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Roxi's mom
07-21-2011, 10:24 AM
I am new here. I have a 3-1/2 year old grey squirrel named Roxi. She is my heart! I saved her from some dogs and one of her brothers. The vet has him because he was injured. I work from home so I let her run around in my office while I work. I was wondering though how to get her more exercise. She gets bored easily with the things I have set up for her. Does anyone have any ideas for squirrel toys or activities? I have a cat tree with 3 shelves, a big fake tree with a basket attached for hiding nuts, a pole going from the cat tree to the cage for crossing, and an assortment of items for her to chew on. She has two deer antlers to chew on for calcium, and she loves the tear the squeeky out of rubber toys. Does anyone know if a squirrel will run in a ferret exercise wheel? Any suggestions would be greatful. Thanks.

Roxi's mom.

07-21-2011, 10:56 AM
I don't know about the wheel - but if you try, make sure there is no way for her to get that long tail caught.

The fact is, if they don't have to constantly forage for food. squirrels are lazy little things! My boy's enclosure is 15 feet long and has a second cage that he can access through a passageway that sits up on top of an entertainment center that is another five feet long and I swear I could keep him in a cardboard shoebox most of the time!

I engage him in a lot of play and wrestling when I have him out, and some stuffed toys may help, too - they LOVE their stuffies. But they are little lazy guys!

Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2011, 11:09 AM
:Welcome :wave123

07-21-2011, 11:21 AM
:Welcome & hello!

07-21-2011, 12:43 PM
I am new here. I have a 3-1/2 year old grey squirrel named Roxi. She is my heart! I saved her from some dogs and one of her brothers. The vet has him because he was injured. I work from home so I let her run around in my office while I work. I was wondering though how to get her more exercise. She gets bored easily with the things I have set up for her. Does anyone have any ideas for squirrel toys or activities? I have a cat tree with 3 shelves, a big fake tree with a basket attached for hiding nuts, a pole going from the cat tree to the cage for crossing, and an assortment of items for her to chew on. She has two deer antlers to chew on for calcium, and she loves the tear the squeeky out of rubber toys. Does anyone know if a squirrel will run in a ferret exercise wheel? Any suggestions would be greatful. Thanks.

Roxi's mom.

Hi there,

You can look into others' threads to get ideas,

I think you will learn alot from there :thumbsup

I know squirrelries play tag-o-war, hide'n seek, wrestling, etc... ..

Good to have you on board

Welcome to TSB :wave123

Roxi's mom
07-25-2011, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the information. I currently have my office set up mainly for her to have things to do. I have a cat tree stand with 3 shelves on it with a pretty big tree branch with 3 arms on it for her to climb, I have a trellis hanging from my closet door, a wooden pole going from her cage to the tree stand, a wicker chair up against that for her to climb and chew on, a blanket stretching from the trellis to the cat tree tree that is leaning on the stand. On the other side of the room I have a pretty big fake tree for her to climb in with a wicker mailbox type basket tied inside for hiding nuts and such, and then 2 cloth shopping-type bags hanging from a hook from the ceiling touching the branches of the fake tree for her to get into and hide her nuts. I keep toys and paper bags, and boxes all around, and even made a sandbox for her, but I swear she just gets bored with it all. I do need to get her another stuffed animal though. She pulls the insides out and buries her nuts in them. LOL!

07-28-2011, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the information. I currently have my office set up mainly for her to have things to do. I have a cat tree stand with 3 shelves on it with a pretty big tree branch with 3 arms on it for her to climb, I have a trellis hanging from my closet door, a wooden pole going from her cage to the tree stand, a wicker chair up against that for her to climb and chew on, a blanket stretching from the trellis to the cat tree tree that is leaning on the stand. On the other side of the room I have a pretty big fake tree for her to climb in with a wicker mailbox type basket tied inside for hiding nuts and such, and then 2 cloth shopping-type bags hanging from a hook from the ceiling touching the branches of the fake tree for her to get into and hide her nuts. I keep toys and paper bags, and boxes all around, and even made a sandbox for her, but I swear she just gets bored with it all. I do need to get her another stuffed animal though. She pulls the insides out and buries her nuts in them. LOL!

That sounds like a fun environment too.
Here are some of my suggestions...

- place a box of sand, so that she may want to practice her barrowing :rotfl
- leave a rope-like material and start playing squirrel's tag-o-war
- tie ropes from one end to another, practice her vertical/horizontal climbing
- introduce real branches, she might want to chew some
- a soft ball, for her to chase around :flash3
- start playing 'catch me if you can' pick her while she runs away! haha
- :Stooges oh ya 2 stuffies and fight her alternately :starwars heeha!!!

Those are some cheap and fun ways to entertain/ interact your squirrel

08-02-2011, 05:26 PM
With My Marven that is a NR - I let him have the run of the house when its just him and me and this little guy just goes goes goes ---so exercise is no problem for him IF he is let out of his cage every day.

Milo's Mom
08-02-2011, 06:01 PM
First, WELCOME TO TSB!!! :Welcome

My Princess Ellie loves pillows. Her "castle" is our guest room and we have a king size bed in there. On the bed there are 4 sleeping pillows, 2 x-large pillows with decorative shams and then 2 accent/throw pillows. She bounces off them, digs in them, hides herself and things in them, runs across them, chews on them, and she even occasionally pees on them (not too often though).

She really likes her stuffies too, but she much prefers when I make them move for her...she likes when the stuffies come towards her so she can do her hop, hop, hop, Pounce!

I also give Ellie nuts to play with. She is maloccluded so she does not eat them (unless I crack the shells for her). She bats them around and hides them, then she unhides them and hides them again. Not sure if this is a possibility with your Roxi or not...we do not want them eating too many nuts!!! Gotta eat the healthy stuff first!:D

She also has a tunnel and a hammock that she loves to play on and in and she has a fleece boa too. Ellie just 3 days ago got her squirrel tree and so far she is LOVING it.

I know you said you already had some of the items I listed, but hopefully I listed some that you have not thought about yet or possibly given you some food for thought.

I also rearrange everything on cage cleaning day. Same stuff just a slightly different set-up. Yeah she gets irritated and does the tail first thing for about 1.2 seconds but then she is so involved in investigating all the "new" stuff that she forgets about being mad.

We love pics:poke got any you care to share with us?:D

Kelly Brady
08-02-2011, 06:45 PM
Welcome to TSB !!!!:D