08-08-2011, 12:11 PM
hello i found a baby squirrel about 5 days ago. he is around 3 to 4 weeks old. seen him in my gangway watched him squirm for a few hours but still no momma so i took him warmed him up and rehydrated him with warm pedialyte, waited and about 2 hours and then fed him diluted esbilac powder for puppies. i stimulate him after every feeding with warm water, dry him off and put him back into his little tank i have with a heating pad under it. after reading threads in this forum i ordered the fox valley formula next day shipping i should get it today in a few hours hopefully. the past 2 days hes been drinking down alot more formula and doesnt seem to stay hydrated and hes getting skinnier i feed him around the clock every 3 hours sometimes 4. today i noticed he had crusty poop stuck in his anus and hes just not gaining weight or staying hydrated. hes gotten bigger and his tail in getting a little thicker and i know his bottom teeth are out but his eyes are still shut and hes alot more active now during feeding, also after he takes in 1cc he kinda goes into a trans and almost falls asleep is that normal? here are some pic i just took of him