View Full Version : Runny Nose (5 week old): Please help!

08-13-2011, 03:13 PM
I found a 4-5 week old earlier this week. He has been doing very well. Opened his eyes on Tues and growing every day.

Yesterday he started getting a runny nose and this morning he had a crusty booger over his nose. I cleaned it with a warm paper towel and fed him his food, which he ate with a HUGE appetite. He's not as energetic today as he was yesterday. Is this a common cold he could get over on his own with a little help or what are my options until I can get him to someone licensed?

I called two emergency vets and they said they are not licensed to treat, but they gave me some numbers to call, however one place is really far away (and the lady on the phone said she doesn't know anything about squirrels which worries me right off bat) and the other 3 rehabbers did not answer their phones.

Please help until I can find someone. Is there a way to help him blow his nose? Seems like he's congested.

08-13-2011, 03:25 PM
I'm kind of new here, and I am not an expert, but until the more experienced folks get here, the only advice I can offer is to maybe try and use a moist q-tip to soften and remove the crusty on its nose if it's blocking the airway.

What area are you in? I can help you look for help if you want.

08-13-2011, 03:45 PM
Do you hear any clicking sounds when he breathes? Have you seen formula come out his nose at any point in time?

08-13-2011, 04:04 PM
Yes he has gotten it up his nose a few times, I am very aware of asphixiation dangers and I always fed him correctly, but he is very greedy eater and at times he would suck too much and get it up his nose but I alway made sure to wipe him and keep his nose down so that it would all come out. Once he was fine he just went right back for the bottle again. I never force fed him or anything like that, but it has happened . I have read about this that is why I'm worried.

Just to update: I just fed him and he went back to sleep. He is still peeing and pooping normally. Definitely not as energetic as yesterday and making little sounds when he breathes.

I am in Chicago. South Suburbs.

Jackie in Tampa
08-13-2011, 04:16 PM
There will be clicks with every breath with aspiration pnuemonia.
When they are asleep or awake..with EVERY BREATH.
be careful not to mistake mouth sounds...the clicking will come from the chest.
Using a 1cc syringe is advised, holding the baby head up tail down, never tilted back. Never use a kitten nurser/baby bottle. An eye dropper will work in a pinch.
Go slow, the person should control formula speed/syringe, not baby squirrel.
If bubbles do appear from nose, slowly tip nose towards floor allowing fluid to drain, wipe with kleenex so as to not re-inhale. Slow is key.
If you are certain your squirrel has aspiration pnuemonia, you will need to keep him warm and find anti biotics asap. Death will occur with out sq safe ABs...this is 100%. Hydration is a must...make sure he stays hydrated...appetite loss is a side affect..as is lethargy.

If you can hang on...members may be able to help find you help...
if you have FRESH antibiotics in your house or know where some are...tell the board what you have and someone can tell you if they can be used.
good luck

08-13-2011, 04:25 PM
Well thats good news. He only makes sounds now and then, not with every breath. I have been feeding him with a syringe. Always slowly.

Could it be possible he has a common cold/runny nose?

08-13-2011, 04:28 PM
Well thats good news. He only makes sounds now and then, not with every breath. I have been feeding him with a syringe. Always slowly.

Could it be possible he has a common cold/runny nose?
Could it be allergies??

08-13-2011, 04:29 PM
Could it be allergies??

I'm the one with the questions here LOL!

08-13-2011, 04:32 PM
There will be clicks with every breath with aspiration pnuemonia.
When they are asleep or awake..with EVERY BREATH.
be careful not to mistake mouth sounds...the clicking will come from the chest.
Using a 1cc syringe is advised, holding the baby head up tail down, never tilted back. Never use a kitten nurser/baby bottle. An eye dropper will work in a pinch.
Go slow, the person should control formula speed/syringe, not baby squirrel.
If bubbles do appear from nose, slowly tip nose towards floor allowing fluid to drain, wipe with kleenex so as to not re-inhale. Slow is key.
If you are certain your squirrel has aspiration pnuemonia, you will need to keep him warm and find anti biotics asap. Death will occur with out sq safe ABs...this is 100%. Hydration is a must...make sure he stays hydrated...appetite loss is a side affect..as is lethargy.

If you can hang on...members may be able to help find you help...
if you have FRESH antibiotics in your house or know where some are...tell the board what you have and someone can tell you if they can be used.
good luck

Well thats good news. He only makes sounds now and then, not with every breath. I have been feeding him with a syringe. Always slowly.

08-13-2011, 04:32 PM
I'm the one with the questions here LOL!
LOL.....well...yes and no.
What color is the drainage in his nose?
If its clear...it could just be simple allergies.
Pollens are very very high right now....not to mention all of the different allergens in a house as opposed to outside.

08-13-2011, 04:37 PM
LOL.....well...yes and no.
What color is the drainage in his nose?
If its clear...it could just be simple allergies.
Pollens are very very high right now....not to mention all of the different allergens in a house as opposed to outside.

This morning it was kinda cloudy white, now it is clear watery. I am constantly waking him up coz then he kinda sneezes and I wipe the boogies off.

Would he even have a runny nose with pneumonia?

08-13-2011, 04:52 PM
This morning it was kinda cloudy white, now it is clear watery. I am constantly waking him up coz then he kinda sneezes and I wipe the boogies off.

Would he even have a runny nose with pneumonia?
Yes...they can have a runny nose with pneumonia....but honestly...if you dont hear that clicking noise Im thinking that is not what the issue is.
What are you using to launder his bedding? Is he around any other animals? Is there a smoker in your home?
I am dealing with a squirrel with just about every issue you can imagine myself...so I am thinking of everything. LOL

08-13-2011, 04:55 PM
Yes...they can have a runny nose with pneumonia....but honestly...if you dont hear that clicking noise Im thinking that is not what the issue is.
What are you using to launder his bedding? Is he around any other animals? Is there a smoker in your home?
I am dealing with a squirrel with just about every issue you can imagine myself...so I am thinking of everything. LOL

We are actually a very eco friendly household. We only use the ecological detergent from whole foods...

08-13-2011, 05:02 PM
We are actually a very eco friendly household. We only use the ecological detergent from whole foods...
Good to hear!! :thumbsup

08-13-2011, 05:12 PM
Is there anything OTC I can give him to clear up his congestion? What steps do I take to prevent this from turning into pneumonia?

08-13-2011, 05:22 PM
Is there anything OTC I can give him to clear up his congestion? What steps do I take to prevent this from turning into pneumonia?
Keep him warm....go very very slow when you feed and in a quiet area.
As far as meds.....I know of some that use benedryl if its it allergies but I do not know the dosing.
Can you get a pic of him?? Had to throw in one more question....but this one is for selfish reasons. :rotfl :peace

08-13-2011, 10:42 PM
I'm right outside of Chicagoland out I-80- my name is Nancy & I'm a licensed rehabber - let me know if I can help - I have meds and can refer you to some wildlife vets - Morris IL right out on i-80 - PM me or on my website - there is a link for liscenced DNR rehabbers by county - my phone number is there for Bureau county.
Thanks for contacting TSB and for rescuing - TSB has a vast collection of Squirrel Mavens :D

08-13-2011, 10:48 PM
I'm right outside of Chicagoland out I-80- my name is Nancy & I'm a licensed rehabber - let me know if I can help - I have meds and can refer you to some wildlife vets - Morris IL right out on i-80 - PM me or on my website - there is a link for liscenced DNR rehabbers by county - my phone number is there for Bureau county.
Thanks for contacting TSB and for rescuing - TSB has a vast collection of Squirrel Mavens :D

Hi Nancy!

I was able to get some amoxicillin for him. I called a vet friend and had them call in a prescription for me. I got the pink amoxicillin liquid 200mg/5mL. She said to give my squirrel 0.2 CC which is basically 2/10th of a CC. What is the general rule for dosing? My squirrel is around 5 weeks (just opened his eyes on tuesday). Please no wild guesses here. I am running out of time baby has gotten progressively worse today. I need a qualified person to give me a ligitimate answer. How many mg/gram for each squirrel? How much would my squirrel weigh right about now? How much of this stuff would you recommend? Just gave him 0.2CC when I got home from the drug store. I will definitely get him to a rehaber but obviously tonight is too late and I am too worried to just drop him off with a stranger. Do you think 0.2CC is enough or too much?

Jackie in Tampa
08-14-2011, 09:15 AM
Please call Nancy...she has offered you wonderful help...
she will have scales to weigh your baby and correct meds etc...
Baby sqs go down hill fast...hoping things can fall into place..
In order for me or anyone to help you with dosing...
more info is needed.
The weight of the baby { in grams}
ABs need to be fresh.
safe sq dose for Amoxicillan is 20mg/kg
remember PROBOTICs!!!!
hoping for good news this AM:Love_Icon

08-14-2011, 10:21 AM
Please call Nancy...she has offered you wonderful help...
she will have scales to weigh your baby and correct meds etc...
Baby sqs go down hill fast...hoping things can fall into place..
In order for me or anyone to help you with dosing...
more info is needed.
The weight of the baby { in grams}
ABs need to be fresh.
safe sq dose for Amoxicillan is 20mg/kg
remember PROBOTICs!!!!
hoping for good news this AM:Love_Icon

Sad to inform Munchkin has passed away. Gave him amoxicillin last night around 8pm. Kept checking on him. Looked more energetic and started to move around. Pooped and peed. Cleaned his nose before I went to sleep. Checked up on him at 4 am to clean his nose and turn on his heating pad and he was looking better. This morning found his dead.

So Upset :(

Jackie in Tampa
08-14-2011, 11:09 AM
Rest in Peace Baby squirrel:Love_Icon

08-14-2011, 11:11 AM
Im so sorry.....:sad
Thank you for helping him...and giving him warmth and love to take with him.

08-14-2011, 01:12 PM
Thank You. I am so sad. I did best I could. I miss him so much. I wish I was there to hold him when he passed. Such a disappointment.

08-15-2011, 06:34 PM
To add insult to the injury, today I discovered I had a bottle of unused amoxicilllin in the house that the dentist had prescribed for my dad after a root canal a couple of weeks ago, which he never took because we try to avoid antibiotics at all costs. And here I spent over 8 hrs trying to find someone to help me before I finally got a prescription. I know he didn't get medicine in time. Such a shame. I feel so guilty.

08-17-2011, 01:16 AM
Try not to feel guilty, Bella. It's understandable that the complete contents of the family medicine cabinet can't be stored in your head at all times, especially when you're worried sick. I'm so sorry you lost your little one. :grouphug

island rehabber
08-17-2011, 07:06 AM
One of the marks of a good rescuer/rehabber is always second-guessing yourself :). It's how we learn, and hopefully we are all always learning because rehabbing is not an exact science. Truthfully, amoxi may not have helped your baby anyway since it is not the best AB for rodents.
May I be a real pain and say that your dad should have taken it, though, after the root canal? I understand that nobody wants to gulp pills unnecessarily, but my beloved dad actually died because of an abcessed tooth he did not take ABX for. (His stupid dentist never prescribed them :shakehead.) You know when something like that happens in your family, you can't help but try to keep it from happening to others. :peace

08-17-2011, 07:38 PM
One of the marks of a good rescuer/rehabber is always second-guessing yourself :). It's how we learn, and hopefully we are all always learning because rehabbing is not an exact science. Truthfully, amoxi may not have helped your baby anyway since it is not the best AB for rodents.
May I be a real pain and say that your dad should have taken it, though, after the root canal? I understand that nobody wants to gulp pills unnecessarily, but my beloved dad actually died because of an abcessed tooth he did not take ABX for. (His stupid dentist never prescribed them :shakehead.) You know when something like that happens in your family, you can't help but try to keep it from happening to others. :peace

Dentist actually told my dad to hold off and only use if there is swelling or some type of infection coming on. I'm sorry about your dad. That is so sad. The doctors are crazy about prescribing antibotics for everything now and with all the anti-bacterial junk out there... Its leading to antimicrobial resistant bugs...I'm sure you are aware. So antibiotics should be saved for emergency use only, in my opinion.

island rehabber
08-17-2011, 10:47 PM
Its leading to antimicrobial resistant bugs...I'm sure you are aware. So antibiotics should be saved for emergency use only, in my opinion.

Very true. In my dad's case, of course, there had been infection, hence the abcess. But after the dentist pulled the tooth he never prescribed antibiotics! Scar tissue from the infection somehow got lodged in an artery and caused a massive stroke. I found out later this is not an UNcommon occurence with deep infections in the mouth. :(

08-19-2011, 06:18 PM
Very true. In my dad's case, of course, there had been infection, hence the abcess. But after the dentist pulled the tooth he never prescribed antibiotics! Scar tissue from the infection somehow got lodged in an artery and caused a massive stroke. I found out later this is not an UNcommon occurence with deep infections in the mouth. :(

Interesting. I never knew about this. So sorry about your dad.

island rehabber
08-19-2011, 06:33 PM
Thank you bella.....I am going to move this thread out of the Emergency section and merge it with your original thread....sorry I threadjacked you, but it was a subject near to my heart. :tilt