View Full Version : found squirrel, "in shock"

07-19-2011, 07:51 PM
Hello all - I could use some experienced input :)
Found a female adult, we believe she fell out of a tree and it would have been a 15-20' fall. She's not showing rabid symptoms, but is sort of in & out of it, but I don't know how to judge shock in a squirrel. She did have just a bit of blood on her bum but it hasn't continued, so perhaps some internal bleeding but she's becoming more active. She knaws on my metal rabbit travel cage periodically so she's doing better than earlier, but is Not Right and zones out and nods off periodically. Seems to have intermittent fair-to-good control of all 4 legs, but not perfect, no open lascerations nor odd spots looking like closed breaks. Skitters as needed but doesn't move around much, has not jumped, got 'stuck' on her back against the edge of the cage and couldn't seem to flip herself. I have not palpated her, she gets hissy. Breathes biiig breaths, but not amazingly fast for such a small animal (I had 4lb rabbits). No blood elsewhere. Has peed a wee bit, it was clear. I sprayed Bach Rescue Remedy in the cage in her vicinity, but she didn't lick it. I have her in a quiet room. She refuses the apple core I gave her so far.
I checked quickly online and found no squirrel-friendly rehabbers in Montgomery Co, nor Greene (Dayton OH). If she continues to improve, I'll just let her loose, no worries, but I'd prefer she was looked at first. Or, how long til shock wears off in a squirrel? We can put her down if warranted, but I'd prefer to give her a chance. It's a small busy neighborhood and she'll be hit if turn her loose but don't guess the right tree. It's 8:40, she was found abt 4:30pm.
Thx much - - Deb

07-19-2011, 08:11 PM
Hi! Thanks for helping her! I'll try to find an experienced rehabber to help you. Give me a few minutes...

:Welcome :Welcome

07-19-2011, 08:12 PM
Hi Deb,:Welcome

Thanks so much for rescuing her!:thankyou :thumbsup
Yes, definitely - don't put her down and don't give her to "unfriendly" anyone. Most wildlife centres and a lot of rehabbers put them down without much thought, unfortunately. They just assume that someone like she won't recover, or that will require too much ind. attention to treat her.

A lot of injured squirrels do recover enough to be released back.
So, let's see what can be done for this little one.

Experienced ppl will be here on soon.

Rescue Remedy is great.
For now you can keep her dark, warm and quiet. YOu can cover her container with something so that she feels safe.
YOu could also give her some old t-shirts to snuggle in, just not towels or anything loopy - their nails get caught up in the loops and get ripped.
You could give her a shallow bowl with water, put some pebbles on the bottom - it will prevent the bowl from overturning and might help prevent her inhaling some of water if she is really off.

Please, keep checking back - a lot of exp. ppl will be here on very soon.
And I am sure, we have members in OH who might be of help.

Nancy in New York
07-19-2011, 08:18 PM
Can you see if she is a nursing mother? Her nipples will look quite pronounced, this is baby season she may have little ones. OR she actually could be pregnant. Does she look large in the belly area? You mentioned that she had a little blood in the rear?
I just pm'd a rehabber in Ohio to see if we can get you some help.
astra has given you great advice.

07-19-2011, 08:25 PM
Spray the Rescue Remedy on her feet. The back feet are big and easy to hit. It goes right through the skin to work.

You are getting good advise - give her lots of non snagging t-shirts, sweat shirt, fleece, etc., to make a bed and hide in and cover all but part of one side of the carrier.

07-19-2011, 08:42 PM
Roger all that -
- Will spray rescue remedy on her feet - awesome idea!
- If she comes out of this, she won't ever want to leave based on the spread of veggie & nut tidbits she has in there to try; water is in a 1" deep votive candle holder. The cage is a 1.5'x1.5'x2', laced w/non-snag tshirts & a blanket. She's still 'out of it' alot, and much slower on the back end than on the front. Doesn't move around unless out of concern for herself.
- Yes she is/was nursing, & upon closer inspection of the blood on the bum, also looks female. But, either just "kidded" or the babies are older and not nursing as much b/c the hair around the teats isn't matted, but her teats do look a bit like they need drained. She's fairly svelte, not pregnant. She needed to post signs to her house so I could get her back to her kids and take her food & water, but no such luck. My other thought is that she JUST kidded this afternoon and was so exhausted she fell; if that's the case the kits are goners as it's been 5hrs.
- How long do squirrels sleep, in a normal day?
Thanks again, all!! She's a sweetie.

07-19-2011, 08:43 PM
Hello all - I could use some experienced input :)
Found a female adult, we believe she fell out of a tree and it would have been a 15-20' fall. She's not showing rabid symptoms, but is sort of in & out of it, but I don't know how to judge shock in a squirrel. She did have just a bit of blood on her bum but it hasn't continued, so perhaps some internal bleeding but she's becoming more active. She knaws on my metal rabbit travel cage periodically so she's doing better than earlier, but is Not Right and zones out and nods off periodically. Seems to have intermittent fair-to-good control of all 4 legs, but not perfect, no open lascerations nor odd spots looking like closed breaks. Skitters as needed but doesn't move around much, has not jumped, got 'stuck' on her back against the edge of the cage and couldn't seem to flip herself. I have not palpated her, she gets hissy. Breathes biiig breaths, but not amazingly fast for such a small animal (I had 4lb rabbits). No blood elsewhere. Has peed a wee bit, it was clear. I sprayed Bach Rescue Remedy in the cage in her vicinity, but she didn't lick it. I have her in a quiet room. She refuses the apple core I gave her so far.
I checked quickly online and found no squirrel-friendly rehabbers in Montgomery Co, nor Greene (Dayton OH). If she continues to improve, I'll just let her loose, no worries, but I'd prefer she was looked at first. Or, how long til shock wears off in a squirrel? We can put her down if warranted, but I'd prefer to give her a chance. It's a small busy neighborhood and she'll be hit if turn her loose but don't guess the right tree. It's 8:40, she was found abt 4:30pm.
Thx much - - Deb

Hi, squirrels rarely ever carry rabbies so not to worry about that point. She could have fallen or been electrocuted? Squirrels often chew elect wires. Are their overhead wires around where she was found? Can you carefully look in her mouth for white spots or a sore? Could she have gotten into something poison? Where was the blood?? You mentioned blood from her bum. Do you think the blood is from her anus?? Can you see where it came from? You can offer her some water. Do you have a syringe? I'll start with these questions.


Nancy in New York
07-19-2011, 08:48 PM
Roger all that -
- Will spray rescue remedy on her feet - awesome idea!
- If she comes out of this, she won't ever want to leave based on the spread of veggie & nut tidbits she has in there to try; water is in a 1" deep votive candle holder. The cage is a 1.5'x1.5'x2', laced w/non-snag tshirts & a blanket. She's still 'out of it' alot, and much slower on the back end than on the front. Doesn't move around unless out of concern for herself.
- Yes she is/was nursing, & upon closer inspection of the blood on the bum, also looks female. But, either just "kidded" or the babies are older and not nursing as much b/c the hair around the teats isn't matted, but her teats do look a bit like they need drained. She's fairly svelte, not pregnant. She needed to post signs to her house so I could get her back to her kids and take her food & water, but no such luck. My other thought is that she JUST kidded this afternoon and was so exhausted she fell; if that's the case the kits are goners as it's been 5hrs.
- How long do squirrels sleep, in a normal day?
Thanks again, all!! She's a sweetie.

OK I just pm'd another member who may be able to help you.
Oh God I hope that she did not just have babies. Can you go back to the tree where you found her tomorrow? How are you at climbing???? (Half kidding):grouphug

edit....can you offer her some heat? If you have a heating pad, set the pad half under her container that she is in, this way if she gets too warm, she can move off. Set it on low.
Or get a sock and fill with one cup uncooked rice, tie the sock in a knot and microwave for 1 minute. Offer that to her to snuggle up to. That needs reheating about every hour.

07-19-2011, 08:53 PM
Hi Marty, thx for the help here -
She is very defensive, so I'm still not a fan of getting bit but I have my fire/grill gloves here and will nicely poke around a bit more in a minute. Still, she's not a fan of exams. There aren't wires near where she was found, really, but it isn't out of the question. No burns on the feet; will keep attempting a mouth check. Low prob on the poison, but still possible, but no drool or froth. She has water now but hasn't moved toward it nor the food. Blood has not returned, but looked to be from anus and I wondered if it was due to recent birthing as her teats were swollen.
- Deb

07-19-2011, 08:54 PM
Sorry just posted but you have already answered. Babies are not goners yet but the clock is ticking. Could the blood be from giving birth?? I wonder?? Do you think she is in pain?

07-19-2011, 08:58 PM
Nancy in NY - There are so many trees here it's hard to tell which, and we just had severe storm damage, and they're tall and I'm not a good monkey, but I will look in the AM. Also will nuke her a people-therapy-rice-pack, but it's not looking good: she keeps zoning out more than "in". - Deb

07-19-2011, 09:01 PM
Hi Marty, thx for the help here -
She is very defensive, so I'm still not a fan of getting bit but I have my fire/grill gloves here and will nicely poke around a bit more in a minute. Still, she's not a fan of exams. There aren't wires near where she was found, really, but it isn't out of the question. No burns on the feet; will keep attempting a mouth check. Low prob on the poison, but still possible, but no drool or froth. She has water now but hasn't moved toward it nor the food. Blood has not returned, but looked to be from anus and I wondered if it was due to recent birthing as her teats were swollen.
- Deb

It does seem as though she may have just recently given birth. The blood on the bum, swollen teats, ect. Tomorrow listen for high pitched shrill sounds from the babies calling Mom. Don't worry about a mouth exam right now. You will get bitten. part of adult squirrel rehab. The ouchie part. She may become very anxious to return to her babies. Can she move her back end??

07-19-2011, 09:07 PM
How long has she been down. Can you offer water with a syringe? She may be dehydrated.

07-19-2011, 09:08 PM
Marty, If you like my cel is 850-240-3240, and I'm about to hopefully not get bit while checkg her out a bit closer under the good light...

07-19-2011, 09:09 PM
Maybe molasses or something else to raise blood sugar?

07-19-2011, 09:10 PM
Hello Deb, :Welcome
Thank you for trying to help this little girl, I only wish more people would be that considerate.
I see you already have some good members on here trying to help so please describe everything you can observe to them.
If she is pregnant or a nursing mother... :shakehead I pray she can recover.

07-19-2011, 09:17 PM
Marty, If you like my cel is 850-240-3240, and I'm about to hopefully not get bit while checkg her out a bit closer under the good light...

I will call in a few minutes and see what we can come up with to help her.


Nancy in New York
07-19-2011, 09:21 PM
I will call in a few minutes and see what we can come up with to help her.


Marty, thank you for helping.:Love_Icon Please keep us posted on this poor baby.
dldriver, thank you too for helping this poor mama. :Love_Icon

07-19-2011, 09:58 PM
Marty, thank you for helping.:Love_Icon Please keep us posted on this poor baby.
dldriver, thank you too for helping this poor mama. :Love_Icon

Hi, Just talking with dld, She is offering supportive care, warmth, hydration, quiet rest. Hoping a closer member can help some in the a.m. I have given her my cell phone if I can help in anyway. Deb did an exam and she will check during the night on this sweet squirrel. Praying for a good outcome.


Nancy in New York
07-19-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi, Just talking with dld, She is offering supportive care, warmth, hydration, quiet rest. Hoping a closer member can help some in the a.m. I have given her my cell phone if I can help in anyway. Deb did an exam and she will check during the night on this sweet squirrel. Praying for a good outcome.


Thank you Marty!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Yes, praying for this baby and for dld...:grouphug

Best Life
07-19-2011, 10:05 PM
Thank You :Love_Icon

07-19-2011, 10:05 PM
Marty, thank you for helping.:Love_Icon Please keep us posted on this poor baby.dldriver, thank you too for helping this poor mama. :Love_Icon

I realize the long distance is a hurtle but I also know Marty is good and Marty is experienced. I'm really hoping between the two of them there can be a positive outcome for this little girl.

07-19-2011, 10:10 PM
Hi, Just talking with dld, She is offering supportive care, warmth, hydration, quiet rest. Hoping a closer member can help some in the a.m. I have given her my cell phone if I can help in anyway. Deb did an exam and she will check during the night on this sweet squirrel. Praying for a good outcome. Marty

~sigh~ I type slow and post slower.:dono
Thanks for the update. I too am praying the morning brings good news...

07-19-2011, 10:10 PM
Thank you Marty!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Yes, praying for this baby and for dld...:grouphug

You are welcome. I do worry if any babies. Deb said she will check around the tree she found her under. I am always happy to help in anyway I can.
Thank you dld (Deb) for helping this squirrel and your kind spirit. Bless you.:Love_Icon


07-19-2011, 10:16 PM
~sigh~ I type slow and post slower.:dono
Thanks for the update. I too am praying the morning brings good news...
:thankyou , Russell, I type slower than you! I appreciate your kind response. I am also praying for this new Mom squirrel. Deb is a trooper and doing all she can to help this squirrel. What a kind, caring person.:grouphug


07-19-2011, 10:16 PM
An update,
I talked to Marty on the phone, and got a chance to do some sorta physical exam. No further blood, she's not taking food or water (tho she's wet now, I gave it a good shot) and I didn't locate any odd/hot/painful spots. She has grip in each of her toes, is breathing a bit faster than once a second, has pink gums. Nipples aren't puffy & full at the base of the teat, so at least she's not producing lotsa milk but I'll try to find a nest tomorrow. Marty is thinking she may have been knocked about by a car and stunned. She has a plush den & a warm rice bag, and midnite snacks just in case. I'll update again in the AM, when hopefully we'll have happy news and she can head back to her real den. She's only a halfhearted biter but still gave one glove the what-for, and isn't too opposed to ear & foot rubs.
Thanks again everyone! - Deb

07-19-2011, 11:23 PM
Hi Deb. You're doing a super job with this squirrel. You're getting great advise from everyone. Thanks everyone!

07-19-2011, 11:52 PM
An update,
I talked to Marty on the phone, and got a chance to do some sorta physical exam. No further blood, she's not taking food or water (tho she's wet now, I gave it a good shot) and I didn't locate any odd/hot/painful spots. She has grip in each of her toes, is breathing a bit faster than once a second, has pink gums. Nipples aren't puffy & full at the base of the teat, so at least she's not producing lotsa milk but I'll try to find a nest tomorrow. Marty is thinking she may have been knocked about by a car and stunned. She has a plush den & a warm rice bag, and midnite snacks just in case. I'll update again in the AM, when hopefully we'll have happy news and she can head back to her real den. She's only a halfhearted biter but still gave one glove the what-for, and isn't too opposed to ear & foot rubs.
Thanks again everyone! - Deb

Thank you again for caring for this little one. :grouphug

Ahem... "isn't too opposed to ear & foot rubs."
Whatcha think folks, kinda sounds like Deb is getting a little bit by the squirrel magic. :jump

07-20-2011, 12:59 AM
Good luck Deb and little lady squirrel. :)

07-20-2011, 03:58 AM
Hi..I live in Xenia, Greene county..My vet is a wildlife vet and he does do squirrel rescues...Dayton South Vet Clinic on Wilmington Pk..near Dorothy lane...937-294-8888...Tell him you know me from the squirrel board...I am Tiffany's mom..I take her in every 2 weeks for her teeth trim...

My phone has been out all day..I don't know the problem..I will pm you the number and you can try to call me in the morning..no garantee it will be working, but I can only hope it does...it's hooked up with cable and the internet..so who knows...

You seem to be doing all that needs to be done..It could be she suffered a mild head trauma and that is why she drifts in and out..Keep her hydrated and keep offering her veggies and fruits and even nuts...keep the heat on her and a quiet place to rest..

07-20-2011, 06:27 AM
Sad Morning, Everyone - She did not make it thru the nite.
I haven't found the nest yet, but I'll update again later this am either way. I REALLY have appreciated your support and guidance, and it turns out there are TSB folks right here in Dayton and some vets to help - this forum has been AMAZING!!!!
But I'm anxious to find the nest now... what types of places am I looking for? These trees don't have knotholes like old oaks ... what about roof nooks & crannies? I am off to search and will be back in a bit.
- Deb

Jackie in Tampa
07-20-2011, 06:37 AM
Rest in peace sweet squirrel

If she does have babies...and they are newborn pink,
doubt they would have made it 'til now:shakehead
no matter how small baby sqs are...
their cries are loud and alerting.
tall trees would indicate many species of preditors.
i hope you do hear them...and can get to them.

Marty & dld:bowdown

Nancy in New York
07-20-2011, 07:03 AM
Deb, you did your part. You helped a little squirrel pass over being loved, cared for, warm and protected. Thank you. :Love_Icon :grouphug

Rest in Peace
Little Mama144444

07-20-2011, 07:12 AM
God bless for all of the love and care! That includes all of the wonderful TSB experts too!!! Remember that if the babies didn't make it they will be running free with their mom to cross the bridge.:grouphug

07-20-2011, 07:54 AM
Rest in peace sweet squirrel

If she does have babies...and they are newborn pink,
doubt they would have made it 'til now:shakehead
no matter how small baby sqs are...
their cries are loud and alerting.
tall trees would indicate many species of preditors.
i hope you do hear them...and can get to them.

Marty & dld:bowdown

Exactly what you need to do and listen for ... I am worried too :shakehead Deb, you did the best you could do. Rest sweet girl squirrel and meet your little ones as you cross the bridge. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

Thank you, JIT
Thank you, Deb

07-20-2011, 09:28 AM
Possibility that mama was hit by car and trying to get home so look hardest where you found mama.

Run free sweet girl! :grouphug :grouphug

07-20-2011, 09:40 AM
:thankyou for taking in the squirrel and making her as comfortable as you could. :grouphug

RIP little squirrel:Love_Icon

07-20-2011, 09:47 AM
I feared as much but always hold out hope for a better outcome, it was not meant to be. :sad
Thank you so much for taking her in, showing her the kindness of a human heart and helping her to cross over safely. :grouphug
~ Rest in peace sweet angel ~

Best Life
07-20-2011, 10:21 AM
:Love_Icon So sorry to hear she has passed, but truly grateful that you had found her and provided her with loving care. :Love_Icon If there are viable newborns out there, I certainly hope you find them.
The information you provided regarding the squirrel was unusually comprehensive. I'm sure that was very helpful to the TSB members who were able to offer advice.

07-20-2011, 04:11 PM
All, as you've probably guessed, there were no noisy squirrel nests in the immediate vicinity of the tree I found her near - a good thing, as most of them I couldn't have gotten all the way up to. So, I'm going with the theory that I'll see some chipper new comers in the area soon, who were old enough to get by on their own.
Thanks again to everyone for your support (esp Marty) :) Deb

07-20-2011, 05:14 PM
Rest in Peace Little Mama Squirrel...

07-20-2011, 10:39 PM
Sorry to hear about her passing, Dld. Great effort, Dld and everyone else.:grouphug

07-20-2011, 10:47 PM
I'm sorry to hear this little one did not make it. Thank you again for being there for her and giving her safety, warmth and comfort.

07-21-2011, 09:47 PM
:thankyou Deb, you did a great job with her. You are a natural. A kind concerned squirrel lover.:Love_Icon She was so lucky to have you with her.
