View Full Version : Need desperate help with wild turtle with broken shell.

08-12-2011, 11:30 PM
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I have been looking all over the internet for help and thought maybe someone on here has experience with this sort of wildlife.

I was called earlier this evening by someone who had found a wild yellowbelly slider turtle who had either been stomped on or crushed by a rock. Its shell is cracked pretty badly, and has split apart about a half an inch.

When I went to pick it up, it was bleeding pretty badly. I got the bleeding to stop, cleaned the outside of the shell near the crack with peroxide, and filled in the crack with neosporin. I covered it with gauze and taped it down.

I can't find a turtle rescue in my area, and the vet I am familiar with doesn't do turtles and the only animal hospitals open after tonight will be the emergency clinics that I can't afford for a wild turtle.

Does anyone have experience with this? The turtle is in a paper lined box in my garage so the AC doesn't put it into shock and other animals can't get to it. I'm wondering if there is anything else I should be doing?

I have pictures if they will help but they are pretty graphic.

Tickle's Mom
08-12-2011, 11:48 PM
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I have been looking all over the internet for help and thought maybe someone on here has experience with this sort of wildlife.

I was called earlier this evening by someone who had found a wild yellowbelly slider turtle who had either been stomped on or crushed by a rock. Its shell is cracked pretty badly, and has split apart about a half an inch.

When I went to pick it up, it was bleeding pretty badly. I got the bleeding to stop, cleaned the outside of the shell near the crack with peroxide, and filled in the crack with neosporin. I covered it with gauze and taped it down.

I can't find a turtle rescue in my area, and the vet I am familiar with doesn't do turtles and the only animal hospitals open after tonight will be the emergency clinics that I can't afford for a wild turtle.

Does anyone have experience with this? The turtle is in a paper lined box in my garage so the AC doesn't put it into shock and other animals can't get to it. I'm wondering if there is anything else I should be doing?

I have pictures if they will help but they are pretty graphic.

Call Dr. Hart in the morning if all else fails - he is in Ft. Caroline. He rehabs turtles and then sends them to my friend, but she is out of town at the moment. I would be on their doorstep when they open in the morning. Here's their info.

Hidden Hills Animal Hospital 12134 Ft. Caroline Road, Jacksonville FL 32225. Phone: (904) 641-3384

Put a heating pad half under the box and also cover the box. He/she needs warmth to avoid shock.

08-12-2011, 11:52 PM
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I have been looking all over the internet for help and thought maybe someone on here has experience with this sort of wildlife.

I was called earlier this evening by someone who had found a wild yellowbelly slider turtle who had either been stomped on or crushed by a rock. Its shell is cracked pretty badly, and has split apart about a half an inch.

I have pictures if they will help but they are pretty graphic.
Photos will help diagnose --for anyone on TSB who is knowledgable about injured turtles.
I've moved my share of turtles off of Busy Highways...but have never had to re-hab one.
Prayers coming from Costa Rica for your turtle...

08-13-2011, 12:00 AM
OK, now you have rescued an injured turtle with a cracked shell and you have it home. If it is not bleeding profusely and it will only be a matter of hours until you get it to a qualified vet or rehabber, just leave the turtle enclosed in a vented box in a quiet place until then. Do not leave it in an air conditioned room unless you put a heating pad set on low under one end of the box. During warm weather, garages that are not air-conditioned are best if you can keep other animals out. If you leave it outside, flies and fire ants may discover it. If you find a turtle during cool months, you do not want to warm it too quickly. Again, for only a few hours, put the box in a quiet room in your house. Do not handle these turtles except to take care of their needs. Wild turtles are not "comforted " by being petted, they are only stressed. They see us as a large predator and do not realize that we are trying to help them.

If the turtle is bleeding and you can safely do so, apply a bandage and tape it to the shell. You can use non-stick Telfa-type bandages for small wounds. Sanitary napkins cut to size for larger wounds work quite well.

If you discover that for whatever reason you are going to have to keep an injured turtle more than a day and profuse bleeding is not a problem, you may soak the turtle in plain tap water for about an hour once everyday. This will allow the turtle to keep itself hydrated. Aquatic turtles with damaged shells should not be left in water other than for a daily soaking. Leaving them in the water allows bacteria from their stools to enter the wound and cause infection. Box turtles should not have free access to soaking water for the same reason. The soaking water should only be from one half to one inch deep, depending on the size of the turtle. If they turn themselves over in the water, it should not be deep enough that they would drown if they could not right themselves. You should be able to get a turtle to a vet or rehabber within 2 days so do not worry about feeding an aquatic turtle. They must be in the water to eat and you do not want to get food debris into the wound.

If profuse bleeding is a problem, you should not soak the turtle until it has mostly stopped. Sometimes wounds are only on the carapace so soaking in shallow water will not interfere with the blood trying to clot there. Remove any bandages before soaking and replace if there is still bleeding. If a wound looks very deep it could be into the body cavity. In that case, keep water out of the wound and keep it bandaged.

08-13-2011, 01:26 AM
:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost stosh & tickles mom....

:grouphug and please wash your hands ....

08-13-2011, 01:34 AM
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I have been looking all over the internet for help and thought maybe someone on here has experience with this sort of wildlife.

I was called earlier this evening by someone who had found a wild yellowbelly slider turtle who had either been stomped on or crushed by a rock. Its shell is cracked pretty badly, and has split apart about a half an inch.

When I went to pick it up, it was bleeding pretty badly. I got the bleeding to stop, cleaned the outside of the shell near the crack with peroxide, and filled in the crack with neosporin. I covered it with gauze and taped it down.

I can't find a turtle rescue in my area, and the vet I am familiar with doesn't do turtles and the only animal hospitals open after tonight will be the emergency clinics that I can't afford for a wild turtle.

Does anyone have experience with this? The turtle is in a paper lined box in my garage so the AC doesn't put it into shock and other animals can't get to it. I'm wondering if there is anything else I should be doing?

I have pictures if they will help but they are pretty graphic.

Hey Sundogdayze. Melanie Cain Stage at Hawke in Elkton--(904) 692-1777--
(outside of St. Augustine off of 207) has a tortiose habitat. I took a her a box turtle with a somewhat cracked shell and she said she could reinforce or get someone else to.

08-13-2011, 01:42 AM
Hey Sundogdayze. Melanie Cain Stage at Hawke in Elkton--(904) 692-1777--
(outside of St. Augustine off of 207) has a tortiose habitat. I took a her a box turtle with a somewhat cracked shell and she said she could reinforce or get someone else to.

Some more info, Sundogdayze. When I found that other turtle, Lilidukes posted this to me...

'...call foothills and ask for Tresa or John I know they do turtles and would be glad to give you advice.

Foothills Animal Rescue - we are a federally permitted volunteer group dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of injured and orphaned wildlife encompassing the entire area of upstate South Carolina and part of Hendersonville, North Carolina. USDA Licensed and Federally Permitted to handle all wildlife.
Calls accepted 24/7 (864)282-1917"

08-13-2011, 08:28 AM
Turtle Update????

08-13-2011, 12:03 PM
I'm sorry it took so long to answer! My sister is having a baby right now in another state and I've been on the phone to everyone all night!

Here are pictures of the shell, beware they are graphic.


I'm jumping on the phone right now to see if I can get in at Ft. Caroline if they are open.


Also, I didn't have a heating pad under the turtle, but its in my storage shed connected to my house, it was no colder than 80 degrees in there all night. Is that too cold?

08-13-2011, 12:09 PM
@%#$! The vet closed at noon (7 minutes ago) and none of the other numbers were answered.

The turtle has bled through it's bandage, should I clean it up? I wear gloves because I am pregnant and know that turtles can give you Salmonella, is there anything else I should worry about as far as that is concerned? I didn't see anything else on the internet.

08-13-2011, 12:21 PM
Simply to be on the safe side I would maybe wear a mask and - gloves or not - make sure to thoroughly wash your hands. I'd wear an old shirt over my regular one, so as to take it off when you're done handling the turtle. Make sure you do clean all surfaces it's been set on very thoroughly after you've worked with him.

I know absolutely nothing on turtle care unfortunately, but good luck with the poor guy.

08-13-2011, 12:30 PM
@%#$! The vet closed at noon (7 minutes ago) and none of the other numbers were answered.

The turtle has bled through it's bandage, should I clean it up? I wear gloves because I am pregnant and know that turtles can give you Salmonella, is there anything else I should worry about as far as that is concerned? I didn't see anything else on the internet.

That is too bad...closed at noon.

Is there a 24 hr.emergency # for the vet ? ( after hours)

If you discover that for whatever reason you are going to have to keep an injured turtle more than a day and profuse bleeding is not a problem, you may soak the turtle in plain tap water for about an hour once everyday. This will allow the turtle to keep itself hydrated. Aquatic turtles with damaged shells should not be left in water other than for a daily soaking. Leaving them in the water allows bacteria from their stools to enter the wound and cause infection.

You should be able to get a turtle to a vet or rehabber within 2 days so do not worry about feeding an aquatic turtle. They must be in the water to eat and you do not want to get food debris into the wound. >>>Looks like it might be 3 days..???

08-13-2011, 12:41 PM
@%#$! The vet closed at noon (7 minutes ago) and none of the other numbers were answered.

The turtle has bled through it's bandage, should I clean it up? I wear gloves because I am pregnant and know that turtles can give you Salmonella, is there anything else I should worry about as far as that is concerned? I didn't see anything else on the internet.

Just because you can’t see the bacteria doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Salmonella are naturally occurring bacteria in turtles and those with Salmonella usually do not appear sick in any way. In addition, turtles do not shed Salmonella all of the time. So, just because a turtle might have one negative test for Salmonella doesn’t mean that they are not infected. It could mean that the turtle was not shedding Salmonella on the day it was tested.
Salmonella bacteria cause a human disease called salmonellosis. Reptiles, including turtles, transmit an estimated 74,000 cases of salmonellosis to people in the United States annually. Amphibians, including frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders, can also transmit salmonellosis. Some cases may cause severe illness, hospitalization and even death in susceptible people such as children under 5, the elderly, and people who have lowered natural resistance to disease due to pregnancy, cancer, chemotherapy, organ transplants, diabetes, liver problems or other diseases.
• There have been a number of turtle-associated salmonellosis cases recently in the United States

• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after handling turtles or their cages, or after contact with pet feces. Do not touch your face, other people or any surface until hands are washed.
• Wash surfaces that the turtle or its cage has come in contact with.
o Food and drink should not be allowed in animal contact areas.

08-13-2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks guys! I got in touch with the Jacksonville Herpetological Society and will be bringing the turtle to them this afternoon.

Apparently it is illegal for me to even have the turtle, and I could be fined up to $10,000 for trying to save it. :( I don't think I will get any updates once I hand it over, but at least it's going into good hands.

Thanks for everything, you guys are great. :)

08-13-2011, 01:21 PM
With a fine like that, it must be endangered. Otherwise they most likely would not care. I recently took a turtle shell repair class. You did everything right for this turtle. :thumbsup I did not see the original post last night. SORRY. :sanp3 Have you done turltes before?? Great job.


08-13-2011, 01:30 PM
Nope, I have never had an injured turtle before, just a couple baby red eared sliders that I fostered until they had a good home. I felt so bad for this turtle, I couldn't turn it down.

I'm glad I did the right thing, I wasn't sure and there is much less information about fixing a turtle shell than I thought there would be online.

I'm not sure if it's endangered, I was rather shocked when they told me that it carries such a heavy fine. I probably would have tried to help it anyway, I'm silly like that. :rotfl

Thanks for your words! :)

08-13-2011, 01:43 PM
Thanks for your actions. You really did great!! I think those people who said you could be fined need to lighten up a little. I am a rehabber and I run in to this attitude thing sometimes too. Whatcha gonna do??? Let it die??? NO


08-13-2011, 11:51 PM
I'm not sure if it's endangered, I was rather shocked when they told me that it carries such a heavy fine. I probably would have tried to help it anyway, I'm silly like that. :rotfl

Thanks for your words! :)

I'm silly like that too, but any official who would fine you for trying to get it some help is suffering from an exponentially greater silliness. Thanks for getting him to safety! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

08-14-2011, 03:22 PM
Sad update.

I drove the turtle out to the Jacksonville Wildlife Rescue Coalition, and after taking one good look at him, they two ladies that run the show decided that he should probably be euthanized.

They said that even though the shell would heal over time, his organs were exposed and bulging a bit out of the crack, and there was no way to push his shell back together without damaging a lung or other vital organ. Infections were pretty much imminent, and he probably had already developed one.

We did find out that he was hit by a vehicle at a local mall, the Valet driver didn't see it, heard a pop, and immediately called security to pick him up. The security guard is the one that called me.

So it was a total accident and no intentional cruelty was involved (I was worried someone had stomped on it or crushed it on purpose) and everybody did everything they could.

Thanks for everyone's help!

08-14-2011, 03:57 PM
Thanks for your actions. You really did great!! I think those people who said you could be fined need to lighten up a little. I am a rehabber and I run in to this attitude thing sometimes too. Whatcha gonna do??? Let it die??? NO
:rotfl Marty

:meh I think this board would be pretty empty if we all let that kind of attitude keep us from doing what we do.

08-14-2011, 04:58 PM
I drove the turtle out to the Jacksonville Wildlife Rescue Coalition, and after taking one good look at him, they two ladies that run the show decided that he should probably be euthanized.

Regardless of the final outcome. your compassion and quick thinking and follow up, mark you as ONE of US...
-----"Hooked on Critters" a TSB pre-requisite

08-17-2011, 02:38 AM
Sad update.

I drove the turtle out to the Jacksonville Wildlife Rescue Coalition, and after taking one good look at him, they two ladies that run the show decided that he should probably be euthanized.

They said that even though the shell would heal over time, his organs were exposed and bulging a bit out of the crack, and there was no way to push his shell back together without damaging a lung or other vital organ. Infections were pretty much imminent, and he probably had already developed one.

We did find out that he was hit by a vehicle at a local mall, the Valet driver didn't see it, heard a pop, and immediately called security to pick him up. The security guard is the one that called me.

So it was a total accident and no intentional cruelty was involved (I was worried someone had stomped on it or crushed it on purpose) and everybody did everything they could.

Thanks for everyone's help!

Oh, I'm sorry he couldn't be saved. But I am glad to know it wasn't intentional cruelty and that more than one person at the scene of the accident was on board with trying to help. *sigh* Too bad quick action and good intentions don't guarantee recovery. Thank you, Sundogdayze. :grouphug

08-17-2011, 06:49 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this! At least you are enough to try! Thanks for that!:thankyou

08-17-2011, 11:07 AM

08-17-2011, 11:55 AM
You did a great job with this turtle. Your efforts saved him a terrible death. He was able to pass in a much better way and not suffer for days. :thankyou

BTW, I re-read this thread. In post #10, I almost missed the part that you are going to have a baby. Congratulations!! You will be a great Mom. Keep us posted on the baby "thing". :Love_Icon


08-18-2011, 08:22 PM
You did a great job with this turtle. Your efforts saved him a terrible death. He was able to pass in a much better way and not suffer for days. :thankyou

BTW, I re-read this thread. In post #10, I almost missed the part that you are going to have a baby. Congratulations!! You will be a great Mom. Keep us posted on the baby "thing". :Love_Icon


Haha, funny you should mention that! I had my first ultrasound today. There are TWO in there!!!!! TWINS!?! I'm still in shock!!

Thankfully I already have one 7 year old, so I've been through that part before. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna handle TWO at ONCE!! :P

08-18-2011, 08:34 PM
I had my first ultrasound today. There are TWO in there!!!!! TWINS!?! I'm still in shock!!

Hey..If you need help with names...we on TSB are good with names and willing to offer suggestions...
LIKE Cocoa & Chip...or Frank & Beans... Ha!

Tickle's Mom
08-18-2011, 08:57 PM
Haha, funny you should mention that! I had my first ultrasound today. There are TWO in there!!!!! TWINS!?! I'm still in shock!!

Thankfully I already have one 7 year old, so I've been through that part before. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna handle TWO at ONCE!! :P

CONGRATULATIONS !! You're carrying two more potential rehabbers :alright.gif :alright.gif :D

08-18-2011, 10:17 PM
Haha, funny you should mention that! I had my first ultrasound today. There are TWO in there!!!!! TWINS!?! I'm still in shock!!

Thankfully I already have one 7 year old, so I've been through that part before. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna handle TWO at ONCE!! :P

Oh my how wonderful?? Twins?? Really??? :multi :multi Congratulations!! It was funny, I just kept thinking about the post and what a great save on the turtle. I felt I needed to read it again. I knew I had missed something. Funny you found out today!! Keep us posted on this news. I am excited for you.


08-19-2011, 03:36 AM
Haha, funny you should mention that! I had my first ultrasound today. There are TWO in there!!!!! TWINS!?! I'm still in shock!!

Thankfully I already have one 7 year old, so I've been through that part before. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna handle TWO at ONCE!! :P

Omg, you just found out you'll have twins??? That's amazing. Did you have any clue? Are there twins in the family? :D