View Full Version : Does anyone elses squirrels sleep like rocks:)

07-21-2011, 05:57 AM
My guys since I have had them can sleep through anything. I guess I never thought of them as being able to sleep so sound in the wild. Or is it just them? They are tucked away every night by 8pm.
Their cage is in my room at night. At night I can have the tv on, turn lights on, my husband gets up for work in the morning banging around and nothing wakes them.
They seem to only get up in the morning when I do. Which sometime is not until 10am. No matter what no earlier then 8am.
Just wondering if this was normal. They are 5 months old this week.
Thanks, Becky

07-21-2011, 09:11 AM
Well, I spent four hours one night sucking a foot of water out of my basement with wet or dri vacs and sump pumps RIGHT NEXT to my squirrel and never even saw the tip of his nose!

island rehabber
07-21-2011, 09:21 AM
No, they don't sleep like rocks. They sleep like the DEAD!
Squirrels have been scaring me silly since I started rehabbing. I used to poke babies all the time to see if they were still living....the worst thing of all is that some of them sleep with their eyes open, too :eek: :rotfl

07-21-2011, 09:41 AM
]Squirrels have been scaring me silly since I started rehabbing. I used to poke babies all the time to see if they were still living....

....Now I don't feel so foolish. :jump

07-21-2011, 09:46 AM
No, they don't sleep like rocks. They sleep like the DEAD!
Squirrels have been scaring me silly since I started rehabbing. I used to poke babies all the time to see if they were still living....the worst thing of all is that some of them sleep with their eyes open, too :eek: :rotfl

Good to know. My little Tina will get on top of her cube with her front arms and her head hanging off and fall asleep with her eyes open. I had to wake her up to make sure she was ok. Other times she will be in the cube but still hang her arms and head out the opening and sleep with eyes open. Getting used to it but I still have the urge to wake her up to make sure she is ok!

island rehabber
07-21-2011, 09:58 AM
Good to know. My little Tina will get on top of her cube with her front arms and her head hanging off and fall asleep with her eyes open. I had to wake her up to make sure she was ok. Other times she will be in the cube but still hang her arms and head out the opening and sleep with eyes open. Getting used to it but I still have the urge to wake her up to make sure she is ok!

oh yeah, the "dead drape" always kills me! Mine have done that, hanging out of the hole in the cube -- aaaagh! :D

07-21-2011, 11:01 AM
Ruthie (the head injury squirrel) sleeps so soundly that I can bounce her up and down in her cozy with NO response. Scared the *%#! out of me this morning .... thought for sure something had happened to her during the night. :sanp3

07-21-2011, 02:43 PM
....the worst thing of all is that some of them sleep with their eyes open, too :eek: :rotfl

Wow!? I didn't know they could do that :thinking

07-21-2011, 02:44 PM
Ruthie (the head injury squirrel) sleeps so soundly that I can bounce her up and down in her cozy with NO response. Scared the *%#! out of me :sanp3
Maybe thats what they do to each other in the nest... (with other squirrely)

So they are pretty used to it...? :dono


07-21-2011, 03:10 PM
the worst thing of all is that some of them sleep with their eyes open, too :eek: :rotfl

My little sister, with whom I shared a room used to do that....completely traumatized me!

and the Princess sleeps like that too...rarely she will get startled and burst from her sleeping pouch....which scares the bejeezus outta me!

07-21-2011, 03:50 PM
Good to know this is normal. I was begining to wonder. How in the world do they survive in the wild when they can sleep through anything:) Mine sleep under a shirt and sometimes I swear I don't even see breathing. They are weird and wonderful creatures.
My daughter is making a film and we taped these guys in front of green screen today. Dufus was so cooperative. Laid spralled out eating a piece of nectrine. Then of course Dweeb came over and started wrestling. It did turn out really cute.

One thing we noticed Dweebs testicles were dropped, but Dufus's are not, (They decided to do their own close ups) could this be why Dufus is so much more calmer and sweeter then Dweeb?,

07-22-2011, 01:15 AM
My Ham sleeps a lot but I never knew that they sleep like the dead, all hanging out and with their eyes open! That would freak me out and especially my girls. Glad to have read this before I might have accidentally started CPR on him.LOL I know he goes in his box and sleeps most of the day but plays hard when he's out. They are funny in so many ways.:jump

07-22-2011, 09:19 AM
Talula is a no. She is a very light sleeper. If I roll over in bed she gets up. Even at 2am. She can hear me walk by the room and jumps up.

07-22-2011, 09:33 AM
No, they don't sleep like rocks. They sleep like the DEAD!
Squirrels have been scaring me silly since I started rehabbing. I used to poke babies all the time to see if they were still living....
SAME HERE ----my inside and outside BABIES.
I use to find a long stick and :poke them ---:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

:osnap they shouldnt scare MOMMY like that :nono :nono