View Full Version : Need Help with new adoptee

07-20-2011, 10:30 PM
Hi All! Thank you in advance for your guidance and support.

I've just adopted a 5-year-old, intact male, Fox Squirrel. His Mom was in a very, very bad "place" and needed to give him up so she could get the help she needs. I'm hoping to keep her engaged in his care by giving her email updates and allowing her to visit if/when she's ready. This situation fell into my lap because I work at an exotic animal hospital and she is a client and didn't know where else to take him. It is really heartbreaking and left me pretty shaken up. I've never had a Squirrel before but have experience with them through my work.

Anyway, back to my Squirrel friend. He's very sad. He seems really depressed, actually. I was stroking him and he was lying on my chest and he just looks so, so sad. He was a very spoiled Momma's boy and this is a huge change for him. He's never been in a cage before. She allowed him to free roam her home and had branches hung from the ceiling for him. She had indoor UV lights for him. She said he'd even built a little nest. And she fed him "everything" and had about "100 lbs" of nuts that she forgot to bring for him. He does have a little fleece blanket that he's been snuggling since she left him. (my boyfriend wants to call him "Linus") He's very accustomed to dogs and cats. He's going through a summer moult but also has some pretty severe hair loss on his belly and genital area and in his armpits. His Mom seemed embarrased by the state of his coat. I'm hoping it's stress related. Once he's settled I'll have a more through workup done at work.

I'm very concerned about his diet. I need advice about how to transition him onto a block-based diet and what "comfort foods" I can offer in the meantime to make sure he's eating during this transition. He's surprisingly lean. Nearly all of the Squirrels we see at work are obese, but he's a healthy weight. All I've gotten him to eat so far are almonds, peanuts and pecans! I've offered him raw mixed nuts, organic cheese puffs, a pita chip, a tiny bit of quiche, fresh mint and rodent block.

I've got him settled into a 24" X 24" x 37" ( the Super Pet Multi-Floor Ferret Home by PetCo). I have a couple of concerns about the cage: #1 the base is plastic and I think he could easily chew through it if he set his mind to it. #2 I'm pretty sure it's way too small. The benefit was that I picked up the cage secondhand on Craigslist for $25 on very short notice.

As enrichment today I've given him: a shoebox full of potting soil, half an egg crate with a few nuts inside, some loose timothy hay, a paper shopping bag, an improvized corner hammock and his security blanket. He explored these things a bit but is mostly just lying on his blankie or a towel looking sad.

I'm letting him out of his cage as much as possible, but he mostly just lies on a towel on top of the cage. I need to further squirrel-proof my home too. And he has to share free-time with the cats because I have to lock them up when he's out. I'm going to try to harness train him for walks outside. He's really very sweet and swats at you with his paw if you're doing something he doesn't like.

Sorry for the lenght of this post. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

07-20-2011, 10:38 PM
Hi Izzie! I don't have much to offer, but I want to assure you that the experts will be along soon. Sounds like you have a tough case, but he will come around I'm sure. Take a look in the nutrition forum for some good diet info. Henry's Healthy Blocks are the best for squirrel health as they are for squirrels specifically. Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for you and the new family member!:grouphug :Welcome :grouphug
I would definitely be on the lookout for a larger cage. CL is always a good place to start!

07-20-2011, 10:40 PM
Thank YOU - for Caring and Taking HIM in...... :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

The first thing you need to do is to take it SLOW for both YOU & HIM..... if you can allow him to roam free while you are at home (with supervision)
I would highly recommend it so this little fella does not go further into depression than he already is..... look at this transition "for the squirrel" from
how a human would feel after the DEATH of a LOVED ONE.... THATS HOW HE IS FEELING :Love_Icon Lost & Alone "inside" - needing COMFORT!!

*Please look into purchasing some the HHB for HIM @

*Look here for TIPS to Switch a Squirrel over to a Healthy Diet

AND...... while YOU may feel like over Feeding him to compensate for his loss PLEASE DO NOT ---as it will cause health issue you do not need.
Feed ---> Walnuts & Hazelnuts over Peanuts.

Safe & Healthy FOOD

07-20-2011, 11:03 PM

Other ideals.......

Yes, you are right the plastic cage will enable him to chew thru it when he gets bored and wants out....
use it for now, but look into purchasing an all metal parrot cage off CL when you are able (but soon - real soon).

You will need a Glass Water Bottle - I use this one for all my rehabs (non-drip / fill completely)

You will need squirrel safe feeding bowls - I use these crocks

You can purchase mixed NUTS from the same website as the water bottle and croaks or you can get them from your local flea market for a better price.
Keep all NUTS shelled ---to help keep the teeth trimmed, hazelnuts are awesome for this task.

Full Fat Vanilla Yogurt is good for tummy upsets and extra protein.
....keeps the bacteria (good & bad) in order

07-21-2011, 12:29 AM
Thank you both! I just got an email from his mom:

he likes cashews and pumpkins seeds, sunflower seeds, blueberries, those little dried blueberries – fruit - he really really really likes grapes. He likes Dave's Killer bread with all the seeds.

I'm really relieved that she's okay.

I'm painfully aware of the health problems associated with overfeeding him or feeding too many nuts. But, I'm concerned right not about making sure he eats at all. His appetite and activity level both seem poor - which I'm attributing to stress and sadness. I'm shopping for him tomorrow morning. I'll definitely try those Henry's Healthy blocks.

He seems to be perking up a bit. He LOVES the box full of dirt and was rolling in it and digging around.

I also feel that he may be drinking and urinating more than normal but have no point of comparison. I'll have a urinalysis done ASAP but would appreciate it if anyone can tell me how much and how often they ususally drink. He drinks out of a dish (stainless steel) and doesn't know what to do with a water bottle.


07-21-2011, 01:05 AM
Oh, my! He LOVES to eat oak leaves. That's FANTASTIC. My neighbors gave me some new branches for him.

07-21-2011, 01:11 AM
I am very far from being an expert on squirrels, but I've loved a lot of critters in my life and I think about how they relate to the names we give them. I always wonder if my cats and dogs really know their names or if they just know that those words are 'commands' that alert them to pay attention or to come to us. I guess we'd all have to agree that an animal is familiar with his name, so that makes me wonder if y'all would want to keep calling him the name his earlier mom called him. I wonder if his name is another thing he would miss. I don't mean to tell anyone what to do and if anyone more experienced has ideas on this, I'm very interested. Good luck. :)

07-21-2011, 01:42 AM
I wonder if his name is another thing he would miss.

I was thinking the same thing, but my boyfriend is determined to rename him. And it's the least I can do seeing as he's agreed to have a squirrel in our home ;). But I'll keep calling him Cuddles for a while at least and maybe the BF will get used to it.

07-21-2011, 02:11 AM
One thing you need to do is get rid of all the towels and replace them with fleece or old tee shirts - something he can not get his nails caught in. As far as food, do get the HHBs and start getting him introduced to them. Try sugar snap peas, - at first cut them in half and then split the pod so he can easily get to the peas, - mine also like kale, sweet potato, yogurt (not lite and no artificial sweeteners but fruit flavor is fine), tomatoes, just all sorts of veggies. Just keep trying different things - give him a variety, and if he doesn't like something the first day, he may like it 2 days later. One of the things mine really like are rose hips - just be sure to gather them from plants that have not been sprayed.

Read, read, read all the information here on TSB - it will help you so much in caring for your new 'family member'. Foxers are very laid back, sweet squirrels - we have one sharing our home right now. She will eventually be released - well, that is our intention....all we have to do is convince her of that! :D


07-21-2011, 02:14 AM
I was thinking the same thing, but my boyfriend is determined to rename him. And it's the least I can do seeing as he's agreed to have a squirrel in our home ;). But I'll keep calling him Cuddles for a while at least and maybe the BF will get used to it.

Awww. I know you'll be good to your little guy. :)

07-21-2011, 05:36 AM
Hi Izzie:wave123

A 5 year old that is that friendly, well all I can say is you have already won half the battle.

A healthy squirrel is a happy squirrel... cashews:nono dried fruit:nono sun flower seeds:nono a healthy diet will lead to a VERY happy squirrel.

Henry's Healthy Blocks(I make mine homemade from the recipe in the nutrition section) early am, fruits and veggies in the early pm and a couple of pecans or hazel nuts in the shell and a little yogurt in the evening and you will have a healthy healthy squirrel. He is already unhappy so a quick diet change now (tough love) will bring the two of you closer. He will not starve himself to death but will try to make you think he will. You will see a rapid change in his coat and his attitude just because he will feel Good!

Vet visits and tests are VERY stressful to most so I myself would wait and let him get settled into his new life first.

A captive squirrels diet is the key to a long and healthy life.:thumbsup

PS.....I learned the hard way.:shakehead

Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2011, 06:59 AM
:Welcome :wave123
Great that you were willing to take him in...
now that you have shared some about him, can you share about yourself and your home?
Will his cage be in the main room in your home?
Do you have other pets?
Do you have children?
Can you give him a high hideaway in his cage...a place to nest and hide?
Is his cage near a bright sunny happy window?

I want to share my concern for mbd, knowing he has had less than perfect diet so far. mbd, metabolic bone disease is the number one biggie with captive sqs. sqs need a calcium source...not one for birds, or reptiles...a block diet is ideal, but try getting a sq to eat store bought blocks...easier to win the lottery. rhapsody and lili have both shared the link to a small sq owned biz that specializes in sq nutrition, henry's healthy pets. this site sells nut based blocks that are rda. the site sells a vitamin mixture also. note, the blocks we speak of will be abbreviated as HHBs.
I have 867 sqs, j/k, but almost or almost not:rotfl and i will swear by them...
changing diets takes tough love, but is a must.
no dried fruit, no seed, no corn, and i would steer clear of nuts until his diet is tip top!
be careful what you drag in, nothing funky moldy, bake the dirt to kill parasites.
deer antlers or boiled clean and dried beff bone are good teeth managers and also calcium source.
muffins advise is best, read read read...
tsb is the best place for sq info, glad you're here!:wave123

:poke we need pics!

07-21-2011, 08:34 AM
I would suggest that instead of buying larger and larger cages that you bite the bullet and get the biggest thing you can fit in the availabe area, and building one is not a bad idea because you can make something that really fits in your space. Time out of the cage is mandatory, so it would be a good idea to squirrel proof the room you spend the most time in - encase power cords, etc., so nobody can get hurt, and I would also remove everything like candles, houseplants, etc., that might get tasted and cause illness.

Cover in the cage is important - piles of fleece he can burrow down into, a place he can hide and sleep (go to ferret.com and look at the hanging sleeper cubes), I think they prefer a solid top on the cage rather than an open one. And he needs - and I mean NEEDS some stuffed toys. Most squirrels love stuffed toys and will wrestle and roll and fight and beat them up for ages! You want toys without hard button eyes (or if they have them, remove them before turning it over to him) and squeeze them to make sure they are filled with stuffing and not those polystyrene beads. Something round that will tumble and roll and is a bit bigger than he is. It might take a while but I bet you anything he will start to play with them. My 2 year old has at least a dozen "stuffies" and he just loves them.

Bless your heart for taking this baby. You are gonna fall in love, I guarantee.

07-21-2011, 09:59 PM
Thank you all! The problem with towels never would have occurred to me. I have destroyed my fleece sweater for him and tied a fleece scarf across the top of the cage as a hammock. All the diet advice has been super helpful. His mom dropped off an old tin of nuts and chews and stuff at work that I'm not going to end up using.

As for the home environment: My boyfriend and I rent a small one-bedroom apartment with a kitchenette and half-bath. I have a huge, fluffy old dog and three cats. My boyfriend's cat makes it four. We've been moving Cuddles' cage between the living room and bedroom in order to give both him and the cats safety and free-roaming time. His cage is shut in the bedroom by a window when we're not home and wheeled into the living area when we are home. We lock the cats in the bedroom during his play time. We're planning to squirrel-proof everything and build him a larger cage in the bedroom.

Is it possible to train them to defecate and urinate in their cage or a litter pan? I'm going to send a urine sample out to test for diabetes and kidney issues because of the pu/pd.

Pictures are coming!

07-22-2011, 02:03 AM
Here're those pictures I promised.

07-22-2011, 05:45 AM
Aw, look at that sweet baby giving his new mom some arm! What a sweetie. But I am about 99.9% sure that is an eastern gray, not a fox. I', 100% sure he is ADORABLE!:Love_Icon

Stick with us - we will help you make his life great!:thumbsup

07-22-2011, 06:42 PM
Aw, look at that sweet baby giving his new mom some arm! What a sweetie. But I am about 99.9% sure that is an eastern gray, not a fox. I', 100% sure he is ADORABLE!:Love_Icon

Stick with us - we will help you make his life great!:thumbsup

Good to know. That might complicate getting a permit to possess him. I'll need to look into that. And thank you!

07-22-2011, 06:55 PM
Do everyone a favor. Be very circumspect with your inquiry. You do not want him taken and euthanized because he is the wrong breed.

07-22-2011, 07:02 PM
Do everyone a favor. Be very circumspect with your inquiry. You do not want him taken and euthanized because he is the wrong breed.

Yeah, THAT's not happening. Grrr. I totally understand the purpose of these wildlife laws but to punish kindhearted people and their pets - who are actually not damaging the ecosystem or doing any harm - is just not right. We maybe need to revisit the definition of "invasive exotic" and exempt species that are already established and have already irreparably altered the ecosystem. (Pigeons, Starlings, Sparrows, various Squirrels).

07-22-2011, 11:28 PM
He's such a little love! :jump

07-24-2011, 10:22 PM
cutie. here this is a foxer.


yup use a payphone!!tinfoil

07-25-2011, 09:24 AM
mjs What a Cutie!

08-06-2011, 05:05 PM
Definitely an eastern grey.
Nice cozy set up and little hammock

Yes its good to let little guy out more often
Just be sure to squirrel proof your cables, etc

Outdoor walks is definitely good
I hope in time, he and yourself will get used
to one another :grouphug:grouphug

I envy you get to keep squirrely pet.
Whiles in my country it is a straight no no:nono

Enjoy your company,
Keep us updated!
