View Full Version : Neonate guidance needed

08-13-2011, 05:41 PM
Hi Squirrel Board Rehabbers,

I just picked up five neonate grey sqs (less than 1 wk) and I need some guidance. Their tree was cut down Wednesday and a small piece of the tree was left on a wall at the homeowner's house (which they found yesterday with 6 babies...nice tree cutters not informing anyone) I arrived at 4 pm today and one was DOA, the other 5 were ice cold, covered in ants.

I have all five warm now. Three are in very rough shape. One was bleeding from the nose (and bubbling) but that seems to have stopped. They have their mouths open all the time, crying periodically, and are breathing very erratically. Their temperature is good now. They've been hanging on for the last two and a half hours. These three will not swallow and are pretty unresponsive. I have moistened their mouths very carefully with Lactated Ringers but I can't get in more than a drop.

I'm thinking about giving them SQ fluids but I'm not even sure they can handle that. The other two don't swallow very well either, but they are better off than the other three. Would you recommend SQ fluids for any? I've read mixed things about giving SQ fluids for squirrels. Should I just keep trying to go orally with it. I've never had a neonate this unresponsive, let alone five of them.

These babies are breaking my heart. I drove right on the road next to the stump for the last four days and they were in there that whole time.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'll keep trying to get them hydrated orally until I hear back.


08-13-2011, 05:57 PM
They may show signs of improvement as you warm them. Do whatever you can to get fluids in them.
Sounds like you know what you are doing! Sometimes we just need some reassurance that we can do it!! Here's your pat on the back!
Do you have pedialite?

08-13-2011, 06:10 PM
I have lactated Ringers which I've been giving them. I lost one, I think I may take my chances on SQ fluids with the other four.

08-13-2011, 06:13 PM
I have lactated Ringers which I've been giving them. I lost one, I think I may take my chances on SQ fluids with the other four.
Im so sorry. :grouphug
Lets us know how it goes.
Prayers for your little ones and for you!

Jackie in Tampa
08-13-2011, 06:19 PM
try a homemade mixture/rehydrating fluid...

1 quart warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt..
stores in the fridge 3 days...

keep all fluids almost hot...
try wrapping the babies in fleece while feeding...they may hate the chill feeling..

What will you feed them as a formula?
I know we're not there yet, but eventually you'll need something with nutrition.


08-13-2011, 06:39 PM
We have Fox Valley 32/40 all ready to go for tomorrow...

island rehabber
08-13-2011, 07:46 PM
hi vol4wild -- if the babies are warmed they may show more interest in the fluids. Hold them one at a time up near your neck and hum, rhythmically. This often triggers their "mom's here!" response, and they become more hungry and willing to suckle. Slip the syringe tip under the muzzle on the side of the mouth and drip by drip you'll get some fluids in them. .5 - 1.0cc may be all they need each time. 6 babes is an unusually large litter -- are they greys or reds? Barbara Bellens-Picon in Westbury may be able to help if you need it.....

08-13-2011, 08:15 PM
Hi Island Rehabber,
They are grays (I think. I've never seen any reds in this area.) I'm down to two. :( They are swallowing a small amount at a time. I'll try to get a bit more in them.

Thanks everyone for your support.

island rehabber
08-13-2011, 08:22 PM
Poor sweeties...hoping & praying for the two who are hanging on. Sometimes it's just too late for these little ones, but we do our very best anyway. :peace

08-13-2011, 08:27 PM
Praying very hard for this little angels and for you. :grouphug Thank you for caring.

Kelly Brady
08-13-2011, 08:30 PM
:grouphug Praying

08-13-2011, 10:17 PM
Hoping for success with the remaining babies, Vol. :grouphug