View Full Version : Sudden loss of appetite, diarrhea. Help!

08-04-2011, 11:21 AM
I have 4 babies that I think are around 4 weeks old. I have had them for 11 days. were fine until their midnight feeding last night. Two of them have very runny, watery diarrhea and all of them refused to eat more than 1-2 cc (they have been eating between 3 and 4cc each feeding). At their next feeding, I cut their formula in half with water. The same two had diarrhea still, and all four are still refusing more than 1 or 2cc.

It's been like this since last night, every 4 hours.

They are on liquid esbilac and heavy cream. I understand that the Esbilac is bad, I was unaware before and have already ordered the Fox Valley.

I'm not sure if the diarrhea is from overfeeding (3-4cc every 3-4 hours for 4 week old babies?) or from the Esbilac, but I have not changed their diet since I got them. Their bellies are a little chubby, but not overly bloated or tight.

My two biggest eaters who used to try and suck the plastic off the feeding syringe are acting like I'm trying to feed them poison. I'm not sure what to do until the Fox Valley arrives. My plan was to continue with the Esbilac/cream formula, slowly integrating the Fox Valley into it so they didn't have digestive problems. But now they won't eat and I'm worried they will get dehydrated or that the Esbilac is making them sick.


08-04-2011, 11:28 AM
Jackie's recipe has seemed to be the choice for feeding while waiting on the fox valley, it does appear for those that have used it the babies do well on it.

Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

08-04-2011, 11:31 AM
I can definitely switch to that recipe. Should I start now? Should I integrate it slowly? (By the time it's all switched over, the Fox Valley will be here and I'll have to switch again.)

What about the diarrhea, should I give them pedialyte? It seems to be so much actual feces, I'm scared they will get dehydrated.

How long can they go eating 1-2cc's without starving themselves?

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 11:31 AM
SWITCH TO PEDIALYTE for the next three feedings. You can get the fruit flavored -- most love it, or make it yourself.
2 cups warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Add a bit of applesauce or apple juice for flavor. They must be kept hydrated or they will have no appetite. Dehydration = Loss of Appetite = More Dehydration = Death. We sure don't want that. :peace

08-04-2011, 11:32 AM
don't panic but get the goats milk recipe asap... i think health food stores sell goats milk either liquid or powder ...also some groceries.....

as for the babies... i think that pedialyte ... i'll give you the homemade recipe will do for the next couple of hours....

hopefully more information from rehabbers soon....:grouphug

edit: wheew.... there's ir...

edit: my 2 cents stop ... esbilac... switch to the goats milk recipe and then just transition into the fox valley ...maybe even half and half...

a rehabber can give you better advice on transitioning.....

i'm glad they were healthy and well fed since yesterday so... you've got a little breathing room....

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 11:33 AM
After they are re-hydrated, throw the Esbilac in the garbage and start them on the goat's milk until you can get Fox Valley.

08-04-2011, 11:38 AM
Thank you guys so much!!!

I'm running out the door right now, going to get the pedialyte and the ingredients for the goat's milk recipe.

I'll keep you guys posted!

08-04-2011, 11:43 AM
Thank you guys so much!!!

I'm running out the door right now, going to get the pedialyte and the ingredients for the goat's milk recipe.

I'll keep you guys posted!

it's cheaper to make your own pedialyte cause it doesn't keep once opened... it's also just as good.... you don't need to waste time trying to find it.....:thumbsup

08-04-2011, 11:44 AM
Was just about to tell you that the diarrhea issue had to be answered first, was looking for the solution.
Thank you IR, you beat me to it.

After they are re-hydrated, throw the Esbilac in the garbage and start them on the goat's milk until you can get Fox Valley.

...and she didn't even stutter! :rotfl

08-04-2011, 12:46 PM
Okay, I'm back. I got the pedialyte, but I am not sure how much to give them. Interestingly enough, my 7 year old is sick as well, so I won't spoil the rest of the pedialyte. All my babies need it!

08-04-2011, 01:13 PM
Trying to get hold of someone that can help with dosage/amounts, hang in here...

08-04-2011, 01:16 PM
Try to get them to take the same amount you normally feed them. If they won't, then as much as they will take and try again in less time than you would put between feedings. You are rehydrating them AND flushing the esbilac out.

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 01:24 PM
WARM the Pedialyte and let them have as much as they want.

08-04-2011, 02:26 PM
I warmed the pedialyte and none of them wanted any. I practically had to force feed it to them. I got about 1.5 cc in each of them. I'm gonna try again in about an hour.

This is making me nervous. :(

08-04-2011, 02:38 PM
Yup, a little at a time will do. They are dehydrated and won't want to eat until they rehydrate. Give them a little, wait a bit, a little more, and so on.

Also, just for the heck of it and because it is easy, mix up some of the home made stuff:
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart water

and try it instead of the bottled pedialyte. Sometimes they like it a lot better and it will accomplish the same thing.

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 02:40 PM
apple flavoring nearly always works....anything you have on hand can be mixed in: applesauce, apple juice....etc

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 02:44 PM
3-4cc every 3-4 hours for 4 week old babies?)

This may bvery well be due to overfeeding. At 4 weeks old they can often go 5- 5.5 hrs between feedings, ex: 7am, 12 noon, 5pm, before bedtime. So they may be "backed up" especially with the added heavy cream, causing GI distress. The fluids will help- flush everything out. When you go back to formula I would leave 4.5-5 hrs between, ESPECIALLY by the time you switch them to Fox Valley.

08-04-2011, 02:49 PM
That is great to know. :) Am I still doing it overnight at this point? I was giving them about 4-5 hours overnight.

I'm going to mix up the homemade pedialyte now.

You guys are so great, I wish I had known about this site a long time ago. I learned most of what I already knew from working with rehabbers at an animal hospital, but this information is priceless.

Thanks again!

08-04-2011, 04:19 PM
Okay. They took a little more of the homemade pedialyte this time, about 2.5cc. The one with the worst diarrhea drank the most, so that makes me feel a little better.

The one thing that is really bothering me now is that the other one with milder diarrhea had a few drops of bright red blood on his anus immediately after his small bout of diarrhea this last time.

Is this just irritation? His bottom doesn't look like it's sore or overly red. I wiped away the small drops of blood and that was it, but it really freaked me out.

I used to have all kinds of confidence in myself, but I am feeling like I am failing my little guys.

Lady G
08-04-2011, 04:44 PM
Don't ever feel your failing them. I know its frustrating and terrifying. Your doing all you can and you love them, they know that. Your doing a great job, keep up all the good work. No act of love and kindness is ever a failure.

08-04-2011, 07:17 PM
Okay. They took a little more of the homemade pedialyte this time, about 2.5cc. The one with the worst diarrhea drank the most, so that makes me feel a little better.

The one thing that is really bothering me now is that the other one with milder diarrhea had a few drops of bright red blood on his anus immediately after his small bout of diarrhea this last time.

Is this just irritation? His bottom doesn't look like it's sore or overly red. I wiped away the small drops of blood and that was it, but it really freaked me out.

I used to have all kinds of confidence in myself, but I am feeling like I am failing my little guys.

i know it's a stupid reminder but it's sticking in my head... make sure they're warm ... heating pad half under box etc... because if they're not warm they won't drink either ... and ofcourse the pedialyte/formula has to be warm too....

i'm glad they're drinking ...it's a very good start....

as for the bleeding anus ... i don't know ... hopefully it will clear up...

maybe ir/cm has additional suggestions for it ....


island rehabber
08-04-2011, 07:20 PM
most likely irritation. Watch for inflammation, though, and then we'll see if you need to put anything on it.

08-04-2011, 07:20 PM
Good reminder about the heat. It doesn't take much to tear up the mucous membranes inside the anus. Are you seeing any improvements in the diarrhea yet? Are they still taking the rehydration fluid?

08-04-2011, 09:27 PM
Okay, after another feeding of the pedialyte, they are drinking a little more. Only one really has diarrhea anymore, and I think it's easing up a little.

The blood has not reappeared, so that's a relief.

As far as keeping them warm, I have them in a plastic box, with a lid with holes, and half of it is sitting on a heating pad set on warm. I also have a sock filled with uncooked rice that I warm up and then wrap in one of my daughter's old tee shirts. I don't put them on it, but I put the sock along the edge of the same part of the box that is on the heating pad, so they can move towards the cooler edge if they want.

I had them in a few different pieces of scrap fleece, but because they were messing it up so bad with diarrhea, I have them in really soft paper towels that I can easily replace. They stay wrapped up and honestly, they are acting normal. They aren't lethargic or anything. And my little girl is as feisty as ever, but isn't too keen on the pedialyte, even after I added a bit of applejuice to it.

Also, I hope I am correct in guessing their age at about 4 weeks. As soon as I can find my memory card, I will post pictures. They have the gray hair on their heads and back, their arms and belly are still bare. Their bottom teeth are in, their eyes are closed, but they look completely developed and ready to open any day. Is that about 4 weeks?

Thank you guys so much, I've never been part of an internet community that was so helpful and quick to respond. I hope I end up being here for a long time. :thankyou

island rehabber
08-04-2011, 11:01 PM
We hope so, too -- you're doing great. :thumbsup
4 weeks sounds about right. Grey squirrels' eyes open between the 30th and 40th day, so 4+ - 5+ weeks old. Can't wait to see pix!

08-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that my babies are doing great. I was going to trade them to Anne (she's about 20 minutes away from me) for some of her older ones, because I was scared for my youngin's.

However, I think now maybe I can keep my 4, and maybe still help Anne out by taking a few of her older ones. I have a nice big backyard with 2 magnolia trees, 2 black oaks, and no other squirrels.

Thank you everyone for your help, I got the FV this morning, and it smells good enough for me to eat it! My fuzzy butts love it, too.
