View Full Version : Revolution... dosage?
So today the Revolution came in, however it is for kitties and puppies. They told me it goes on like flea medicine, between the shoulders. Implied that I use the whole thing on my 13-15 week old black squirrel.
However... I'll wait for an expert, with expert advice.
package says
< 5.0lbs
0.25 mL (60mg/mL)
How much do I really use?
On a side note, the vet's assistant continuously told us we were on our own because this has never been tested on squirrels before.. LOL!
07-21-2011, 03:13 PM
I would use 2 or 3 drops, then seal it well (all the revolution I have seen comes in a little plastic tube with a nice, tight fitting screw on cap) so you can re-apply in 30 days if needed.
ahh, I just opened it, ad sure enough. Good deal, 2-3 drops then, how often must I re-apply it?
Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2011, 04:06 PM
IT is alcohol based...most times it will evaporate...
like Crittermom said...seal well!:thumbsup
07-22-2011, 12:26 AM
I only apply 1 drop per each SQUIRREL (between the shoulder blade)
Please be careful IF applying more than 1 drop as poisoning can occur
... if this happens wash Squirrel ASAP with Dawn Dish Soap
:thumbsup :thumbsup
Well, today he has a bald spot on the back, where I applied the Revolution, I gave him the 2 drops.... thoughts? concerns? advice?
07-23-2011, 05:52 AM
If you read their website, hair loss at the point of application is a fairly common side effect. The good news is that all of those mange mites on him are now DEAD. The hair will grow back.:thumbsup
07-23-2011, 08:29 AM
I have never used revolution and had a question. I always use ivermectin but I wanted to dose before release and topically will probably be easier than trying to weigh them for ivermectin. If I purchase the 5-15 lb cat tube and draw it up in a 1cc syringe do I divide the contents it between 5 squirrels around 1 lb. each or should I divide out between 10 squirrels. I do not want to under dose them. Thanks!!!
09-19-2011, 04:56 PM
I have a guy (wild) who appears to have Mange petty bad - I have reviewed all the info here and spent much of today (Toronto, Canada) trying to buy either Revolution or Ivermectin. I called/visited at least ten different Vets plus the Humane society and was told in no uncertain terms that they would not help. A neighbor has a vet they use for their animals spend thousands per year - they called their vet and were turned down flat. I tried the online pet pharmacy's - and they all require prescriptions or don't ship within Canada. If anyone has any info on how to get Revolution/Ivermectin in Canada (or the name of a squirrel friendly vet) I would very much appreciate some help. I must say I was not impressed with the attitudes in the vet offices.
09-19-2011, 05:02 PM
While you are searching try bathing the squirrel in Dawn Dish Soap...... this will HELP!! --and DRY thoroughly.
09-19-2011, 05:42 PM
I have a guy (wild) who appears to have Mange petty bad - I have reviewed all the info here and spent much of today (Toronto, Canada) trying to buy either Revolution or Ivermectin. I called/visited at least ten different Vets plus the Humane society and was told in no uncertain terms that they would not help. A neighbor has a vet they use for their animals spend thousands per year - they called their vet and were turned down flat. I tried the online pet pharmacy's - and they all require prescriptions or don't ship within Canada. If anyone has any info on how to get Revolution/Ivermectin in Canada (or the name of a squirrel friendly vet) I would very much appreciate some help. I must say I was not impressed with the attitudes in the vet offices.
as far as I know, there are no squirrel friendly vets in Toronto (lived there), but I know someone who treated wild squirrels with ivermectin. She is in Toronto area, and I will send her a private message, directing her to this thread. So, keep checking for updates.:grouphug
09-19-2011, 06:15 PM
Ivermectin should be available to you through livestock feed and supply places, as it is a very commonly used equine wormer, and nobody buys it from a vet.
Another sourse may be pet stores that cater to birds, as ivermectin is used to treat several avian mite related issues.
Both will have to be carefully dosed, but should be available to you.
09-19-2011, 06:26 PM
Thanks for the quick responses - I'll try the local bird pet store and I am aware of the dosage issues e.g. 1% solution a drop the size of a pin head on a pecan or similar.
PS Since I learned from this board back in 2010 of the dangers of feeding raw peanuts I graduated to roasted (not a great solution and a pain to do) so ended up giving the guys raw pecans not in the shell - $$$$ but everyone seems happy they cost about $3.60/lb and have built in portion control e.g. with a very rare exception no more than two fit in the mouth
09-23-2011, 08:59 AM
I have bought some Ivermectine paste at an Equine store. I think it was in Brampton. It only costs about 10 dollars.
09-24-2011, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the tip on the horse thing looks like it will be available (The brand I found info on is called Panomec ) There is a similar brand in the US called IverCare.
here are some links for Canada
and product info
Panomec is a 1.87% Ivermectin solution/paste - I am guessing that we are talking a half of a pinhead sized tiny spec to treat the wild squirrel(s). I read on another site that someone uses that for their pet rats and found more info here
If any here have experience with Panomec that would be great
Also the Wild life refuge here in Toronto were helpful but need to have the little guys captured and then they treat them - I tried but catching them is next to impossible
09-26-2011, 09:46 AM
Found info on using Panomec etc here are the links (need to adapt for squirrels)
I am heading out to the hinterland to purchase the Panomec and I will update on how things go also will try and get before and after photos
10-04-2011, 08:40 PM
Got the Panomec a week ago and determined based on calculations that a portion a bit smaller than a grain of rice or a bit bigger than a flax seed would be the appropriate dose (I estimate the guys weigh around a pound and a half each)
The two guys (wild) that are afflicted (room together from what I can see) both got their meds one week ago and today they got their second dose.
here are pictures of the two from one week ago (one is in really bad shape including a bad rear leg)
This is a picture of the Panomec (the white stuff) in a plastic water bottle cap - the portion you see is sufficient for a 220 pound animal yet weighs only 1.07 grams of which 1.87% (or 20mg (twenty / one thousandths of a gram) contains the active ingredient Ivermectin - I calculated the dose based on a ratio of 0.09 mg of Ivermectin/pound of animal, which works out to about 0.13mg of Ivermectin for a 1.5lb squirrel). Accordingly, the dose of the actual Panomec, which includes the excipient (binder/filler) works out to 7mg or 1/150th of what you see in the bottle cap.
I have for comparison a photo of a grain of rice and a flax seed along with the hollowed out pecan in which I placed a tiny portion of the paste (about 1/150th) of what you see in the picture or 7mg.
At the one week mark both are doing miraculously better. The one with the big rabbit like ears is growing his fur back, no longer itching and has become more social with other wilds. Even his navigational skills (very challenged in that regard) have improved.
The other guy (female) is greatly improved but unfortunately the rear leg is getting worse. New fur is growing and itching has almost stopped. Very active and social compared to before the treatment. I will try and get some updated pictures.
Bottom line is that if using the horse paste (1.87%) a tiny splot a bit smaller than (maybe three quarters the size) a grain of uncooked rice seems to be the correct dose. It is important to watch them eat the nut with the medication e.g. the one guy today took a medicated nut and then dropped it such that I had to retrieve and replace with a new one.
I will do some more research to determine if a third dose a week to ten days from now is required.
(Disclaimer: I have based the above on what I have read on this site and links which I referenced above. Professional advice should always be sought as available before administering medication to an animal. It is very important to watch them consume the medication and to double check the type and dosage.
10-04-2011, 09:49 PM
So today the Revolution came in, however it is for kitties and puppies. They told me it goes on like flea medicine, between the shoulders. Implied that I use the whole thing on my 13-15 week old black squirrel.
However... I'll wait for an expert, with expert advice.
package says
< 5.0lbs
0.25 mL (60mg/mL)
How much do I really use?
On a side note, the vet's assistant continuously told us we were on our own because this has never been tested on squirrels before.. LOL!
This is the calculation I've got from my vet:
6*weight in kg /concentration (yours is 60)
1 gram = 0.001 kilograms
example for the 300g squirrel:
6*0.3/60 = 0.03cc
10-10-2011, 03:19 PM
I was posting my Ivermectin/panomec treatment in the wrong thread so future posts will be here.
11-30-2011, 08:28 PM
I was posting my Ivermectin/panomec treatment in the wrong thread so future posts will be here.
the above thread vanished but thanks to the Google Cache here it is again
I have also archived it along with this thread
(it would be nice to understand why the original Ivermectin Dosage thread disappeared)
11-30-2011, 08:52 PM
also lost in the missing thread were before and after pictures
so again here is oct 6 2011
followed by nov 6 2011
of the guy with the rabbit like ears
and archives of the missing thread and this one have been made
12-02-2011, 11:59 AM
I have revolution for dogs 85-130 lbs. Would the dose still be a drop? OR... do I need to get the kitten/puppy dose?
We have at least 2 wilds with mange, that is really getting worse by the day. My released half wild is just showing signs. Any info is greatly appreciated!
12-02-2011, 01:51 PM
I have revolution for dogs 85-130 lbs. Would the dose still be a drop? OR... do I need to get the kitten/puppy dose?
We have at least 2 wilds with mange, that is really getting worse by the day. My released half wild is just showing signs. Any info is greatly appreciated!
as far as I know, whether it's for dogs or cats, the different is only in the size, because you are supposed to use the entire container (or something like that).
But the concentration is the same.
So, yes, one drop should be ok.
12-02-2011, 02:38 PM
Here's what I found: and the dosage is one teeny weeny drop on a pecan or walnut:
I got it from Chris.
12-04-2011, 12:30 PM
So this morning, I see my released half wild (ginny) laying on top of the mangiest wild squirrell in my yard cleaning her like a monkey!
This squirrell looks like a bald eagle, there is no hair left on her whole face and head, and some patches around her shoulders. Has anyone ever seen this?
I thought that they were rather solitary. Ginny did have 2 babies this April, maybe it's one of hers?
Anyway, I gave the wild some Ivermectin (horse paste, tiny grain of rice sized drop on a peanut) and I'm waiting to see if Gin gets any worse before givongher the revolution.
Any thoughts? Should I just dose her?
12-04-2011, 01:22 PM
Here is a picture of Ginny's back wehere the hair looks sketchy.
12-04-2011, 01:52 PM
*I meant vulture, not bald eagle!
12-04-2011, 04:10 PM
So this morning, I see my released half wild (ginny) laying on top of the mangiest wild squirrell in my yard cleaning her like a monkey!
This squirrell looks like a bald eagle, there is no hair left on her whole face and head, and some patches around her shoulders. Has anyone ever seen this?
I thought that they were rather solitary. Ginny did have 2 babies this April, maybe it's one of hers?
Anyway, I gave the wild some Ivermectin (horse paste, tiny grain of rice sized drop on a peanut) and I'm waiting to see if Gin gets any worse before givongher the revolution.
Any thoughts? Should I just dose her?
if you can handle her and part her fur, I'd dose. Revolution is pretty safe, and it might be better to stop it in its tracks.
Just my opinion.
If it were warm outside, I'd try to feed her well and see if she'd recover on her own, but since it's winter and all that comes with it, I'd treat her.
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