View Full Version : Poor Dandy!

08-06-2011, 02:11 PM
I tried posting about Dandy earlier, but I'm not sure it worked. So if this ends up a repeat, I apologize. I have been caretaker/guardian of Dandy, a female gray, for approx. 3 months since finding her at the base of a tree when she was about 5 weeks old. After trying unsuccessfully to reunite her with her mother I took her in. She spent the first part of her time with us in a secluded bedroom where she graduated from formula to solid foods (fruits, veggies, nuts and rat blocks). Then she moved to a 4x4x2 foot cage on our screen porch. She did very well in her cage, which contained large and small branches for fun and exercise, and a two room squirrel box. She is tame, but has not been raised as a pet. Two weeks ago we decided it was time for her to be released to the backyard. We secured her box to a tree that is easily viewed from the house, put her in it and waited. She soon came out of the box and started exploring the crab apple tree and the adjacent cottonwood tree next to it. How exciting it was to see how well she was doing. But our excitement soon turned to dread. We aren't sure how/why it happened, but she did a nose dive out from the high branches of the cottonwood tree. So now our wonderful little girl was lying in the driveway, dazed and bleeding from both nostrils. Into the house she goes for observation. She is breathing heavily, and sneezing to clear the blood out of her nose. She has also broken her upper teeth. To make sure that she doesn't have any internal injuries I take her to the vet. Luckily I have a wildlife vet very close by. She stayed at the vet for a week to recuperate, then came back home. Spent a few days getting used to outdoors again before we release her again. After keeping a close eye on her and retrieving her from the neighbors yard (crazy dogs live there) I notice that she moves very cautiously. Almost like she is feeling her way with her feet. Then when I went to give her a peanut, she accidently tried to take my finger instead of the nut. After watching her even closer, I now believe she may have vision problems. Whether she has had it since birth (maybe mommy squirrel tossed her because of it, and maybe her fall from the tree was because of it) or it happened after her fall from the sky, I'll never know. But I'm thinking she may have to be a 'screenporch' squirrel from now on. What do you guys think? She would live in her cage, in the screenporch, year round. I live where we have a true 4 seasons. I think it is safer than possibly misjudging a branch and falling from a tree again. Who knows, I might even be able to get her a mate/friend in the future. Tell me your thoughts on this.

08-06-2011, 03:20 PM

Its good news she gradulated
Great job on moving her to a 4x4x2 cage.

However the more appropriate way to release a home raised is probably to soft release.
It means leaving release cage outdoor environment - 1,2 days
And nights too. This is to let her feel used living at outside enviroments.

I suspect she could have never climbed that high before, or could have been approached/attacked
by pointly beaked birds. Her first time on tree afterall I suppose?

A soft release should be followed by up to 10 release sessions. Each lasting longer then the previous.
Many times by the 10th session, squirrel never came back to cage.

Thats the point you say good bye.

On the eye sight problem, I think it depends on whether has she previously also misjudged on things.
If not, I reckon it came from the fall.

Whatever her case of vision issue is, or she'll ever become a NR (non-releaseable)

just hang on....

I am sure the experts will be able to assist you very shortly :thumbsup

Thanks for bringing up the attention :) :)

08-06-2011, 06:26 PM
Thanks for responding. She really is a sweet girl, so I hope to do the best for her. I hope other members will also offer up some advice. <3

08-06-2011, 06:28 PM
P.s I did do similar to what you referred to as a soft release. Unfortunately I left out some stuff in my initial post because I thought it might be getting too long. ;-)

08-06-2011, 06:48 PM
P.s I did do similar to what you referred to as a soft release. Unfortunately I left out some stuff in my initial post because I thought it might be getting too long. ;-)
Welcome to TSB...No Post is too long...remember that ! The more information we can get--the more accurate the response and the better the help you will recieve.
Sorry about Dandy's fall. It is possible she has had vision problems all along. A squirrel is naturally quite adept at climbing and grasping. But , hopefully other more experienced TSB folk and rehabbers will come on later with questions and advice for you.

FIRST thing ...WE NEED Pictures... (Please) We are addicted to photos...
I live in Costa Rica and currently have one squirrel living with us. Rama Rota is his name. His link is at the bottom. He was rescued by me but SAVED by TSB and all the help I recieved on-line. His is a very long story...( over 300 pages) but a usually funny one.

08-06-2011, 06:58 PM
:Welcome :Welcome The folks here are wonderful compassionate and totally dedicated to squirrels. If there's help to be had, it's here. Any pictures of Dandy? There's already been requests for pictures of your girl. Everybody here is crazy for pictures/video. It's a "picture is worth a thousand words" kinda situation when you're trying to get a feel for a problem/injury. Love dem squirrlies!!!!!!

08-08-2011, 05:21 PM
How is Dandy today?
Any new observations

Its gd its gd. I wonder we should put up the SoftRelease sticky for newer members.

Again, welcome to the squirrel board!


On the eye sight problem, I think it depends on whether has she previously also misjudged on things.
If not, I reckon it came from the fall.

Whatever her case of vision issue is, or she'll ever become a NR (non-releaseable)

just hang on....

Thanks for bringing up the attention :) :)

:bump bumpz