes..... Nick does NOT take CC# online (as a means to keep your card safe) - he will ask you to give him a call to relay the number to him and IF he is busy just leave a phone number where you can be reached and Nick will get back with you as soon as possible. I have been ordering from Nick for over a year now and he is AWESOME!!
Nick's great. He goes into [on paper] "debt" sometimes waiting on his accounts receivable without hesitation! He's very trusting and knows how urgent it is for all rehabbers to get the right formulas.
08-17-2011, 01:27 AM
Thank you all!
He is eating much more now, close to 4 cc each feeding.. he is getting bigger! :D And has much more energy..and poop!
Haven't gotten anything from nick, but I'll try him on the phone tomorrow. :)
I have the baby in a larger cage.. I'll try putting a damp sponge in there and see if it helps.
:thankyou , and I'll update with photos next time. He is so cute and wiggly.
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